英语人>词典>汉英 : 小画像 的英文翻译,例句
小画像 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
miniature  ·  miniatured  ·  miniaturing

更多网络例句与小画像相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His portrait hangs in the Great Hall antechamber next to Violet's.


Besides a few place-holder graphics for tech and the lack of a portrait on the Banshee it looked done.


Sir Cadogan is a little knight whose picture hangs in a corridor near the South Tower.

卡多根爵士他是个小爵士,画像挂在靠近北塔楼(英文和中文P60都是North, lexicon错)的走廊上。

A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually having wings and holding a bow and


A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually having wings and holding a bow and arrow used as a symbol of love.


Portraits of marshals, engravings of battles, the King of Rome in a baby's dress, tall consoles adorned with copper trophies, laden with imperial relics, medals, bronzes, a miniature of St. Helena, under a globe, pictures representing the same lady all becurled, in a ball-dress of yellow, with leg-of-mutton sleeves and bright eyes;—and all these things: consoles, King of Rome, marshals, yellow ladies, with the high-necked, short-waisted dresses, the bestarched stiffness, which was the charm of 1806. Gallant colonel! It was that atmosphere of victories and conquests, even more than anything we could say to him, that made him believe so innocently in the siege of Berlin


A small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer .


The translation of a few pages of German occupied an hour; then I got my palette and pencils, and fell to the more soothing, because easier occupation, of completing Rosamond Oliver's miniature.


It's a portrait of cosy small-town American life translated into the harsh wastes of Greenland.


He looked at her curiously, searchingly, and she hung her head a little guiltily. 'And were you going to the hut now?


更多网络解释与小画像相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Napoleon Bonaparte:拿破仑

拿破仑(Napoleon Bonaparte)的画像,就不见得尽逼真. 他所留下的画像,似是太流於帝王尊贵气势俗套,可能是甚麼雄风盖世,神武英明的宣传画,以力图掩盖其身不满五尺的小军曹的样子. 仆人的柔和谦卑,并不是没有原则. 仆人不是任所有的人役使,


373miniaturen. 缩图,小画像; a. 小规模的,纤小的 | 374minimise最小化 | 375minimuma. 最低的,最小的; n. 最小量,最低限度


她便是写下"瘦影自临春水照,卿须怜我我怜卿"的冯小青, 据说是四百多年前的自恋症(narcissism)患者. 她请了画家画了自己的画像, 然后一天到晚看着发呆. 尽管这位才女只留下了很少文字(>),但后人对她的追忆与想象,


miniature 缩图,小画像;小规模的,纤小的 | misspelled 拼错的 | mysterious 神秘的

Three Stooges:三個臭皮匠

"庄园的一个角落里还停放着杰克逊已往的巡演大巴:这辆芥黄色的休闲巴士身上印有六英尺高的"三个臭皮匠"(Three Stooges)的画像. 维多利亚气焰派头的"火车站"已恢复原来的面貌了. 用石头和花草组成的杰克逊领地的标志──一个孩子坐在月牙上的侧女天蝎座最配的星座影──仍然挂在一个小山上.

Pieter Brueghel il Giovane:小布鲁盖尔

潘绮亚蒂奇画像 Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi 215 | 小布鲁盖尔Pieter Brueghel il Giovane | 叛逆天使之覆灭 The Fall of the Rebel Angels 149