英语人>词典>汉英 : 局部出血的 的英文翻译,例句
局部出血的 的英文翻译、例句


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Patients may have persistent or recurrent bleeding, and some showed localized bleeding tendency, such as recurrent epistaxis, or menorrhagia.


"Ice on his forehead," is that the role of the skin by cold forehead, the nose can achieve vasoconstriction in order to stop bleeding, but its effects are not good, because bleeding from the nose position too far away, and local too does not give rise to the head cold, so the correct way is to direct ice in the "nasion" and "nose" above.


Which indicated AQP4 participate brain edematization after ICH. Compared focal mild hypothermia group rats with normothermia group rats, the former's water content and AQP4 of cephalophyma periphery visibly decrease. Which indicates focal mild hypothermia therapy can relieve encephaledema after ICH.


Using acupotomology incise and separate the hip joint articular capsule and ligament and the periosteum on the collum ossis femoris and the soft tissue nearby the joint can cause slight hurt and haemorrhage. The hurt factor is release from the local tissue. Human self-rebuilding system is activated, Building bone function of osteoblast is accelerated, new bone is built quickly. New blood vessel and nerve ending is rebirth. Local tissue's blood supply and nerve nourishment is improved. The developing of bone necrosis is prevented. The necrotic part is re-blood vessel. The conditions of the necrotic's absorbing tissue and the new bone's replacing are established.


Results:All 55 patients were diagnosed and treated by laparoscopic procedure successfully including 7 laparoscopic intestinal local resections,10 laparoscopic intestinal diverticular resections,37 laparoscopic partial intestinal resections and 1 laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.


American Atlanta conference edited in September 1992 pancreatitis of serious illness acute definition is: AP companion has local complication (cyst of pancreatic and necrotic, false sex, pancreatic abscess) or the organ fails (function of shock, lung not complete, kidney declines, gastrorrhagia, sow medicinal powder the cruor inside sexual blood-vessel and serious metabolization obstacle), or both holds concurrently.

概要: 急性胰腺炎为临床常见急腹症,是由于胰液和溶蛋白酶漏入到胰腺实质和胰腺四周组织而引起。1963年,法国马赛会议以病理形态学为基础,将AP分为水肿性胰腺炎和出血、坏死性胰腺炎。1992年9月美国亚特兰大会议修订重症急性胰腺炎定义为:AP伴有局部并发症(胰腺坏死、假性囊肿、胰腺脓肿)或器官衰竭(休克、肺功能不全、肾衰、胃出血、播散性血管内凝血和严重的代谢障碍),或二者兼有。

Result: all the 82 cases,15 were treated with right hemihepatectomy,26 with left hemihepatectomy,10 with quadrate lobectomy,7 with right posterior lobectomy,24 with localization lobectomy.postoperative pathdogic:75 were liver cell carcinoma,7 were carcinoma of bileduct.one case with postoperative hemorrhea,hemostated by reoperation.3 patients with biliary fistula,2 cases were cured by drainage,1 case was cured by ercp.no one died in operation.10(12.2%) died in half year,27(32.9%) died in one year.conclusion: control the indication and amount of heratectomy,contral hemorrhea,treat incised wound of liver correctly and prevent postoperative complications ,that can guarantee the effect of hepatectomy.


Intracranial saccular aneurysms are defined as a persistent localized dilatation on the vessel wall and are the main cause of the spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Objective:To study the former group were treated with dexamethasone and erythromyoin eye ointment topically.


To observe the curative effect of blood-letting puncture on acute soft tissue injury.42 cases were percussed heavily by pyonex and fast inserted by triangular-edged needle for bleeding.The visual simula- tion and evaluation standard of curative effect were performed.The results showed that the joint pain had greatly relieved,and other symptoms had obviously improved,the total effective rate was 93.02%.


更多网络解释与局部出血的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


文章摘要:脑出血(Intracerebral Hemmorhage ICH)系指原发性非外伤性脑实质内出血,是一种发病率、致残率及病死率都很高的急性脑血管病,至今仍无有效的治疗方法.ICH后引起机体和脑组织局部一系列病理反应,其中脑水肿(edema)是自发性脑出血后最重要的继发性病理变化之一,


牙龈炎(gingivitis)是发生在龈缘和龈乳头的炎症. 单纯性龈炎是局限的,不包括深层组织. 幼儿极少见,儿童由于食物残渣堆积在牙齿周围,引起龈缘轻微充血发红,但触动时不出血,属于局部刺激的反应,刺激去掉以后,充血即行消失,一般不诊断为龈炎,


先...血肿(hematocele)是一种由血液或血性产物组成的肿块,也有作者称谓血囊肿(hematic-cyst). 文献对血肿(hematoma)和血囊肿(hematic cyst,blood cyst,hematocele)的含义存在不同的解释. 一般认为,眼眶出血后血液局部集聚成团名为血肿;


简介: 咯血(hemoptysis)是指喉部以下的呼吸器官出血,经咳嗽动作从口腔排出. 咯血首先须与口腔、咽、鼻出血鉴别. 口腔与咽部出血易观察到局部出血灶. 鼻腔出血多从前鼻孔流出,常在鼻中隔前下方发现出血灶,诊断较易. 有时鼻腔后部出血量较多,


文章摘要:痔(hemorrhoids)的发病率高达46.3%,因出现肛门局部潮湿、瘙痒、出血、脱垂、甚至嵌顿疼痛等症状而严重影响病人的生活. 自从英国学者Thomson提出"肛垫下移"学说后,痔的诊治研究取得重要进展,治疗效果显著提高. (共4页)

ischemic penumbra:半暗带

近年来,许多动物实验及临床病理研究证实:在脑出血病灶周围的脑组织存在进行性水肿和缺血损伤"半暗带"(ischemic penumbra),其病理生理机制是局部脑组织压力升高、脑血流量(CBF)减少、BBB破坏与局部渗透性活性物质产生(结果引起血浆蛋白等的

cervical polyp:宫颈息肉

3.宫颈息肉(cervical polyp) 慢性炎症长期刺激使宫颈管局部粘膜增生,子宫有排除异物的倾向,使增生的粘膜逐渐自基底部向宫颈外口突出而形成息肉,一个或多个不等,直径一般约1cm,色红、呈舌形、质软而脆,易出血,蒂细长.

puerperal infection:产褥感染

产褥感染(Puerperal infection)是指分娩及产褥期生殖道受病原体侵袭,引起局部或全身的感染,是产妇死亡的4大原因之一,对于产后发热者,首先考虑产褥感染分娩降低或破坏了女性生殖道的防御功能和自净作用若产妇营养不良、孕期贫血、胎膜早破合并慢性疾病、产程延长、产后出血等均为产褥感染的诱因产褥病率与产褥感染的含义不同


因动静脉分流(shunting)使周围脑组织缺血,导致癫痫发作或局部神经学障碍,或因出血引发临床症状. 海绵状血管瘤由扩张的血管窦与结缔组织构成,血管壁无平滑肌及弹性组织,且病变内不含脑实质组织为其特点. 易伴随小出血,


软脑膜和皮质表层的血管主要被涉及的部位,大脑淀粉样血管病(CAA)的位置和局部神经元斑的密度有关. CAA的临床表现主要为脑出血、痴呆.