英语人>词典>汉英 : 工人们 的英文翻译,例句
工人们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

work people
更多网络例句与工人们相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

P We had an alehouse boy who attended always in the house to supply the workmen.


We had an alehouse boy who attended always in the house to supply the workmen.

O# k4 K。 \/ D5 v1 |在那里有一个酒店的孩子,他常在这屋子进出,把酒供给工人们

The goal was to protect workers who were developing the atomic bomb.


If this bailout should go to anything, it should go to the workers of this country.


At last he had to be shouldered aside in favor of the experienced workers.


Clare hardily kept his arm round her waist in sight of these watermen, with the air of a man who was accustomed to public dalliance, though actually as shy as she who, with lips parted and eyes askance on the labourers, wore the look of a wary animal the while.


The Nanshan was on her way from the south to Fuzhou, with Chinese workers on board, returning to their home villages in the province of Fujian.


These old hard-working common men were the same as the beautiful snowscape.


This means that the unions, health care advocacy organizations and working people, in general, need to wage a battle for health care, independent of the Democrats, putting forward the clearest first step towards socialized medicine - single-payer.


S station said the "clank-clank cars were shipped to the south end of Qianmen Dajie in the early hours of yesterday morning, and after they were unloaded, a crane lifted them onto their tracks, and the installation work on the tramline had basically been finished by about 6 am.


更多网络解释与工人们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

People are drifting by the thousands:人们四处迁徙

We're in a depression. A third of the country's out of work.|现在是经济大萧条 全国有三分之一的人... | People are drifting by the thousands|人们四处迁徙 | looking for jobs, for greener grass.|只为找个工...


师:从前,没有电灯时,人们用什么来照明的呢?(边说边举着"照明"一词的词语卡片)--媒体出示油灯图:下面出示词语油(you)灯(deng)投影出示:告(gao)诉(su) 工(gong)作(zuo) 车(che)来人往(wang)

Peons, plebes and punkass bitches:散工 平民 还有坏女人们

Trick shot for possession.|以特技投球来争夺发球权 | Peons, plebes and punkass bitches.|散工 平民 还有坏女人们 | Miss it. Miss it!|别进 别进!

In a commercial society,people often feel lonely and helpless:在商品化社会,人们常常 感到孤单无助

commercial a.商业的,商务的; 商品化的,商业性的 ... | In a commercial society,people often feel lonely and helpless. ;在商品化社会,人们常常感到孤单无助. | communication n.交流,交际,通讯; [p通信(或交通) 工...

In a commercial society,people often feel lonely and helpless:在商品化社会,人们经常感到孤单无助

commercial a.商业的,商务的; 商品化的,商业性的... | In a commercial society,people often feel lonely and helpless. ;在商品化社会,人们经常 感到孤单无助. | communication n.交流,交际,通讯; [p通信(或交通) 工...


然而,英军高层为了保密,下令把它叫做"运水的箱子",即"水箱"(tank)或"水柜". 后来,人们把"水箱"直接音译为坦克. 英军在工厂建造坦克时,总要告诉工人们说,这是为沙漠作战制造移动式"水箱",以防止德军间谍获取坦克方面的情报.


tradesman 零售商 | tradespeople 商人们 | trading estate 工商业区


workpaper 作业报告 | workpeople 工人们 | workroom 工场间

Last night they didn't down tools until twelve o'clock:昨天夜里,他们一直干到十二点才收工

down tools放下工具;收工;举... | Last night they didn't down tools until twelve o'clock. 昨天夜里,他们一直干到十二点才收工. | The workers decided to down tools until the boss met their demands. 工人们决...

The one that choked on the knackwurst:还有那次在布伦瑞克五香肝肠比赛上

...that Stu and his fellas ran out of town.|...被Stu和工人们赶... | The one that choked on the knackwurst...|还有那次在布伦瑞克五香肝肠比赛上 | ...during the Braunschweiger competition?|吃个腊肠都被呛住...