英语人>词典>汉英 : 平方的 的英文翻译,例句
平方的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
square  ·  squared

更多网络例句与平方的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the Montgomery method to realize point multiplication is also efficient by using projective coordinates to reduce the multiplication times and only one time of inversion been needed.


"For example, a graph of the relationship Between real numbers and their squares matches each real number on a horizontal axis with its square on a vertical axis."


Square on longest side of a right-angled triangle equals stun of the square s on other two sides.


Square on longest side of a right-angled triangle equals stun of the squares on other two side s.


Square on longest side of a right-angled triangle equals stun of the squares on other two sides.


Selecting Wanxiangqianchao(000559) as sumple, the third level analyzes the investment structure and behavior of listed firms,and talks about the charactericstic of listed firms from the anagle of financing structure and corporate governance.


Shop all over the blanket price per square foot are the prices, freight rates is the price per square estimates.


Integrity excellence, GreatLink Sihai GreatLink company is headquartered in Taiwan, the factory has rich production experience, advanced technology, is established in China's second factory, the product for export, the product has carrots, cabbage, wave vegetables, onions, garlic products, potato grain, tomatoes, Chinese toon, chilli products, factories with a total area of 50 acres, has 4000 square AD hot air drying production line, can accommodate 100 people sorting workshop, 4000 the square of the warehouse, 3000 square of cold storage, there are 3,000 square dedicated workshop pepper, plant workshop equipment standards, Tatsu Health Inspection Registration, welcome old and new friends both at home and abroad continue to support the parties to cooperate my company will be the most sincere attitude cultivated to provide the best quality products.


3 Surface Resistivity – It is independent of the square or its dimensional units. It's measured and expressed in ohms / sq.


The Division has a 10,000 square foot plant, green area of 4,000 square.


更多网络解释与平方的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cent 分(一元的1%) | centiare 一平方公尺(一畝的1%) | centigrade 百分度的

identity map:恒等映射

将每一点送至自身之处的恒等映射(identity map)理所当然地是绕行了一周;它的度数是1. 把任何模为1的复数都送至其平方的映射将把幅角乘以二. 故,若绕行圆一周,则平方映射就会绕行两圈:它的 度数是2. 当一映像受到形变时,它的度数并不会改变,

inverse square law:平方反比律

它与电位传感器(VP-BTA)的区别在于电压传感器的两个接头都悬浮于大地端. 光强传感器在光谱频率上的感应类似人类的眼睛,通过量程设置开关,可用于测量三种不同照度的光强范围. 用它能做平方反比律(Inverse Square Law)实验或研究光的偏振、反射及太阳能等实验.


空气压力是以每平方英寸磅(psi)或巴来计量的. 空气压力通常规定为略高于所期望的工作压力,便携式压缩机的最高压力为100磅/平方英寸(7巴),如果能成功地保持这一压力,即能进行有效的喷砂清理操作. 容量以每分钟立方英尺(cfm)或每分钟公升(l/min.)计量.


轮胎内部的空气每平方英寸向外的压力,单位是"磅/平方英寸"(PSI)或者气压的公制单位"千帕"(kPa). 胎侧上的一个标识,显示轮胎是否符合美国交通部(DOT)制订的车辆安全标准. 只有在北美市场销售的轮胎才需在轮胎胎侧上施加DOT标志,


spur 迹 | squarable 可平方的 | square 正方形

square measure square:平方

square measure 面积 | square measure square 平方 | square 正方形平方直角尺正方形的


比较稳定的变量符号有农民受教育年限( )、医疗可及性( )、农民绝对收入平方( square)、农林技术站服务次数( )等. 在14个市(州)的回归方程中,农民受教育年限( )系数的符号全部为正,表现出很强的稳定性. 随着农民受教育年限的提高,


SSE 的计算方式是,将动作搜寻找到的参考方块和目前方块中的每个像素相减,得到每个像素的误差(Error),然后把误差值平方(Squared),将每个像素的误差值平方全部加起来(Sum)得到的数字就是 SSE.

not a:平方的

squwhichle n.暴风 | not a.平方的 | squeak n.尖叫声