英语人>词典>汉英 : 巡回者 的英文翻译,例句
巡回者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
itinerant  ·  itinerants

更多网络例句与巡回者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

NOTICE To all it concerns, This notice apprises, The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.

启事 给所在有关者,这则启事通知,麻雀将受审判,在下次的鸟儿巡回审判中。

The Canadian 9-Ball Tour wishes to thank its sponsors, Indigo and Chapters bookstores, Cineplex Entertainment, Canada Billiard Bowling, Dufferin Billiards, Stan James Sports Bookmakers, Iwan Simonis table cloth and Aramith billiard balls for their support and adding to the success of the tour.

加拿大9球巡回要感谢的共同提案国, Indigo和章节,书店,电影院娱乐,加拿大台球保龄球, dufferin桌球室,斯坦詹姆斯体育收受赌注者,伊万西蒙尼斯台布和aramith桌球球,感谢他们的支持和加入,以成功的旅游。

"This is such a big deal, not only for us, but for all independent musicians and artists who spend so much of their time struggling," said Irglova, who plays with Hansard in the Swell Season when the latter isn't on tour with his main band, the Frames. No matter how far out your dreams are, it's possible ...

"这个奖很重要,不仅仅是对我们,而是对所有的那些花费了无数时间奋斗的独立音乐人和艺术者,"Irglova(片中和Hansard共同演绎'The Swell Season'这首歌,而Hansard也是Frames乐队的主唱,而当时Hansard并未出席他们乐队的巡回演唱)这样说到,无论和你的梦想相隔是多么的遥远,但是一切皆有可能。。。

Controller of platform of Baidu electron business affairs discloses, on June 18, baidu network trades platform enrols business plenary meeting to pull open heavy curtain in Beijing above all in the itinerate inside countrywide limits, be in Ning Bo, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan respectively ever since the city that maturity of development of 4 electrons business affairs develops undertakes, every station attracts hundreds to sell the home to participate in.


Luhrmann's soft-filtering lens — a man being trampled to death by rampaging cattle or a city being annihilated by bombing Japanese warplanes — the calamities of history are merely colorful grist for his main interest, the romance between a wilted English rose, Lady Sarah Ashley, and an itinerant Australian cattleman, the Drover. The lady and the tramp meet soon after she lands in Australia to track down her cattleman husband, whose early murder sets all the narrative pieces in place. Initially intent on selling her property, including 1,500 head of cattle, Sarah soon transforms into a frontierswoman, seduced by Nullah's smile and the majestic valleys and peaks of both the land and of the Drover's musculature. Although Ms. Kidman and Mr.


About the year 242, he undertook an extensive journey as an itinerant preacher, proclaiming himself the "Messenger of Truth," the Paraclete promised by Christ.


The "material girl" dance to the long side alongside of a Michael Jackson in personator impersonator in the same one Tinatina London arena for where Jackson was to statrise come back.


The life of these two chief societies was Conrad Celtes, the fearless and unwearying apostle and itinerant preacher of Humanism, a man of the most varied talents -- a philosopher, mathematician, historian, publisher of classical and medieval writings, and a clever Latin poet, who celebrated in ardent verse his ever changing lady-loves and led a life of worldly indulgence.

生命的这两个主要的社会是康拉德Celtes ,无畏和unwearying倡导者和巡回布道者的人文,一个男人的最多样的人才-一个哲学家,数学家,历史学家,出版商和中世纪古典著作,以及一个聪明拉丁美洲诗人,谁在庆祝他的殷切诗句不断变化的老太太,喜欢和领导生活的世俗的嗜好。

In addition, most active snubber cells are seriously criticized due to their complexity and thus high cost and difficult control, a large of circuiting energy and so excessive voltage and current stresses, and also narrow line and load ranges.

另外, 多数活跃斥责者细胞严重被批评的归结于他们的复杂和因而高费用和困难的控制,大巡回的能量和那么过份电压和当前的重音,并且并且狭窄的线和装载范围。

And so we find statutes to punish "strolling play actors,""players on fiddles,""disturbers of the public conscience,""persons who dance wantonly,""blasphemers," and in England there were, in the year 1800, thirty-seven offenses that were legally punishable by death.


更多网络解释与巡回者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ninja Assassin:忍者刺客

不但如此, Rain 的亚洲演唱会行程刚好会在出演的电影"忍者刺客" (Ninja Assassin) 首映之际. Rain 的经纪公司表示"演唱会的计画是跟著"忍者刺客" 的全世界宣传巡回日程脚步而定的, 而Rain的演唱会也将会以"Legend of Rainism"为主题.


circuitor巡回者 | circuitousness绕行 | circuitry电路


以下是>宣传巡回展示会上展出的概念设计图,大家就先睹为快吧. "收割者"和"摩托终结者"新型燕尾航空器(Aerostat)?预告片里已经出现过了,还记得在阴暗的水下隧道里吗?T-600-T-700-"马库斯"(Marcus)内骨骼-T-800酷似>的那一幕导演McG应现场提问回

off the pace:落後 这是美式形容词用以描述在巡回赛中某位选手落後领先者的杆数,例如"落後两杆

Odds 差距(胜负距离) | off the pace 落後 这是美式形容词用以描述在巡回赛中某位选手落後领先者的杆数,例如"落後两杆" | Off 失调


perambulate /巡行/徘徊/勘查/漫步/闲荡/ | perambulation /徘徊/巡回/勘查/ | perambulator /摇篮车/勘查者/路程计/

circuiter:巡回者 (名)

circuit switching network 电路开关网络, 在发送者和接收者之间有专门通讯路径的网络 (计算机用语) | circuiter 巡回者 (名) | circuitous 迂回的路的, 绕行的, 迂曲的 (形)


circuitation旋转 | circuition绕轴转动 | circuitor巡回者


circuition绕轴转动 | circuitor巡回者 | circuitousness绕行

choreographed:为......编舞; 从事编舞

brocade 织锦 | choreographed 为......编舞; 从事编舞 | itinerant 巡回的, 巡游的; 巡回者

scruffier:不整洁的, 肮脏的, 破旧的

itinerant 巡回的, 巡游的; 巡回者 | scruffier不整洁的, 肮脏的, 破旧的 | scrappy a.残余的; 散漫的