英语人>词典>汉英 : 幼小的孩子 的英文翻译,例句
幼小的孩子 的英文翻译、例句


knee-high to a mosquito
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This I learned from her benefactress - from the pious and charitable lady who adopted her in her orphan state, reared her as her own daughter, and whose kindness, whose generosity the unhappy girl repaid by an ingratitude so bad, so dreadful, that at last her cxcellent patroness was obliged to separate her from her own young ones, fearful lest her vicious example should contaminate their purity.


This I learned from her benefactress; from the pious and charitable lady who adopted her in her orphan state, reared her as her own daughter, and whose kindness, whose generosity the unhappy girl repaid by an ingratitude so bad, so dreadful, that at last her excellent patroness was obliged to separate her from her own young ones, fearful lest her vicious example should contaminate their purity: she has sent her here to be healed, even as the Jews of old sent their diseased to the troubled pool of Bethesda; and, teachers, superintendent, I beg of you not to allow the waters to stagnate round her.


You know this is the soul of a young child how to combat it

你们 知道这是对一个孩子幼小心灵多大的打击吗?

In 1819 Volta left the University of Pavia and retired to Como where he lived with his wife, three young children, and two brothers.

在1819年沃尔塔离开Pavia大学并且回到他接受他的的Como妻子,3 个幼小的孩子和两个兄弟。

In the entranceway to the Fu Xing No. 2 Primary School, two rows of sobbing parents stood shoulder to shoulder, holding framed pictures of their children, ages 10 to 13, who had died.


As the saying goes, the mother is the greatest, in order to meet a child's wish; she put herself out of the way, and went to the foot of the Great Wall with children. Perhaps parents all share a common long-cherished ambition, perhaps people are able to understand the dreams hided in the hearts and minds of young children, With the help of the masses of tourists, the children finally step onto the wall and have a overlook, in her panic eyes, it reveal out a ripple flash of smile.


Tiny babies do tug at the heartstrings but raising a severely impaired child is heartbreakingly hard.


And Jacob said: My lord, thou knowest that I have with me tender children, and sheep, and kine with young: which if I should cause to be overdriven, in one day all the flocks will die.


But roughs and little children better than they.


Yorkshire Terriers will also get along well with small children.


更多网络解释与幼小的孩子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Benjamin Netanyahu:本杰明.内塔尼亚胡

当年以色列内阁总理本杰明 内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)告诉德托罗斯博士,他需要基金将全国30万名5岁大的儿童与网络世界相连,德托罗斯博士对这个想法嗤之以鼻,他认为对于这么幼小的孩子而言,在教育上使用电脑并不是有效率的做法.


好父母(parent),最后成为大家名师(everybody is great master!). 孩子是我们最好的老师,让我们也甘愿做孩子们的孩子. 让我们的心能够海纳百川,有容乃大,与孩子们(children)火热、幼小的心灵相约,相通,不再瑟瑟发冷(chill)吧.


多拉虽没有犹太血(xue)统,为了能和(he)儿(er)子(zi)丈夫在一起,毅然同行,在集中营里毅然前同行被分开关押. 圭多不愿让孩子(zi)幼小的心灵蒙上悲惨的阴影,在惨无人(ren)道的集中营里,他(ta)骗儿(er)子(zi)这只是一场游戏.

Thomas Lennon:托马斯.列农

影片的语言为中英文双语,获奖者是杨紫烨(Ruby Yang)和托马斯.列农(Thomas Lennon). 高军,记录片>中的孩子,直到影片结尾才说了一个字. 人们对他几乎一无所知,甚至不知道他的年龄. 然而,这个幼小的爱滋病孤儿在他的亲属们在决定是否要收留他时,