英语人>词典>汉英 : 小和尚 的英文翻译,例句
小和尚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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"The young acolyte said,"But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Father Prior.


"The young acolyte said,"But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Fath er Prior.


So one day the young acolyte said to him.


" The young acolyte said,"But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Father Prior.


So one day the young acolyte said to him, Father Prior, what are you doing day after day rubbing this brick on the stone?


Namely people often says, do the old monk in small temple rather, also do not do the small bonze in big temple.


An old monk often took a young monk to the hill outside their temple to recite the lection.


The old monk often took the young monk to the hill outside the temple to recite the lection.


Following the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun.


Mr A said,he had gone three temples,and got unnumbered curses and chases of the monks.but he still persevered.Eventually a little monk was moved and bought one comb.


更多网络解释与小和尚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


witling假作聪明的人,假才子 | bantling小孩,小家伙 | priestling 小和尚,小僧侣



Chinatown Coppers:年 小英雄大闹唐人街

1974年 黄飞鸿少林拳 The Skyhawk | 1974年 小英雄大闹唐人街 Chinatown Coppers | 1974年 三德和尚与舂米六 Iron Fisted Monk


不久,庙里来了个大和尚,小和尚叫他去挑水,大和尚心想,我比你大你还敢指使我,就不愿意去挑水,他要小和尚和他一起去抬水. 小和尚心里虽然不情愿但还是勉强答应(comply)了. 两个人只能抬一只水桶,这样总算两个人还有水喝.


进而被用来喻指发自内心地追求某项事业;OCCUPATION(职业)指的则是规律性地,但如小和尚有口无心撞钟般地从事某件事而已. 是故, 有一个职业,仅仅是象模象样地占据(occupy)了一席之地,至于是否有发自内心的喜爱与敬畏则要另当别论了.

Iron Fisted:年 三德和尚與舂米六

1974年 小英雄大鬧唐人街 Chinatown Coppers | 1974年 三德和尚與舂米六 Iron Fisted **** | 1977年 功夫小子 He Has Nothing but Kung Fu

Iron Fisted Monk:年 三德和尚与舂米六

1974年 <<小英雄大闹唐人街韩国黑社会电影>> Chinatown Coppers | 1977年 <<三德和尚与舂米六>> Iron Fisted Monk | 1977年 <<功夫小子>> He Has Nothing but Kung Fu


bantling小孩,小家伙 | priestling 小和尚,小僧侣 | nestling婴儿

He that chastises one, amends many:杀一儆百

228、 One man makes a chair, and another man sits in it. 前人植树,后人乘凉. | 229、 He that chastises one, amends many. 杀一儆百. | 230、 He has much prayer but little devotion. 小和尚念经,有口无心.

Chinatown Coppers:年 《小英雄大闹唐人街韩国黑社会电影>

1974年 <<黄飞鸿少林拳>> The Skyhawk | 1974年 <<小英雄大闹唐人街韩国黑社会电影>> Chinatown Coppers | 1977年 <<三德和尚与舂米六>> Iron Fisted Monk