英语人>词典>汉英 : 尖锐声音 的英文翻译,例句
尖锐声音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与尖锐声音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other Less Common Symptoms: A whole cluster of other symptoms appear during this infection, including progressive loss of hearing : that is, a gradually increasing deafness in older people (probably sensorineural hearing loss ); in younger people, a subtle loss of hearing acuity is noticed, meaning that it becomes a little more difficult to identifying environmental sounds, and more difficult to sensing their exact location; increased tinnitus ; sense of balance becoming noticeably less acute; dizziness spells; hoarse voice due to persistent throat soreness,(or possibly due to connective tissue damage in the larynx); chronic white tongue coating (called geographic tongue or migratory glossitis); red eyes (mild conjunctivitis, aka: pinkeye); infection of the urethra ; viral headache; eczema / psoriasis; large area of red greasy skin on the chest, just below the neck; increased hair loss; cold hands and feet; slow wound healing; weight gain on stomach; kidney pains ; joint pains; muscle cramps , especially in the calf muscles; sudden episodes of racing heart and heart palpitations; acute pericarditis; aseptic meningitis; reduced attention and concentration; forgetting words, losing some of your vocabulary, suddenly having more difficulty in spelling words and remembering information; frequently selecting incorrect words while talking (and strangely, sometimes selecting a word which is incorrect, but from the same category as the right word for example, saying "pun" when you meant to say "irony" both are in the same category of literary devices).


With the increase of age, people are less sensitive to sharpness while more sensitive to loudness.


This rumbling is also made by guinea pigs when they hear sounds that they do not like (such as your upstairs neighbors banging on the floor, or a sharp snare drum on the radio), or when they want to warn others when something "isn't quite right".


However, the sound that is recorded by the camera is the sound constructed by the sum of the sounds from all the playing instruments at the same moments and background sounds as well.


Flat on his back, the last thing he saw before he heard the high wailing shriek shrilling from somewhere up above was Jay's move for the kill, his scream sending Mareccu's blood freezing into curdling knots.

在他的背部上的公寓,最后一件事物他见到以前他被听到高度悲叹尖锐的响声用尖锐的声音说从某处向上在上面是杀的鸟移动,他的进入使凝结结之内送 Mareccu's 的血凝固的尖叫声。

Any of various green insects of the family Tettigoniidae related to the grasshoppers and the crickets,the male of which produces a shrill sound by rubbing together specialized organs on the forewings.


Any of various green insects of the family Tettigoniidae related to the grasshopper s and the crickets,the male of which produces a shrill sound by rubbing together specialized organs on the forewings.


At least 813 reports of hearing damage were made to police force occupational health departments in the last five years, 625 of which were claimed to be the result of piercing shrieks known as 'blasts','spikes' or 'screeches' from police-issue Airwave radios and headsets.


If it sounds shriller than its neighbors, loosen it until the tones match.


To walk in a winter morning in a wood where these birds abounded,their native woods, and hear the wild cockerels crow on the trees,clear and shrill for miles over the resounding earth, drowning the feebler notes of other birds —— think of it! It would put nations on the alert.


更多网络解释与尖锐声音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bleeding 渗色 | bleep 发出此种尖锐高音 | bleeppiping 尖锐声音


9. Brake Squeal剎车尖锐声:剎车时碟片与圆盤摩擦所发出的声音. | 10. Clunk喀喀声:传动系中因齿轮间隙所造成的声音. | 11. Column Shake转向柱抖动:转向柱的振动,频率范围約的15~35Hz.


17. shriek 尖叫 | 19. high-pitched 声音尖锐的 | 21. tantalizing撩人心魄的

Decay with imprecision, will not stay in place:不会停留不动.尖锐的声音

牐牐牐牐燯nder the tension, slip,slide,perish, 或者因为措辞不当而腐朽,... | 牐牐牐牐燚ecay with imprecision,will not stay in place, 不会停留不动.尖锐的声音 | 牐牐牐牐燱ill not stay still,Shrieking voices 叱责,嘲笑...


scratchpad 超高速中间结果存储器 | screak 发出尖锐刺耳的声音;尖锐刺耳的声音 | scream 尖叫


screech 尖叫声 | screechy 声音尖锐的 | screed 长句

screechy:声音尖锐的; 喜欢尖声喊叫的 (形)

screech 尖着声音讲; 发出尖锐的声音 (动) | screechy 声音尖锐的; 喜欢尖声喊叫的 (形) | screen 掩蔽, 拍摄, 放映 (动)

shrillness:尖锐刺耳的声音 (名)

shrill 尖锐的, 刺耳的 (形) | shrillness 尖锐刺耳的声音 (名) | shrilly 尖声地; 耀眼地 (副)


stridulation 磨擦声 | stridulation 尖锐的声音 | stridulation 尖锐的声音

bings:堆 尖锐响亮的声音

vested adj.既定的 | bings 堆 尖锐响亮的声音 | rita n. 丽塔(女子名)