英语人>词典>汉英 : 尘土 的英文翻译,例句
尘土 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
powder  ·  powders  ·  Dust

更多网络例句与尘土相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust; the dust is earth; of earth we make loam; and why of that loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer-barrel?


The Battle of the Boyne had been fought more than a hundred years before, but, to the O'Haras and their neighbours, it might have been yesterday when their hopes and their dreams, as well as their lands and wealth, went off in the same cloud of dust that enveloped a frightened and fleeting Stuart prince, leaving William of Orange and his hated troops with their orange cockades to cut down the Irish adherents of the Stuarts.


You i dol i s shattered i n the dust to prove that Gods dust i s greater than your i dol .


Regarding bad condition of oil, carbon powder and dust enter into Generator stator and dust enter excitor stator and high temperature of the excitor stator coil.


Mate,' he was saying, it's because I thinks gold dust of you - gold dust, and you may lay to that!


Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left him a withered trunk, he then flies to art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head; but now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all covered with dust, through the sweeping of the finest lady's chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity.


Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left him a withered trunk, he then flies m art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of baits, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head, but now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all coveted with dust,through the sweepings of the finest lady's chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity Partial judges that we are of our own excellencies, and other men's defaults!


Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left him a withered trunk; he then flies to art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head; but now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all covered with dust, through the sweepings of the finest lady's chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity.


A cleaner includes a suction motor mounted in a cleaner main body, and generating a suction force; a filter for collecting dust or filth sucked by the suction force generated at the suction motor; a suction head connected with the filter by a suction tube, and sucking dust and filth on a floor; a brush installed in the suction head so as to ascend/descend in a vertical direction, and sweeping dust and foreign substances into the suction head; and a brush height control apparatus installed in the suction head, and making the brush ascend/descend in a vertical direction.


Death is never a horrible thing,just how you will die matters,everyone in the end will be dust,noblers,niderings,no matter how you are bound to end up in dust," for out of it wast thou taken,for dust thou art,and unto dust shalt thou return" But to die without one's duty fufilled is also one of the biggest shame of man-kind.you must have noticed the background music of this passage-----the theme music of the film Letters from Iwo Jima,a film makes every Chinese feel complicated.whether this film beautifies Japanese Imperial Army or not is not what I want to discuss here.


更多网络解释与尘土相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am but a speck of dust:我来自偶然像一颗尘土

感恩的心 A grateful heart | 我来自偶然像一颗尘土 I am but a speck of dust | 有谁看出我的脆弱 who knows my fragility?

Some remote, dusty village, close quarters, at least a year:一些偏远, 满处尘土的村庄, 离住处很近, 至少待了一年

Well, you probably just forgot. Let me refre... | Some remote, dusty village, close quarters, at least a year?|一些偏远, 满处尘土的村庄, 离住处很近, 至少待了一年? | - Starting to come back? - I'm calli...

Every plate, every sheep, every litle pellet of chickenshit:每个盘子,每只羊,每颗尘土

You're harboring deserters. I could confiscate this farm and everything on... | Every plate, every sheep, every litle pellet of chickenshit.|每个盘子,每只羊,每颗尘土 | I could confiscate your old lady'...

clart:泥土或尘土的污点, 泥土

clarovitrain | 亮镜煤 | clart | 泥土或尘土的污点, 泥土 | clary sage concrete | 香紫苏浸膏

CloudScape VR:云彩、尘土仿真

. Non-Linear Distortion Correction 非线性失真校正 | . CloudScape VR 云彩、尘土仿真 | . SimSmith Vehicle Objects 车辆物体仿真

White base framed by maroon and dusty cornflower blue:白色基地的框架,由丛林黑人和尘土飞扬的矢车菊蓝

Filled with variety of colorful animals on their way to the ark充满了... | White base framed by maroon and dusty cornflower blue白色基地的框架,由丛林黑人和尘土飞扬的矢车菊蓝 | Measures 66 by 86 inches措...


titanium钛色洗 | dusk尘土洗 | enzyme wash 酵素洗

Dusk wash:尘土洗

Titanium 钛色洗 | Dusk wash 尘土洗 | Copper 古铜洗

dust bowl:尘土盆地

1 Crypt Creeper墓穴匐尸 | 1 Dust Bowl尘土盆地 | 3 Faceless Butcher无面屠 夫

Shake the dust off your feet:抖落你脚上的尘土

# To the higher calling of my Lord #|# 为了我主至高无上的召唤 # | # Shake the dust off your feet #|# 抖落你脚上的尘土 # | # Don't look back #|# 不要回头看 #