英语人>词典>汉英 : 幼儿园的 的英文翻译,例句
幼儿园的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Abdominal pain characteristics: When the possibility to exclude a variety of acute diseases and ascariasis things, can not find the cause of a variety of recurrent abdominal pain are likely to be habitual abdominal pain.


2 It cites the rise in video links to nurseries and the popularity of tracking technology, which enables parents to keep tabs on the nanny or childminder, as evidence that parenting is being professionalised.


For example, the voice of ads on a screen, the voice of electric shaver and so on, anytime, anywhere will find that he was afraid of something. In March 2002 to send him to kindergarten, kindergarten, he is not suitable for life, every morning there is a fear of them, too afraid to pull her father's hand tightly, that is, will not let me hold, for fear I sent him kindergarten, he can hope that his grandfather came to pick him, so he feels safe.


It's peaceful here, not like inside a room,' said Ms. Kluge, who has headed the Waldkindergarten since it opened five years ago.


Day care is notoriously low paying and some centers have a high rate of staff turnover.


The author learn that the curriculum in kindergarten stray away from the real life in the way of a field research by observing in a few kindergartens and by means of analyzing text. There are some examples such as ignoring the educational values of the daily life activities; the curriculum"s divorcing from the children"s life experience and so on. At the same time, the author finds that there are some good examples for the curriculums closely relating to the real life, so we say that it is possible for the curriculum in kindergarten to come back to life.


After noticing the positive impact Jing Si Education brought to his daughter's moral values, Su Xinhong takes his role of a father even more seriously, contributing both at home and at school. Another parent, Wang Yuman, learned about Jing Si aphorisms through the communication book from school.


In Butterworth, the preschoolers visited a dialysis center to bring early New Year greetings and some youthful vitality to the patients. Scrumptious peanut cookies were personally made by the young ones in Bayan Lepas. And at the kindergarten in Penang, the children gave the school a thorough spring clean, after Malaysia's worst ever outbreak of Dengue fever.


So it can make out the teacher training of a certain kindergarten, and make out the teacher training of quantitative kindergartens by questionnaire investigation. Firstly, the study delimitates the conception of preschool-based teacher training.


In recent years, the Educational department has released a series of documents, heavy before highly school inspector, bilingual education development, before large quantities of financial funds starts to study, the bilingual education incline, more and more national minority guardians request the child before study the stage to accept the bilingual education.in view of this, the author had near 20 year bilingual education experience's country take one to manage the bilingual kindergarten to conduct the research as the object of study, this article mainly introduced before the domestic and foreign study, bilingual education's research results, from the baby (study interest, in garden use Chinese's frequency), the guardian (effective way which to child bilingual support dynamics, adopted, understood child's way, bilingual manner), the teacher (disposition, use Chinese's condition, Chinese proficiency, bilingual teaching form and ability, basic quality enhanced demand and way) and the kindergarten (the teaching hardware facility provided, the bilingual teachers' raise and training, the bilingual environment, the bilingual teaching material) four aspects elaborate its Red Flag kindergarten bilingual education present situation, with bilingual education mutual influence.


更多网络解释与幼儿园的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



infant school:幼儿园

有一半都在左右对称的轴线上砌了一堵没有开口的实墙,或者设置了其它比较适合的屏障,以便将男女之间模糊的关系清晰化:我最初注意到这一为了知性上的清晰化而采取的独特建筑手段,就是在幼儿园(infant school)建筑身上.

an infant school:[英]幼儿园(婴儿的; 幼儿的)

57:sweet tone优美的声音 | 58:an infant school[英]幼儿园(婴儿的; 幼儿的) | 59:infant婴儿;幼儿(名词)

nursery school:幼儿园

小孩子从二岁起即在幼儿园(Nursery School)接受音乐教育,他们在听、唱童谣中慢慢地学习与成长,到了小学一、二年级阶段,学生已能一对一地表演轮唱(无伴奏的),三年级即开始简单的二、三部无伴奏合唱;最后到了中学(相当于我们的国三到高三的阶段;


parenting n.(父母对子女的)养育 | prekindergarten 幼儿园学龄前的 | leaky adj. 漏的


她作的内裤也许并不为防止打屁股而特别设计,不过,她有一亿美元销售额的公司的名字叫Spanx,就是从"打屁股"(Spank)中来的. 不过,上幼儿园也并不是没有问题. 比如美国最近有不少研究显示:上幼儿园的孩子有"行为问题"(如不听话、暴躁不安、欺负别人等等)的比率比较高.

Spelman College:斯贝尔曼学院

GINNY老师来自美国马萨诸塞州,在亚特兰大市斯贝尔曼学院(Spelman College)取得文学学士学位. GINNY老师目前为上海某国际幼儿园的英语教师,在美国有2年、在中国有超过4年的专业幼儿教育经验,先后在中国的青岛、深圳、上海等地的双语幼儿园从事英语教育和管理工作.


本片的主人公蒂米(Timmy)是肖恩的侄子. 这只小小羊已经长大,告别了奶嘴并进入了幼儿园. 本季的故事围绕Timmy与一群小朋友在幼儿园的趣事而展开. 在那里,Timmy学会了如何与他人分享,合作,伦理电影热心助人,犯了错就坦率承认.


选择三:幼儿园(Kindergartens)幼儿园类似教育和照顾中心,但主要对象是3至5岁的幼儿,所有老师都有早期教育注册证书. 幼儿园经常被指责不能适合双职工家长的要求,幼儿园则指出因为要求越来越高,老师需要更多的准备. 许多幼儿园入园供不应求,

exposing non-compliant kindergartens:公开违规幼儿园的名单

揭发政府隐瞒沙士疫情 exposed the government's cover-up of the SARS epidemic | 公开违规幼儿园的名单 exposing non-compliant kindergartens | 踢爆 exposing wrongdoings