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帕里 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与帕里相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Agamemnon went back to Mycenae, only to be murdered by his own wife.


The next company was led by Paris, Alcathous, and Agenor; the third by Helenus and Deiphobus, two sons of Priam, and with them was the hero Asius- Asius the son of Hyrtacus, whose great black horses of the breed that comes from the river Selleis had brought him from Arisbe. Aeneas the valiant son of Anchises led the fourth; he and the two sons of Antenor, Archelochus and Acamas, men well versed in all the arts of war.


For now, Calipari is fine with the blue-sky outlook in the Bluegrass State, but he's also aware of the challenges his team faces.


And Dardan Paris, have made the woods their home.Let Pallas keep the towers her hand hath built


Paris was the son of priam,the king of troy.at his birth his mother queen hecuba dreamed of holding a piece of burning wood.so he was regarded as likely to bring destruction on the city,and was by chance exposed to the sun,wind and rain on mtida.


"Angels in America"(2003): According to gay playwright Tony Kushner adaptation of the Pulitzer award-winning plays, gathered in the Al Pacino, and Emma Lennart Meri尔斯特里普Thompson stars such as Taiwan, reflects the profound homosexuality, AIDS and the 1980s Reagan era political reality.

《Angels in America》(2003):根据同性恋剧作家托尼·库什纳的普利策获奖剧作改编,云集了艾尔·帕西诺、梅里尔·斯特里普和艾玛·汤普森等大腕明星,深刻反映了同性恋、艾滋病和二十世纪八十年代里根时代的政治现实。

News media big shot William the mho Pagri entire family systematic tranquil life is broken by a mystical unexpected visitor job Ryan, this young visitor was unexpectedly very quick has fallen in love with the affection which Pagri beautiful daughter Susan developed shocks surprisingly.


PAT MITCHELL, PALEY CENTER FOR MEDIA: Well, it was really stunning to hear Jack Dorsey say that he did not know Twitter was banned in China and it couldn't be used.


Do you realize that Michael Jackson the king of pop was a child molester, Paris Hilton the millionaire celebrity made numerous *** tapes, Britney Spears the top female singer suffers from mental illness, Snoop Dog the hip hop legend spits out swear words in too many of their songs to count, Miss J of America's Next top model is GAY?

你们有没有意识到流行音乐之王MJ是个恋童癖,富家女帕里斯希尔顿录制了大量的性爱录像带,顶级女歌手小甜甜有精神上的疾病,而Hip-Hop传奇人物Snoop Dog因为在他的歌里涉及了大量粗口而频频被传唤上法庭,而全美超模大赛里的Miss J是个同性恋?

Located at the foot of Dhaulagiri Mountain, Pagri is regarded as the highest town in the world. The 72-year-old herdsman Laqiong is living on the Pagri Highland which is 4,800 meters above sea level.


更多网络解释与帕里相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


LANE MICKLEGOHN 兰 埃帕里贝 神秘妇人 | CHARLIE APPLEBY 查里 埃帕里贝 兰之夫 | SOREN EAMES 梭伦 伊默斯 牧师,安迪之同性恋人


德夫.迈克里约翰 安迪之助手 LANE MICKLEGOHN | 兰.埃帕里贝 神秘妇人 CHARLIE APPLEBY | 查里.埃帕里贝 兰之夫 SOREN EAMES

SOREN EAMES:查里.埃帕里贝 兰之夫

德夫.迈克里约翰 安迪之助手 LANE MICKLEGOHN | 兰.埃帕里贝 神秘妇人 CHARLIE APPLEBY | 查里.埃帕里贝 兰之夫 SOREN EAMES

Nicole Richie:妮可-里奇. 也是帕里斯-希尔顿的好友

32. Steve-O史蒂夫-欧. 此人狂爱公开自己LT. | 33. Nicole Richie妮可-里奇. 也是帕里斯-希尔顿的好友. . | 34. Janice Dickinson 前超模,此人是大嘴巴

Parry Sound:帕里桑德(加拿大)

"124288","帕斯博勒(加拿大)","Parrsboro" | "124291","帕里桑德(加拿大)","Parry Sound" | "124294","帕斯佩比亚克(加拿大)","Paspebiac"

Parry Sound:帕里桑德","加拿大","美洲","加拿大东岸

Parrsboro 帕尔斯博罗 加拿大 美洲 加拿大东岸 | Parry Sound 帕里桑德 加拿大 美洲 加拿大东岸 | Pasajes 帕萨黑斯 西班牙 欧洲 西北欧

Parry Sound:帕里桑德 美洲:加拿大 加拿大东岸

68 Parrsboro 帕尔斯博罗 美洲:加拿大 加拿大东岸 | 69 Parry Sound 帕里桑德 美洲:加拿大 加拿大东岸 | 70 Paspebiac 帕斯佩比亚克 美洲:加拿大 加拿大东岸

Jesper Parnevik:加斯帕-帕里维克

74 Jonathan Byrd 乔纳森-比尔德 | 75 Jesper Parnevik 加斯帕-帕里维克 | 76 D.J. Trahan D.J.特拉汉

PARIS PARRA, Alexandra:亚历山德拉.帕里斯.帕拉

Paris International Conference on Cambodia;柬埔寨问题巴黎国际会议(巴黎国际会议);PICC;巴黎国际会议 | PARIS PARRA, Alexandra;亚历山德拉.帕里斯.帕拉;; | Paris Peace Agreements;巴黎和平协定;;


注册为中国籍的"Nam Yang8号"去年12月31日装载磁铁石后驶出菲律宾的阿帕里(Aparri)港数小时后在阿帕里前海触礁. 船上的22名朝鲜船员通过救生艇脱离险境,没有人员伤亡. 菲律宾矿务局表示"Nam Yang8号运输的磁铁矿是菲律宾正式出口的物品",