英语人>词典>汉英 : 小村庄 的英文翻译,例句
小村庄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clachan  ·  hamlets

更多网络例句与小村庄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A cow and two calves amble toward a village on the island of Inishmore.

一头母牛和两个小牛崽悠闲地走向 Inishmore 岛的一个小村庄

He lives in the tiny village of Baiyuanhua, a four-hour drive north of Hohhot on a two-lane, paved road that traverses a vast flatness, where close-cropped grass and areas of dirt stretch beneath an immense sky.


In 2004 I went to Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh. I visited a village nearby and there was an international art workshop going on. In such a remote village, artists had to get rid of their original working habits and familiar experience, and started new adventure and exploration. Artists took advantage of local and ecological materials to do experiment: quilt, henhouse, dried branch, mud, leaves, agricultural appliance and even their bodies.


Her latest novel is a chronicle of life in a Devon village.


Before their prefab barracks arrived, they had to rough it in a nearby village, marching back and forth at every alarm.


Right now, night has fallen on the two hundred inhabitants of this Pyrenean village, whose name I prefer to keep secret and where, a short while ago, I bought a converted mill.


The world's smallest cattle is a rare breed of an Indian zebu called the Vechur cow.

世界上最小的牛是一种奶牛,Vechur cow,产于牛的天堂-印度~~,以一个小村庄Vechur命名。

Then, based on further analysis of two villages we have surveyed personally, we found that in the process of picking the target group, these two villages also mainly take the correlative factors of income into account, the straight household income is just a clueing index.


"I like September best," explained Oscar G rriz, the proprietor of Sa Rascassa, a five-room pension and restaurant on a minuscule cove called Aiguafreda — reachable by car, of course, but also by foot along a seaside path from the tiny white-washed village called Sa Tuna.

&我最喜欢九月了,&Sa Rascassa酒店的老板Oscar G rriz解释道,这个只有5个房间的小宾馆坐落在一个被称作Aiguafreda的小海湾旁,可以驾车到达,当然,也可以沿着那条从白色的Sa Tuna小村庄延伸出来的海边小路步行到达。

Set in and around Ditchling, the small East Sussex village that has been home to Director Luke Holland and his family, for the past decade, 'Going for the Kill' is the opening film in Holland's five-part Series 'A Very English Village'.


更多网络解释与小村庄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


clabularium 大型辎重车 | clachan 小村庄 | clack 噼啪响

combe:康比 布理附近的小村庄

Cloudyhead 云顶 西方语对於庞都夏瑟山的名称 | Combe 康比 布理附近的小村庄 | Common Speech 通用语 亦称为西方语

Staddle:史戴多 布理附近的小村庄

Springle-Ring 铃铛舞 哈比人在宴会时会跳的一种舞蹈 | Staddle 史戴多 布理附近的小村庄 | Stair Falls 天梯瀑布 地名


"司汤达"(Stendhal)本是德国著名美学家文克尔曼的诞生地,是普鲁士的一个小村庄. 因为作家司汤达后来的名声,连带使这个小村庄也闻名于世.

thorp:村庄; 小乡镇 (名)

thoroughness 完全, 十分 (名) | thorp 村庄; 小乡镇 (名) | those 那些的; 那 (形)

Thorpe:村庄, 小乡镇

asphaltene [化](石油)沥青质,沥青烯 | thorpe 村庄, 小乡镇 | steam hose 蒸汽软管 输送蒸汽用软管

Un petit village, un vieux clocher:一个小村庄,一个老旧的钟楼

Dites-le-moi 告诉我 | Un petit village, un vieux clocher 一个小村庄,一个老旧的钟楼 | Un paysage si bien cache 这么隐密的风景

Czastkowa Szlachta:村庄主小贵族

Okoliczna Szlachta:居家小贵族 | Czastkowa Szlachta:村庄主小贵族 | Zagrodowa Szlachta:庄院小贵族(这几个郁闷我了)

Les Cloches Du Hameau:小村庄的钟

14 你的天使I'm Yur Angel | 15 幸福圣诞Feliz Navidad | 16 小村庄的钟Les Cloches Du Hameau

Small village outside novokuznetsk:新库兹涅茨克(原苏联斯大林斯克)外的一个小村庄

I have address you wanted.|我有你想要的地址了 | Small village outside novokuznetsk.|新库兹涅茨克(原苏联斯大林斯克)外的一个小村庄 | I know it.|我知道那里