英语人>词典>汉英 : 小聪明 的英文翻译,例句
小聪明 的英文翻译、例句


cleverness in trivial matters · petty trick · be intelligent in small ways · petty shrewdness
更多网络例句与小聪明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The teacher sat on Jack as soon as he beg an showing off.


At daytime, I was driven by instinct of seeking for life to flatter, to fawn, to envy, to play all kind of petty tricks…but at night, all kind of humbleness and depravity made me surprised, just like Dolagler saw the figure conjured by the civet cat, I saw the dust covered on my soul; Memory opened its picture scroll slowly before me, I looked at myself of this day, I felt deep sick with myself.


Books and cleverness, there are more important things, friendship and bravery.


We see before us Satan's masterpiece, his clever counterfeit of the cloven tongues of divine fire.


And wisdom, can be cultured, and "small smart" these three words, very different.


Accumulation keyword should not go painstakingly when writing an article, the point of view that should experience from the user joins a keyword to perhaps add long end word reasonably, avoid by all means does not cheat search engine with his petty trick, your earthborn is very then miserable.


The last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet.


The King of Beetles: Smarty caught a Hercules Beetle on the back yard and starts to study its ecology.


You will be ill-advised to demand praised for what does not deserve it, and abuse those who do not give it.


Righteous- I consider myself to be a little bit smart, always ended up in the first class and have never taken education seriously. I was indulging in computer game and even organising a group of students to play truant and rented the computer games centre for the whole day.


更多网络解释与小聪明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

live beyond one'S means:寅吃卯粮,入不敷出

like a cat on hot bricks热锅上的蚂蚁 | live beyond one'S means寅吃卯粮,入不敷出 | live by/on one's wits靠耍小聪明而非正常地工作,混日子

brainy:聪聪 智多星 小聪明

Painter Smurf 画画 画家 小画家 | Brainy 聪聪 智多星 小聪明 | Harmony 音乐家 小音乐家


瑞士女排精英赛的MVP得主: 外号古巴核电站的卡里罗 (Carrillo), 最有潜力的黑橡胶继承人: 卡尔德隆 (Calderon), 以及攻击型二传手桑托斯和以"幽怨恶妇" 形象而闻名的小聪明二传: 拉米雷斯 (Ramirez)...自由人位置并非大家熟悉的小将: 阿雷东多,


cleverish 有小聪明的 | cleverly 聪明地 | clevis U形夹

Yeah, he was being a smart-ass:恩 他刷小聪明

before you get a chance to kill 'em yourself.|我不想看到他们中有人死去 | - Yeah, he was being a smart-ass.|恩 他刷小聪明 | He was talking about the bullet,|他说的是子弹

Still the smart-ass. -I'm not that smart, Dad:还是爱耍小聪明 没那么聪明

Actually, I don't completely understand that one.|事实上,那个... | -Still the smart-ass. -I'm not that smart, Dad.|还是爱耍小聪明 没那么聪明 | -I didn't know she was married. -Well, she was.|我不知道她...

You're a smartass, is what you are, kid:你在耍小聪明,是吗,小子

and then suddenly, you're like Seabiscuit all over the place.|然后突然,你象海洋饼干那样奋起直追 | You're a smartass, is what you are, kid.|你在耍小聪明,是吗,小子? | Want to play again?|再来一把吗?


clever 机灵的 | cleverish 有小聪明的 | cleverly 聪明地


cleveland /克利夫兰[英郡名]/ | cleverish /有小聪明的/小巧的/ | cleverly /聪明地/灵巧地/精明地/

cleverish:有小聪明的, 巧妙的

clever | 机灵的, 聪明的 | cleverish | 有小聪明的, 巧妙的 | cleverly | 聪明地, 灵明地