英语人>词典>汉英 : 小说 的英文翻译,例句
小说 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fiction  ·  longueur  ·  novel  ·  story  ·  storybook  ·  stories  ·  storying  ·  fictions  ·  novels

更多网络例句与小说相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The resin can be used as medicine named asafetida, it is only produced in xinjiang, mainly grows at clay stone and lithoid hillside.365论文下载网_365txt小说阅读网'2oMh7N2r

阿魏全国仅产新疆,生长在带有砾石的黏质土壤和石质干山坡上。365论文下载网_365txt小说阅读网d d6p/UDq2\~+W

Zora neale hurston, a black female writer of the novel their eyes were watching god, made an intelligent attempt to ponder about the issue of ethnicity identification through unique caring viewpoint and writing strategy to express farsightedly the prospect of the mutual growth and harmonious coexistence of different ethnicities.365论文下载网_365txt小说阅读网sP y'gY


Putting in comparison the life of this leading novels author, J. R. R Tolkien along with the milieu of the creation of the trilogy as well as its plots and the characterization and the counterparts of Gothic novels, we can find evident similarities between them and the plain impact on the novel from Gothicism. It is within the framework of Gothicism that the novel presents the persistent religious issues and technophobia that most Gothic novels lay bare.


Part I :the definition of officialdom novels ,the insightful discussion of the development of them ,and the primary analysis of the reasons of their flourishing ;Part II :the construction of subject matters of officialdom novels by probing analysis into official corruption ,official and social psychologies ;Part III: the of artistic features of characters and narrative (i.e. narrative perspective constructions ,discourse and ironical narration ),which are illustrated by the positive characters with personalities ,negative ones with complex characteristics ,more importantly ,the vulgar existence ofgray characters ,the discovery of features of narrative methods with the contract of two types of novels ; Part IV: the positive comment on the realistic rules of officialdom novels and the surpassing of the previous ones ,the shortcomings from the artistic perspective : the adoption to the reality seriously fetters artistic imagination of literature works ,it also reads to the lacking of insightful thinking ,the simple characters fail to reveal artistic glamour ,the routinized narrative methods also degrades the artistic savor of works .


Key words:polygala tenuifolia willd.; polygala sibirica l.; genetic diversity; rapd pcr 365论文下载网_365txt小说阅读网5TDg#c6i|$Fl

j}+J3wz+n{0 远志;卵叶远志;遗传多样性;随机扩增多态性dna 365论文下载网_365txt小说阅读网CU^MtUvBE-_j

Chapter Five An analysis on the narration methods from the angles of women'slanguage and discourse is presented.women's language representswomen's constrained and disseminated state of existence,and thus analysisand examination on women's language is made through the following fiveaspects:1constrained and evasive language;2struggling language in thediary-style novels;3communicative language in the letter-style novels;4caring and revealing language in the autobiography novels;and 5satiricallanguage that insert in the slight crack.


As for me,this is a novel of crime, a novel of love, a novel of duplicity, a novel of faithfulness, a novel of punishment, a novel of forgiveness, a novel of stupidness, a novel of intelligence, a novel of behavior, a novel of words


In view of this point, Lu Ling's novels are of value, because strong intellectual complex is embedded in his novels describing either workers or peasants, in which the character's spiritual dynamics receives utmost concernViewing from the perspective of the intellectual quality-freedom, enlightenment and reflection, this dissertation seizes up the traits of intellectual character of Lu Ling's novels in 1940's, in an attempt to reproduce the sheen of his novels, and also to take a glimpse at the psychological journeys of the youth generation at that ageThose characters in Lu Ling's novels behave unbridledly all the way through their life journeyo They rebel against all the absurd things, declare war on tradition, family and newly rising authority, also anatomize themselves They resort nowhere Their life is closely linked to tramp It is right during the course of tramp and rebellion that they realize themselves, look for freedom and luminosity, and achieve real contact with people; they have enjoyed the unrestraint to their heart's content as well as experience torture from various forces in heartLu Ling's novels are affluent in connotation This dissertation only studies from the perspective of intellectual, the topics among which like: freedom, tradition, individual and collective are still worthwhile studying up to now.


Those interactions are based on the fusion of the media or the union of several media, precluding new communication techniques depriving from two or more old ones.


The fourth chapter Fiction Techniques analyzes the narrative structure and angles of Lu's fiction, his narrative characteristics; the author and the fiction construction; and the series of heroes in his fiction, the riddles, inscription, poems, lyrics, rhapsodies and qu; the conceptions and explanation of dreams, and the characteristics of historical novels; and "narration and creation " and allusions.


更多网络解释与小说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Autobiographical novels:自叙传小说

"农村小说":Countryside-backgrounded novels | 自叙传小说:Autobiographical novels | 恐怖小说:The horror novels

Avant-garde fiction:先锋小说

乡土小说:locialism fiction | 先锋小说:Avant-garde fiction | 少年小说:young adult fiction

fictional:虚构的; 小说的 (形)

fiction 小说, 法律的拟制, 虚构的故事 (名) | fictional 虚构的; 小说的 (形) | fictionalize 使小说化; 把...编成小说 (动)


fictional 小说的,幻想的 | fictionalize 把......编成小说,使小说化 | figure 外形,轮廓;塑像,形象

fictionalize:使小说化; 把...编成小说 (动)

fictional 虚构的; 小说的 (形) | fictionalize 使小说化; 把...编成小说 (动) | fictionally 杜撰地; 编造地 (副)

historical novel:历史小说

二、历史小说、讲史小说、历史演义"历史小说"( historical novel) 是个外来名词. >对它的解释是这样的:"试图以忠于历史事实和逼真的细节等手段来传述旧时的风气、习俗以及社会概况的小说. 作品可以涉及真实的历史人物,

horror fiction:恐怖小说

尽管现代"恐怖小说"(Horror Fiction)概念来自西方,但是,"恐怖小说"在中国却并非无源之水,传统中国"恐怖"小说以"志怪"为依托,从南北朝的志怪途经唐宋由清代>推向古典恐怖小说至高点.


novelette 中(短)篇小说 | novelettish 中(短)篇小说式的,第二流中(短)篇小说的 | novel in classical Chinese 文言小说


novelistic /小说的/ | novelize /使小说化/编成小说/ | novella /短篇故事/中篇小说/

historical novel:历史小说

二、历史小说、讲史小说、历史演义"历史小说"( historical novel) 是个外来名词. <<简明不列颠百科全书>>对它的解释是这样的:"试图以忠于历史事实和逼真的细节等手段来传述旧时的风气、习俗以及社会概况的小说. 作品可以涉及真实的历史人物,