英语人>词典>汉英 : 平衡木 的英文翻译,例句
平衡木 的英文翻译、例句


balance beam
更多网络例句与平衡木相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result: The scores of motor functions in rehabilitative training group were significantly better than those in control group on the 7th d, 21st d and 35th d (P.05). Under microscope and electron microscope the nerve-cells of cortical infarct marginal zone in rehabilitative training group showed more integrity nuclear membranes, less agglutinative chromatin, clearer structures of mitochondria and more plentiful ribosomes on rough endoplasmic reticulum compared with that in control group.


She balances herself on the balance beam with a single arm.


Riding a camel, Balthazar and his mount use a balance beam, a rocker arm, spark plug, washers, cogs and wire.


It is hard to hold a steady position on the beam.


BALANCE BEAM — I have no idea what this is.


There is no limit on the beam.


There are four set exercises for women:floor exercises,vault,balance beam and handstand.


I liked playing on the horizontal bars but I accidentally fell and got hurt.


Sure enough, as she came down to land the somersault that opens her routine, her right foot slipped off the edge of the 4-inch beam.


Hobbies: shopping, reading, swimming, and her little dog to play together; favorite color: pink; favorite food: mango; Idol: Podkopayeva (gymnasts of the former Soviet Union), Holguin Na; major achievements: 2003 Pan American Games champion on the balance beam, the third free-speaking, second runner-up on the uneven bars; 2005 Gymnastics World Championships women's balance beam, uneven bars gold medal, the women's individual all-around, speaking of free silver; the United States World Cup champion on the balance beam, uneven bars, sixth.2006 Gymnastics World Championships runner-up women's groups, the uneven bars runner-up; 2007 Gymnastics World Championships women's team title, the champion on the balance beam, uneven bars runner-up, fifth all-around.

业余爱好:逛街、读书、游泳、和她的小狗一起玩;最喜欢的颜色:粉色最喜欢的食物:芒果偶像:波德科帕耶娃、霍尔金娜主要成绩: 2003年泛美运动会平衡木冠军、自由操季军、高低杠季军; 2005年体操世锦赛女子平衡木、高低杠金牌、女子个人全能、自由操银牌;美国世界杯平衡木冠军、高低杠第六名; 2006年体操世锦赛女子团体亚军、高低杠亚军; 2007年体操世锦赛女子团体冠军、平衡木冠军、高低杠亚军、全能第五名。

更多网络解释与平衡木相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balance beam:平衡木

"竟然没有人做声.过了会有3个同学畏畏缩缩地站出来.其中一个学生走上去,就象踩平衡木(balance beam)异常小心,速度比第一次慢了好多倍;第二个也战战兢兢地踩上桥,看到鳄鱼追来了,吓得哭了,在弗洛姆的帮助下,他才勉强过桥;

pommel horse:平衡木

鞍马:Pommel horse | 平衡木:pommel horse | 高低杠:Uneven Bars


Pingpong 平衡木 | Remo 赛艇 | Rugby 橄榄球

side horse, pommel horse:平衡木

shooting---射击 | side horse, pommel horse---平衡木 | ski jump---跳高滑雪

straddle mount:(平衡木)分腿跳上, 跳上成分腿立撑

infrared tracking axis 红外跟踪轴 | straddle mount (平衡木)分腿跳上, 跳上成分腿立撑 | rheda (古罗马)四轮旅行马车

the balance beam:平衡木

the uneven bars 高低杠 | the balance beam 平衡木 | manhood n.成年;成年时期;男儿气概;刚毅;勇气

you cracked your skull on the balance beam:要么就是你脑壳撞上了平衡木

I'm guessing eithera car accident or...|我猜要么是车祸要么... | you cracked your skull on the balance beam.|要么就是你脑壳撞上了平衡木 | How'd you know?|你怎么知道?

I mean.. I mean, the balance beam:我的意思是,平衡木(仍旧是女子运动项目)

I mean, synchronized swimming.|我是说,水上芭蕾(还是女子运动项目) | I mean.. I mean, the balance beam.|我的意思是,平衡木(仍旧是女子运动项目) | - Help me. - Football.|-帮帮忙. - 橄榄球!

I mean.. I mean, the balance beam:我的意思是, 平衡木

97. I mean, synchronized swimming. 我是说, 水上芭蕾 | 98. I mean.. I mean, the balance beam. 我的意思是, 平衡木 | 99. -Help me. -Football. -帮帮忙. -橄榄球!

She performed on the balance beam with much grace:她在平衡木上表演得非常优美

6729. Let's grab a sandwich and go to see the film. 让我... | 6730. She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美. | 6731. We were graced with the presence of the Queen...