英语人>词典>汉英 : 帝制 的英文翻译,例句
帝制 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
imperialism  ·  imperialization

autocratic monarchy
更多网络例句与帝制相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thesis attempts to establish that constitutional monarchy and monarchism are two inseparable aspects of Yang Du"s thoughts, which combined to influence him and prompt him to place his hope on Yuan Shih-kai"s "Hong-xian Monarchy" in the early Republican Era. As a result, he was long taken advantage of by Yuan Shih-kai and was deplorably labeled "chief culprit of monarchism".


What are the main social groups into which Fitzpatrick divides Tsarist society?


This study describes the multi-facet systematic evolution of the said rural community from 1907 to 2007: from the perspective of ethnic culture, it has changed from a single ethnic cultural community of Yoghur(Ethnic Yugur\'s self-name) ethnic group into a multi-ethnic cultural community with Yoghur ethnic group as the dominating majority and embracing the ethnic groups of Han, Tibetan, Tu, Mongolian and Kazak; from the perspective of language, it has changed from a community where Yoghur and Tibetan languages dominated with the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language as the subordinate into one where the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language dominate with the Yoghur language as the subordinate; in the perspective of marriage and heirship system, from a parallel operation of two systems (patrilineal heirship for official marriages and matrilineal heirship system for matrimonial forms through the head-wearing ceremony) to monogamy and patrilineal heirship; in the perspective of means of living, from animal husbandry complemented with hand knitting and camel caravan transporting to agricultural farming complemented with animal husbandry and many others; in the perspective of social organization, from a traditional tribe to a modern country society; in the perspective of political system and social management, from the customs-authority management which combined the dominating headman hereditary system under the tribal union of an imperial dynasty and the subordinating elite influence, to the resource-interest management of party-government departmental system under the ethnic minority autonomy of a nation state; in the perspective of religious faith, from a coexistence of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism and the devout ancestor worship to the currently prevalent ancestor worship with religions declining and faith weakening; in the perspective of education, from the local-knowledge-oriented education to an official-knowledge-oriented education, in which modern schooling has become the major educational organization instead of the former traditional temple education; the school has replaced the temple as the "knowledge-culture" communication center; at least in the minds of the local people the central role of family education during the children\'s cultural development has also been replaced by schooling.


The United States had not been executed imperialistic, have a czar impossibly also.


Chapter Three points out that "Hong-xian Monarchy" was crucial in studying Yang Du"s thoughts of constitutionalism,which, as an important turning point in his political career, highlighted the ebb and flow of Yang Du"s theory of monarchism and constitutionalism in the particular historical period.


After the Yuan Shih-kai"s "Hong-xian Monarchy was overthrown, Yang Du, after much desperation and insight, completely discarded his thoughts of constitutional monarchy and theory of monarchism.


Confucius knew but one form of government, the traditional monarchy of his native land.


In 1789 the people of France overthrew their monarchy and established the first French Republic.


Then, Gilbert Reid vigorously supported Yuan Shikai to held the post of temporary president, and pleaded for his despotic behavior and restoring monarchy.


Not all women in Tsarist Russia advocated education and independence the way Tatlina did.


更多网络解释与帝制相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

autocratic monarchy:君主专制,君主专制政体,无限主制,专制君主制,帝制

autocratic leadership 集权型领导 | autocratic monarchy 君主专制,君主专制政体,无限主制,专制君主制,帝制 | autocratic rule 独裁


czarismkaiserismmonocracy 独裁政治 | czarist 俄国帝制的 | czarist 拥护独裁政治者


czarism /专制政治/独裁政治/ | czarist /拥护独裁政治者/俄国帝制的/ | czech /捷克人/


帝政主义者Caesarist | 帝制imperialism | 帝制的imperialistic


帝制的imperialistic | 帝制主义者imperialist | 弟youngerbrother


帝制imperialism | 帝制的imperialistic | 帝制主义者imperialist

imperialistic:帝国主义的; 帝制的 (形)

imperialist 帝国主义者, 皇帝派的人, 帝制主义者 (名) | imperialistic 帝国主义的; 帝制的 (形) | imperially 帝王般地; 威严地 (副)


imperialist /帝国主义者/帝制主义者/皇帝派的人/帝国主义的/ | imperialistic /帝国主义的/帝制的/ | imperialistically /帝国主义地/


imperiality 帝王之尊 | imperialization 帝制 | imperialize 帝制


imperialization 帝制 | imperialize 帝制化 | imperially 帝国地