英语人>词典>汉英 : 差不多一样 的英文翻译,例句
差不多一样 的英文翻译、例句


pretty much the same thing
更多网络例句与差不多一样相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In my view, it'll cost abut the same.


Nowadays astrophysics and astronomy have come to mean almost the same thing.


The size of a bumblebee, it's one of the tiniest mammals in the world.


His young and fair features were almost as deathlike as those of the form beside him, and almost as fixed: but his was the hush of exhausted anguish, and hers of perfect peace.


Almost like this, but at first you have to enrol to be a member.


Above, the last photo wa a picture of the hairtail, it was difficult to camera, because of the same color with the sea water, many photos were unclear, selected this was almost could be seen.

上面 最后这一张照片上的鱼是带鱼,很不好照,因为它跟海水颜色差不多一样,我照了好多张都看不清,挑出来这张还差不多能看清。

Neither do China's leaders, who watch impassively from a podium in the sweltering heat dressed in near identical suits.


We laugh over this tale, but it's becoming almost as true of people.


If you take off this BlackBerry's leatherette back, a battery that measures almost the size of the device itself lies beneath.


Of course, as in any other country, also in China there are of many different kind of people, but whan I was in Italy I though Chinese people were all less or more the same, or at least everyone has some common characteristics.


更多网络解释与差不多一样相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adjunct Professor:兼职教授

可在美国,"兼职教授"(adjunct professor)差不多是谁都可以做的. 最多做"兼职教授"的是那些通常没有博士学位的专业人士,如律师,会计师等. 那可不是个挂名的头衔,是要实干的,报酬也不高. 所以,在美国做过"兼职教授",和做过"博士后"一样,




"阿香蒂(Ashanti)说:"哇,我还没反应过来呢. 她和我差不多,年龄也一样,我无法想像现在生孩子会是什么样,恭喜她,祝她好运. "去年感恩节前布兰妮在给歌迷的公开信中表达了自己暂别歌坛、生儿育女的愿望,如今这个梦想终于化为现实.


亚弗就变成了亚利安人(Aryans),就是高加索(Caucasoid)白种人的祖先. 亲爱的弟兄姐妹,信义会的神学有很多跟归正神学是差不多一样的,有一些是不大一样的. 那归正神学(Reformed Theology)的重要性,我们华人过去还不注意.

Cashmere Mafia:慾望女人幫(和我们翻译的差不多)

Damages 金權遊戲 (伊甸园是叫以法之名还是裂痕忘了) | Cashmere Mafia 慾望女人幫(和我们翻译的差不多) | New Adventures of Old Christine 俏媽新上路 (一样哦)


一样 基本上差不多 不一样吧 悬挂是一个系统 而避震器是一个器件 于悬挂系统,几乎所有车队的赛车前后都采用了推杆(pushrod)式的双重叉骨悬挂系统(double wishbone suspension),也有加上控制臂,名为多环节(multi link)的悬挂系统.

piled up like the twinkly star of the Christmas tree:跟星星闪闪的圣诞树差不多一样高

dismembered bodies and Popmeov head|被肢解的尸体和... | piled up like the twinkly star of the Christmas tree.|跟星星闪闪的圣诞树差不多一样高 | No single fret on the street not die not afraid of him.|惹了...

Sheriff said pretty much the same thing about Brody McConnell:郡治安官说波洛第 麦考内尔的死 和你刚才说的差不多一样

...or the flies, or the frogs, or the fish.|甚... | Sheriff said pretty much the same thing about Brody McConnell.|郡治安官说波洛第 麦考内尔的死 和你刚才说的差不多一样 | - There been an autopsy? - Not y...

What was he like before his leg:在他的腿这样以前他是怎样的人

Five years. What would you like to know?|5年 你要知道什么? | What was he like before his leg?|在他的腿这样以前他是怎样的人? | Pretty much the same.|差不多一样


酒吧的调酒师的独特创意 载杯 做法同上面一样 红色玛格丽特的配方下次在告诉大家 大家也许注意到了 玛格丽特和蓝色玛格丽特 差不多基酒是一样的就是它的调缓材料不一样 调酒冰激凌 雪芭(SORBET)除了可以搭配新鲜水果块以外,