英语人>词典>汉英 : 尖锐性 的英文翻译,例句
尖锐性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In general, the tendency to caricature is greater the more severe the film's moral judgement although this is never totally contemptuous, there being always a touch of complacence and participation, as in the final orgy scene or the episode at the aristocrats' castle outside Rome, the latter being particularly effective for its descriptive acuteness and narrative rhythm.


In our country, numerous civil population and diversiform traffic tools aggravate the acurity of traffic problems.


The first one and the eleventh one are concentrate to the tensibility of finger, the second one is famous of it"s fingering technique which is the typical fingering of Chopin, the third and six one are experience the layer of mufti voice parts, the fourth one is keenness which carries on by its speed and music the alone difficulty , the fifth one is the"black keyetude , harmonic innovate are visibly reflected at the seventh, the tenth and the eleventh one, humorousness is performance in the bass field in the eighth one, the ninth and the twelfth one are training stretching and running technique of left hand.


Carl Schmitt undoubtedly raised the legitimacy question with particular incisiveness.

Carl Schmitt毋庸置疑得以特殊的尖锐性提出了合法性问题。

He had "the intellect of an archangel", as he said ingenuously; his acuteness and audacity were a continual challenge to Newman, who partly resented but still more yielded to them; and so the problem took a formidable shape: how much on "infused Catholicism" would the Establishment bear.

他曾"智力一个天使",他说, ingenuously ;他的尖锐性和Audacity是一个持续不断的挑战,纽曼,谁部分反感,但仍取得了更多的向他们;等问题,采取了一项艰巨的形状:有多少关于"注入天主教"将设立承担。

He shows no inclination to soften his analysis with the slightest hint of political correctness.


My friend saw the sharpness of the dilemma.


The first one and the eleventh one are concentrate to the tensibility of finger, the second one is famous of it"s fingering technique which is the typical fingering of Chopin, the third and six one are experience the layer of mufti voice parts, the fourth one is keenness which carries on by its speed and music the alone difficulty , the fifth one is the"black keyetude , harmonic innovate are visibly reflected at the seventh, the tenth and the eleventh one, humorousness is performance in the bass field in the eighth one, the ninth and the twelfth one are training stretching and running technique of left hand.


Moreover, the more extended and luminous revelation of Divine things, coupled with the greater abundance of spiritual assistance conferred chiefly through the instrumentality of the sacraments, make practice of virtue easier and more attractive at the same time more elevated, generous, intense and enduring, while the universality of Christianity lifts the practice of asceticism out of the narrow limitations of being the exclusive privilege of a single race into a common possession of all nations of the earth.


The model of the outer layer hard and inter layer soft magnetic structure was suggested that the amorphous ribbon and wire are constituted by the relatively"hard" magnetic"shell"with relatively high magnetic coercivity and relatively"soft"magnetic "core"with relatively low magnetic coercivity.


更多网络解释与尖锐性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

condyloma acuminata:尖锐湿疣

尖锐湿疣(Condyloma acuminata)多半通过性交传染,病毒在上皮细胞内生长,温暖潮湿的环境下更容易繁殖. 因此泌尿生殖器和肛门是好发部位. 病毒可自身接种,因此发生于肛门等部位的损害常出现于两侧接触面. 传染性很强,与患有尖锐湿疣的人发生性接触后,

condyloma acuminatum:尖锐湿疣

尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum)为人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)引起的一种性传播性疾病. 我国尖锐湿疣的发生率为性病的第二位,近年来其发病率逐年上升,增长速度明显高于其他性病. 有些患者易复发,有报道其长期存在可导致癌变. 我科近年来采用中西医结合方法治疗尖锐湿疣,

genital warts:生殖道尖锐湿疣

生殖道尖锐湿疣(Genital Warts) 尖锐湿疣(Genital Warts,Condyloma acuminata,verruca acuminata),又称尖圭湿疣、生殖器疣(阴部疣)、性病疣. 近年来由于性病的外延不断扩大,此病被公认为性传播疾病,也是现代社会最常见的性传播疾病之一. 尖锐湿疣是欧美国家最...

condyloma acuminate:尖锐湿疣

尖锐湿疣(Condyloma Acuminate)又称为生殖器疣或性病疣,是由病毒引起的一种表皮肿瘤样增生,是常见的性传播疾病,局部潮湿温热,包皮过长,白带过多及孕妇较易发生,其发病率目前已占我国性传播疾病的第二位.

anogenital warts:肛门生殖器疣

有几种性病都和你所讲的有点样似,你看看吧: 尖锐湿疣 尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum,CA)又名性疣(Venereal warts)、肛门生殖器疣(anogenital warts),祖国医学称之为"瘙瘊",俗称"臊瘊",是由人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染所致的生殖器、会阴和肛门部位的表皮瘤样增生.

gonorrheal urethritis:淋病性尿道炎

②特异性尿道炎又称淋病性尿道炎(gonorrheal urethritis)简称淋病(gonorrhea)致病菌为淋病奈瑟菌;③非淋病性尿道炎(non-gonococcal urethritis)致病菌为沙眼衣原体解脲支原体嗜血短杆菌真菌阴道毛滴虫尖锐湿疣及单纯疱疹病毒等


Ferguson 弗格森; 福开森; 弗格森 | Perkin 珀金(Peter的昵称假尖锐性湿疣症状) | Vogt 沃格特


stridulation /鸣声/尖锐的声音/磨擦声/ | stridulous /喘鸣性的/ | strife /争/斗争/战争/争吵/奋斗/

Penetrating and compelling chronicle of life in an Italian court in post-Napoleonic France:尖锐性和生活的感人纪事在意大利法院后,拿破仑法国

13. 13. The Charterhouse... | Penetrating and compelling chronicle of life in an Italian court in post-Napoleonic France.尖锐性和生活的感人纪事在意大利法院后,拿破仑法国. | 14. 14. The Count of Monte...


Michelson 米切尔森; 迈克尔孙 | Masefield 梅斯菲尔怎么治疗肛周尖锐性湿疣德 | Jonah 乔纳