英语人>词典>汉英 : 工会 的英文翻译,例句
工会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
union  ·  TU

labor union · labour union · trade union · trades union
更多网络例句与工会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A union of workers for a single company; a union not affiliated with with a larger union.


The direct election to a union chairperson is considered as a significant measure of internal mechanism reform in trade union organizations.


The union in Christ is not a union of two natures directly with one another, but a union of the two in one hypostasis; thus they are distinct yet inseparable, and each acts in communion with the other.


This article first discusses the functions of the industrial relation and labor union in the western countries,especially analyzes the model of the Japanese enterprise union and the mechanism of its harmonious relations,through which tries to find out some experience that may be useful for the Chinese labor union with the same enterprise union mode.


It was set up in 2001 as a joint initiative of three major international trade union bodies: The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD; Public Services International; and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.


Therefore,it is a must to strengthen the archives management of labour union and to modernize the management to adapt to the society.


Seizing its moment, the National Union of Teachers, the most militant of the teaching unions and one that had been against the tests from the start, decided at its annual conference in March to ballot its members on boycotting those that remain.

由于抓住了这一次机会,最激进的教师工会——英国全国教师工会,从一开始就反对测试, buy wow gold ,在三月的时候,在工会年会上决定投票赞成改工会成员抵制仍旧实行测试的政策。

Unite, a mega-union with around 2m members, formed from the merger of Amicus and the Transport and General Workers Union in 2007, is Labour's single biggest donor.


Employer s and worker s are two major social groups in market economies. Democratic and law-based states must establish a system of equilibrium of rights, taking into consideration the interests of the two parties. Trade union organizations and its strength are not only prerequisites for achieving labor interests, but also an indispensable social presence in modern democracies.


These reveal that the Union possess limited bargaining power, the Union is lack of a well-designed strategy in the trend of outsourcing, and the Union cadres and grass roots have different priorities without a good comminication mechanism..


更多网络解释与工会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agency shop:工会代理制企业

工会代理制企业(Agency Shop) 指那些要求拒绝加入工会的员工缴付相当于工会税费的款项作为工 会代表的服务费的企业. 工会服务人员(Union Steward) 指企业或机构中那些被选来作为工会成员第一线代表的员工.

Company union:公司工会, 企业的独立工会, 雇主控制的御用工会

company train | 为某公司专编的循环直达列车 | company union | 公司工会, 企业的独立工会, 雇主控制的御用工会 | company with reduced capital | 减资企业

craft union:同业工会

同业工会(craft union)指联合从事某种特定技术或职业而可在不同地点为不同雇主雇佣的工人的工会. 同业工会是为了提高工资和改善工作条件而组织的,英国19世纪中业才建立长期性的同业工会,许多同业工会的范围现在已扩大至与原有行业并无直接联系的职业和技艺.

craft union:行业工会

但是,出于维护政治和社会稳定的考虑,部分地区非公有制企业组建工会基本上摒弃了行业工会(craft union)和产业工会(industrial union)的思路, 而主要采取在企业内组建工会的方式.

craft union:技艺工会,同业工会

craft tug 港口拖船,港作拖轮,港作拖轮港口拖船 | craft union 技艺工会,同业工会 | crafter 焊弧坑

Industrial Union:工会

但是,出于维护政治和社会稳定的考虑,部分地区非公有制企业组建工会基本上摒弃了行业工会(craft union)和产业工会(industrial union)的思路, 而主要采取在企业内组建工会的方式.


nonunion /不属于工会的/不承认工会的/ | nonunionism /反工会的主张/ | nonunionist /反对工会者/

trade unionism:工会运动

Trade Union Rights Defence Command;保卫工会权利指挥部;; | trade unionism;工会运动;; | Trade Unions International Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers;化学、石油和有关工人工会国际(化学工会国际);ICPS;

trade unionist:工会会员; 工会主义者

trade union 工会 | trade unionist 工会会员; 工会主义者 | tradeable 可做交易的; 有销路的 (形)


工会主义(unionism)的倡导者有时会用另一个答案来回答刚才的救济问题. 他们承认,如今的大工会会员的确会欺压没有参加工会的劳工,补救办法很简单:人人都参加工会. 然而,这种补救方案并没有那么简单. 首先,组建工会不简单.