英语人>词典>汉英 : 居首位 的英文翻译,例句
居首位 的英文翻译、例句


stand first on the list · top the bill
更多网络例句与居首位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The molluscs were the first in biomass and density of the benthos.


The results showed that plant height increasing speed was significantly slow at the former and middle stage when K level was above 180 kg/hm2.On the contrary,the height of case-hardened plant improved markedly.When the K level was above 135 kg/hm2,the stem girth and maximal leaf area differed significantly as compared with CK,so did LAI.Yield and product value per unit area took the first place when 180 kg/hm2 potassium was used.Average price and proportion of middle and first grade tobacco leaf of 225 kg/hm2 potassium treatment were the highest as compared with other treatments and CK.Four economic characters of the two treatments differed at obvious significant level as companied with CK.The total sugar and K2O were increased,nicotine, total N,protein and Cl- were decreased with increased K levels.The potassium lacked symptom was alleviated with increased K levels,no symptoms was observed when 180 kg/hm2 potassium was used,the degree of weather infected fleck was decreased when the K levels was increased.

结果表明,在烟株生长前中期,当施钾量达到180 kg/hm2以上时,株高增长显著变慢,而定型株高则显著增高;茎围和最大叶的面积在施用135 kg/hm2以上的处理与CK之间的差异性达到极显著水平,叶面积指数也存在显著差异;单位面积产量和产值以施用180 kg/hm2的处理居首位,中上等烟比例和均价以施用225kg/hm2的处理最高,这两种处理的以上4个经济性状与CK之间存在极显著性差异;烟叶中的总糖和K2O含量随施钾量的增加而上升,烟碱、总氮、蛋白质和C-含量则下降;缺钾症状随施钾量增加而减轻,至施用180kg/hm2时已无缺钾症状;烟叶气候斑的发生程度也随施钾水平的提高而减轻。

If you want God to come first in your life


Background: Atrial septal defect is the most common congenital heart diseases .Exactly assessment of the site, shape, size and anatomic relation of the defect with its surrounding structures is essential for the clinical management of the patient.

研究背景:房间隔缺损(Atrial septal defect,ASD)的发病率在各种先天性心脏病(Congenital heart diseases ,CHD)中居首位,准确诊断缺损的部位、形态、大小及与周围组织的毗邻关系很大程度上决定了治疗方法的选择及治疗效果。

The social benefit and economic benefit of academic periodical can emerge into an entia, of which the social benefit is the first place, and the economic benefit serves the social benefit.


The effects of double-functional ethene elastomer KTR-6C on the compatibility and mechanical properties of PC/PBT alloy were studied.


And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

西1:18 他也是教会全体的之首。他是元始、是从死里首先复生的、使他可以在凡事上居首位

He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.


Retting strains were isolated from 12 samples from different areas, most of their retting time were about 15 days, the harvest rate of strains was the best (46%).


Lung cancer is still one of the leading cause of mortality among thorax tumor.


更多网络解释与居首位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Airedale Terrier:万能更

万能更(Airedale Terrier)历史与用途:艾里更犬原产英国约克郡. 在猎犬之中居首位,有不屈不挠的勇气,不知疲倦的行动能力. 在十九世纪前半期,在约克郡地区的艾里河的溪谷中,把用于狩猎水獭的大猎犬与哈喇更犬杂交,再加上爱尔兰猎犬的血统,

at the head of the poll:在选举中获得最多选票

at the head of 居首位, 在最前头, 上方[头], 以... 为首 | at the head of the poll 在选举中获得最多选票 | bang head against 有效地抵抗


其中雪佛兰牌汽车(Chevrolet)居首位. 戈斯基说,到今年年底计划在俄罗斯再开设40家经销中心. 目前,公司正考虑在乌拉尔或者西伯利亚开设代表处和新建仓库的可能. 通用汽车集团成员欧宝公司(Opel)俄罗斯市场部门经理阿尔乔姆.古萨罗夫表示,

Entamoeba coli:大腸阿米巴

本院於外劳粪便寄生虫检查中,九十五年度及九十六年度的人芽囊原虫於其所有寄生虫中各为53%及41.5%,皆居首位;而第二及第三为微小阿米巴(Endolimaxnana)(13.2%,12.0%)及大肠阿米巴(Entamoeba coli)(6.8%,9.4%).

Good Luck Chuck:幸运库克

至于女星方面,则由即将推出喜剧>(Good Luck Chuck)的杰西卡.奥尔芭(Jessica Alba)居首位,布拉德.皮特前妻詹妮弗.安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)及莎拉波娃等也榜上有名.

Graves' Disease:格氏眼病



家人间的关系(包括夫妻、父母儿女、姻亲等)及家庭生活,事事让耶稣基督为"主"(LORD),处处让基督居首位,时时让基督掌王权. (这当然与传统为夫作父的专权及近代"小皇帝"的霸权,截然不同)正如戴德生所说:"If Christ is not THE LORD OF ALL;

renal parenchymal hypertension:肾实质性高血压

肾实质性高血压(renal parenchymal hypertension)是由各种肾实质疾病引起的高血压,占全部高血压的5%~10%,其发病率仅次于原发性高血压,在继发性高血压中居首位.

take the cake:获胜,居首位

6. cold fish 态度冷淡的人 | 7. take the cake 获胜,居首位 | 8. a piece of cake 轻易而举

stand first on the list:居首位

stand fast 不后退 | stand first on the list 居首位 | stand for 代表