英语人>词典>汉英 : 巫师 的英文翻译,例句
巫师 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
necromancer  ·  powwow  ·  psychic  ·  psychical  ·  spiritist  ·  koradji  ·  powwowed  ·  powwowing  ·  powwows  ·  conjurers  ·  druid  ·  magicians

war lock
更多网络例句与巫师相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the wizards in the lift, who was carrying an armful of broomsticks, extricated himself with difficulty and disappeared down the corridor.


A great portion of the Wizarding world's populace make their living through commerce, and it would be destructive of their livelihood if other wizards could magically create the good that they offer.


One day, a clever Chimer sorcerer conjured up an ice demon and commanded him to hide in the rocks near the rear of the Chimer army.


She will fall into a deep sleep that will last one hundred years, There was a great hubbub in the


Those standing in the muddy courtyard saw the prisoner being led before the person who was now—by default—the highest voice of authority in the fiefdom, and crowded around to hear.


Of or relating to wizards or wizardry.


This means that being a shaman to Zhanshi Hengde must have the fundamental virtues, there is no such "Hang Tak", you can not get a turtle or yarrow efficacious, there is not qualified to be a shaman has.


Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed.

of Wizards (梅林一级勋章获得者,大巫师协会首席巫师,国际魔法师联合会会长

The series also continues for a long time: five one-hour episodes, and on the evidence of the first it will be quite soppy – Dimbleby on redemptive journeys through battered Murmansk, the Karelian lakes and down to St Petersburg – meeting, on the way, a nice white witch who gave him a kind of back massage with a knife and whose nice budgie relieved itself on his shoulder, and some nice ladies of a certain age and girth who put on traditional dress and danced and sang for him, calling him a krasivy paren, which seemed to help the pain.


"Magician","n","魔术师;术士,巫师",The magician in the fairy story turned the woman into a toad.


更多网络解释与巫师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Griselda Marchbanks:格瑞姿达.玛池班克斯 (资深巫师)

Wizengmot 维真魔塔(法庭) | Griselda Marchbanks 格瑞姿达.玛池班克斯 (资深巫师) | Tiberius Ogden 缇博尔斯.奥格顿 (资深巫师)

Griselda Marchbanks:格姿欧达.玛池班克斯,中级巫师考试考官,纳威奶奶的朋友

Grawp 咕波,海格的弟弟 | Griselda Marchbanks 格姿欧达.玛池班克斯,中级巫师考试考官,纳威奶奶的朋友 | Tofty 托夫提,中级巫师考试考官

Griselda Marchbanks:格丝尔达.玛奇班教授,霍校普通巫师等级考试主考官之一

Professor Tofty 托福迪教授,霍校普通巫师等级考试主考官之一 | Griselda Marchbanks 格丝尔达.玛奇班教授,霍校普通巫师等级考试主考官之一 | Firenze 费伦泽,马人,教授占卜课




马上对这个玩家期待已久的游戏进行了试玩,下面是我们对这个游戏的5个角色的感觉: 1.巫师(Necromancer) 2.游侠(Paladin) 3.野蛮人(Barbarian) 4.女巫(Sorceress) 5.女战士(Amazon) 巫师(Necromancer) Diablo II 中的巫师是一个体弱的魔法武士,


OWL 中级巫师考试 | NEWT 高级巫师考试 | The Dream Oracle,Inigo Imago >作者:意念戈.意满戈

Tiberius Ogden:缇博尔斯.奥格顿 (资深巫师)

Griselda Marchbanks 格瑞姿达.玛池班克斯 (资深巫师) | Tiberius Ogden 缇博尔斯.奥格顿 (资深巫师) | Amelina Bones 阿米莉娅.邦斯


三年前,兰塞雇佣了一个新销售人员,认为他可以成为公司的"唤雨巫师"(rainmaker)--有很强能力,能够吸引并留住客户. 雇佣一个"唤雨巫师"是每一位企业家最重要的任务. 康涅狄格州的销售训练顾问,

CHAOS SORCERER:(混沌巫师)(混沌巫师)

2 Judgement dragon (裁决之龙) | 1 Chaos sorcerer (混沌巫师)(混沌巫师) | 1 Gorz the emissary of darkness (冥府之使者 格斯)


而主人公将是崭新的五位:野蛮人(Barbarian) ,游侠(Paladin) ,亚玛逊战士(Amazon) ,女巫师(Sorceress) 和男巫师(Necromancer) ,有关这五位战士的特点恐怕是大家早已经耳熟能详了,主要特点就是人物各异,各有千秋了,而同样地和一代的设计相似,