英语人>词典>汉英 : 幼稚地 的英文翻译,例句
幼稚地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
jejunely  ·  puerilely

更多网络例句与幼稚地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beyond the series of "portraits" which serves as a record of the famous gatherings at the Bateau Lavoir, one can see references to the recent contributions of Cubism made in Picasso's studio in the same block of buildings: the fruit bowl, the landscape painted as large cross-hatched areas of mass unified by the reddening hue, the simplified "masks" of the faces, and above all, the placement of both groups of embracing and dancing women which call to mind the preliminary studies for the Demoiselles d'Avignon.


However, in the process of reform and opening up, new ideas began to produce, in its childishness to maturity in the process inevitably be some bad ideas.


To ask the people of the world to love one another ... is childishness. But to ask them to respect one another is not in the least utopia


The large man was always home precisely at ten o'clock at night, at which hour he regularly condensed himself into the limits of a dwarfish French bedstead in the back parlor; and the infantine sports and gymnastic exercises of Master Bar dell were exclusively confined to the neighboring pavements and gutters.


I knew it would sound like some 13-year-old who was the only one in the gang not invited to the 20slumber party , but maintaining my immature 21demeanor , I said it anyway "I wasn't invited," I replied, with a trace of snottiness.


An adult Macaca fascicularis, or long-tailed macaque, ensconces an infant in her arms in a roadside clearing between coastal Pattaya and Bangkok, Thailand. These primates get their common name from their extraordinarily long tails, which, at 1.3 to 2 feet (40 to 60 centimeters), are usually longer than the macaques are tall.


An adult Macaca fascicularis, or long-tailed macaque, ensconces an infant in her arms in a roadside clearing between coastal Pattaya and Bangkok, Thailand. These primates get their common name from their extraordinarily long tails, which, at 1.3 to 2 feet (40 to 60 centimeters), are usually longer than the macaques are tall.


Candid reasons of childhood, which do not, however, succeed in making us worldlings comprehend the felicity of holding a holy water sprinkler in one's hand and standing for hours together singing hard enough for four in front of a reading-desk.


Candid reasons of childhood, which do not, however, succeed in making us worldlings comprehend the felicity of holding a holy water sprinkler in one's hand standing for hours together singing hard enough for four in front of a reading-desk.

我们 sSBbWw 这些俗人却无法从那些天真幼稚的想法中去体会她们何以会那样自得其乐地捏着一根洒圣水的枝条,四个人一排地站在一个谱架前面,毫无间歇地一连唱上好几个钟头。

While taking a ride on the way to the Olympic Village, we saw some cars for athletics. Then I imagined that Nole was in one of them.


更多网络解释与幼稚地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


childhood /幼少/幼年时代/童年/ | childishly /天真地/幼稚地/ | childishness /天真/幼少/傻气/

childishly:[副 詞] 天真地, 幼小地, 幼稚地

childish: [形容詞] 童稚的, 不成熟的. | childishly: [副 詞] 天真地, 幼小地, 幼稚地. | chubby: [形容詞] 圓胖的, 豐滿的.

childishly afraid:非常幼稚地怕

cautiously afraid 怕得谨小慎微 | childishly afraid 非常幼稚地怕 | constantly afraid 一直怕


Innig [德]内在的;深切的 | Infantile 幼稚的;孩子气的 | Irato 发怒地


jejunectomy /空肠切除术/ | jejunely /幼稚地/ | jejuneness /幼稚/


jejunely 缺乏营养地 | jejuneness 幼稚 | jejunostomy 空肠造口术


puerile 天真的 | puerilely 幼稚地 | puerility 天真

puerilely:幼稚地; 未成熟地; 天真地 (副)

puerile 孩子气的, 未成熟的, 天真的 (形) | puerilely 幼稚地; 未成熟地; 天真地 (副) | puerility 幼稚; 天真; 孩子气 (名)

puerility:幼稚; 天真; 孩子气 (名)

puerilely 幼稚地; 未成熟地; 天真地 (副) | puerility 幼稚; 天真; 孩子气 (名) | puerperal 生产的; 因生产而致的; 分娩的 (形)

It is childish to go into danger for nothing:(无谓地陷入危险是幼稚的行为. )

3)The young woman has a childlike figure.(那个年轻妇人有着孩子般的体型. ) | 4)It is childish to go into danger for nothing.(无谓地陷入危险是幼稚的行为. ) | 3.dependence n. 依靠,依赖;信赖;隶属.