英语人>词典>汉英 : 崇尚运动 的英文翻译,例句
崇尚运动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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H. Boerhaave called for "paying attention to the development of clinical medicine", and under this situation, western clinical medicine was attached importance and developed again in the 18th century.


In 1990, as the Eleventh Asian Games host city of water sports, the opening and closing ceremonies of the large scale theatrical performances Qunyi Guan offers a comprehensive showcase for the stage, followed by the Seventh National Gameskai mu shi yan chu , the World B Class Cycling Championships opening ceremony of cultural performances, a nationwide "advocating science, doing away with superstition, clear the cult of" cartoon exhibition, the city's Ying-Qing Shi Liutai and the Sino-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the million people singing the General Assembly to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Mao Zedong's Square performance, Hebei Province, Qinhuangdao City, the Eleventh Asian Games and Asian Games opening ceremony of the fourth large-scale cultural and sports show,"Twenty-first Century International Chinese Music Festival"kai mu shi yan chu activities have been amply demonstrated the strength of large-scale events Qunyi Guan.


But now Future Systems, the firm they built during 15 years of marriage, is to split, and the break-up is being seen as a defining moment for "blob" architecture, the design movement which prizes free-flowing forms for which Kaplicky has drawn inspiration from anything from stealth bombers to the curve of a Brazilian sunbather's thong.

但现在,Future Systems,这家在15年婚姻长跑中建立起的公司,将告破裂。而这次拆分,也将成为对BLOB建筑(崇尚自由流动形态的设计运动)的一次定型。在这场BLOB风潮中,Kaplicky从自隐形战机至巴西日光浴中的人群的任何东西中汲取灵感。

His poetry criticized and satirized a wide range of ideas, including the belief in the pantheon of anthropomorphic gods and the Greeks veneration of athleticism.


更多网络解释与崇尚运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arts and Crafts Movement:工艺美术运动

这和当时欧洲的工业社会来临有关,物品开始大量生产,部分文化人士转而崇尚手工,并且从英国开始提倡"工艺美术运动"(Arts and Crafts Movement). 当时为了对艺匠表示尊重,主张艺术家可以把构想交给艺匠去处理;而处理这些作品的艺匠,也应该发挥自己所长,


athleticism 崇尚运动 | athleticism 竞技热 | athleticshoes 球鞋


"体操"(Gymnastics)一词,来源于希腊文Gymnastike,最早由古希腊语Gymnós(意为裸体)演变而来. 古希腊人崇尚强壮体魄的各种运动,更崇尚裸体运动,认为人体的健美只有通过不着服装才能体现得淋漓尽致.

gymnastics:搜狐体育讯 体操

搜狐体育讯 "体操"(Gymnastics)一词,来源于希腊文Gymnastike,最早由古希腊语Gymnós(意为裸体)演变而来. 古希腊人崇尚强壮体魄的各种运动,更崇尚裸体运动,认为人体的健美只有通过不着服装才能体现得淋漓尽致.



athletically:竞赛地, 运动比赛地, 具运动员风范地

athletic | 运动的 | athletically | 竞赛地, 运动比赛地, 具运动员风范地 | athleticism | 运动竞赛, 崇尚运动, 竞技热