英语人>词典>汉英 : 居民区 的英文翻译,例句
居民区 的英文翻译、例句


residential quarters · residential area
更多网络例句与居民区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A congressional aide says a military fighter jet crashed into a San Diego neighborhood after both of its engines failed.


Being a mongrel arriviste company, China Mobile magisterially shows its pomposity and petulantly makes venomous noise in habitation. China Mobile broadcasts its spiteful advertiments time and time again night and day through althorn.


Passion, fury and extensive evidence was, in the end, not enough to drive McDonald's away from the residential streets of Balmoral.


Looking West across the Square Mile showing 30 St Mary Axe and Tower 42, Barbican, with Westminster in background.

越过伦敦金融城西望,背景可见圣玛丽斧街30号和Tower 42,Barbican居民区与威斯敏斯特。

"Induced development effect; boomtown effect: The secondary growth of settlements and infrastructure, resulting from a project."


Results showed that enzyme activities were significantly different, urease activity: park>school>residence>industry>road; phosphatase activity: park>industry>school>residence>road; invertase activity: residence>park>industry>road>school; But the dynamic patterns of SOC mineralization from different functional areas were similarly, the rate of SOC mineralization decreased quickly at the beginning, and then decreased slowly during the middle incubation time, and keep relatively constant during the later incubation time, and fitted to logarithmic equation with incubation time.


In dry weather,the sewage f1ow of any community is generally equal to the water quantity it uses(dry-weather flow)plus any water that leaks into the sewers from the ground and minus any sewage that leaks out from the sewers.


In dry weather,the sewage f1ow of any community is generally equal to the water quantity it uses(dry-weather flow)plus any water that leaks into the sewer s from the ground and minus any sewage that leaks out from the sewer s.


In the five years between 1965 and 1970, about 16,114 people from 119 communities left, and many of their outports, as those communities were called, vanished from the map.


Total concentrations,chemical fractions and release potential of heavy metals in topsoil samples collected at 82 locations in Hangzhou City were measured to: i assess their distribution in urban environments;ii understand their differentiation as related to land use;and iii assess their environmental risk.


更多网络解释与居民区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rsdntal aras:居民区

租赁房屋 Rntal hsng | 居民区 Rsdntal aras | 建筑安全标准 Saty standards r bldngs

Residential areas:居民区

租赁房屋 Rental housing | 居民区 Residential areas | 建筑安全标准 Safety standards for buildings

Heavenly Compound:天堂般的复式宅邸

天堂般的复式宅邸(Heavenly Compound) 可容纳25人. 一般说来农业、手工业、商业、军事、建造纪念物所需的建筑(行会和劳力营)和政府类建筑的造币厂等都对吸引力有坏的影响,它们都需要尽量远离居民区或者用城墙与居民区隔开;

Populated Places:居民区

borders:边界图层. 显示国界、州界或省界、海岸线. | Populated Places:居民区 | Alternative Place Names:其他语种的地名

business district and residential section:商业区和居民区

市政府 municipal government | 商业区和居民区 business district and residential section | 地中海气候 Mediterranean climate

residential area:居民区

比社区层次更低一级的居民区(residential area)的卫生完全由物业服务公司来完成,社区卫生做得如何很大程度上依赖于物业服务公司的保洁工作做得是否到位,另外也取决于物业服务公司公共卫生工作(如2003年的SARS)是否及时有效.

residential area:居民区,住宅区

district 区 | residential area 居民区,住宅区 | urban 市区的

Residential Walls:住宅墙

5:住宅墙(Residential Walls)有4种住宅墙,效果都一样. 住宅墙的最大作用是把你的居民区围起来,把它跟农业区、手工业区、配送系统这些低吸引力的地区隔开,从而提高居民区的吸引力. 住宅墙也可以用来防御外敌入侵,不过效果远比不上军事建设中的城墙.

rabbit warren:兔窝式居民区

兔后足/rabbit foot | 兔窝式居民区/rabbit warren | 兔窝式住房/rabbit warren

housing estates:居民区

on our way there 在我们去那儿的路上 | 12. housing estates 居民区 (house --- housing) | 13. department stores 百货商店