英语人>词典>汉英 : 幻味 的英文翻译,例句
幻味 的英文翻译、例句


gustatory hallucination
更多网络例句与幻味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for &tasting&),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

We should thoroughly analyze it to the understanding that such meditations of sunya is of rich esthetics significance.detailed interpretation and thorough analysis comes to the conclusion that sunya embodies the aesthetic features of combined subjectivity and objectivity and the sense preception; sunya highlights the artistic and aesthetic dialectics of reality and illusion, nothing and being; sunya impiles the aesthetic experience of something in thevoid and having the clear and pure mind and experiencing the aesthtic objects.


更多网络解释与幻味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Graphomania ; Writing mania:书写癖

"甜幻味","Glycogeusia" | "书写癖","Graphomania; Writing mania" | "装相,作鬼脸","Grimace; Grimacery"

gustatory hallucination:幻味

常见障碍有:⑶幻嗅(Olfactory hallucination)和幻味(Gustatory hallucination):幻嗅指患者闻到一种难闻的腐臭味,常以手掩鼻或以物塞鼻;幻味指患者尝到食物中有某种特殊的、令人不愉快的怪味,以致拒食.

gustatory hallucination:味幻觉,幻味

"辨味觉色","Gustatio colorata" | "味幻觉,幻味","Gustatory hallucination" | "味错觉,错味","Gustatory illusion; Pseudogeusia; Pseudogeustia"

gustatory hallucination:幻味 味幻觉

gustatory cell 味觉细胞 | gustatory hallucination 幻味 味幻觉 | gustatory nerves 味觉神经

olfactory hallucination:幻嗅

常见障碍有:⑶幻嗅(Olfactory hallucination)和幻味(Gustatory hallucination):幻嗅指患者闻到一种难闻的腐臭味,常以手掩鼻或以物塞鼻;幻味指患者尝到食物中有某种特殊的、令人不愉快的怪味,以致拒食.

SUNSPIRE-Original sundrops:天然幻彩朱古力豆

162,"E&S-Baby Gummi Bears 熊仔橡皮糖","100g","$25","$23" | 163,"SUNSPIRE-Original sundrops 天然幻彩朱古力豆","34g","$9","$8" | 164,"NEWMANS-Orange Dark choc Bar有机香橙味黑朱古力","34g","$10&


"思考恐怖","Phronemophobia" | "肺痨恐怖,痨病恐怖","Phthisiophobia" | "苦幻味","Picrogeusia"

Gustatory illusion ; Pseudogeusia ; pseudogeustia:味错觉,错味

"味幻觉,幻味","Gustatory hallucination" | "味错觉,错味","Gustatory illusion; Pseudogeusia; Pseudogeustia" | "味觉","Gustatus; Perception to taste; Gustatory perception"