英语人>词典>汉英 : 小册子 的英文翻译,例句
小册子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
booklet  ·  brochure  ·  pamphlet  ·  PPH  ·  tract  ·  tractate  ·  booklets  ·  brochures  ·  pam  ·  pamphlets

更多网络例句与小册子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Modest Proposal, published in 1729 in response to worsening conditions in Ireland, is perhaps the severest and most scathing of all Swift's pamphlets.


This handbook is intended to be a source of information when you have questions about our programs.


His political action committee, GOPAC, published a pamphlet entitled Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.


The aide didn't know what the booklet was.


So read up on those brochures, ask questions and find out which is the best air mattress for you.


In compliance with (3) your request, we are sending you by aira catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.


We offer tips on finding cheap color brochure printing company and service that will meet your brochure printing needs.


Moreover, since the articles listed below are explicitly contained in his books or treatises, namely in the book entitled De ecclesia and in his other pamphlets, this most holy synod therefore reproves and condemns the aforesaid books and his teaching, as well as the other treatises and pamphlets written by him in Latin or in Czech, or translated by one or more other persons into any other language, and it decrees and determines that they should be publicly and solemnly burnt in the presence of the clergy and people in the city of Constance and elsewhere.


After the booklet is created, user can download the booklet in PDF format, which can then be printed out the document using "Print on both sides" or "Print double sided" in printer preferences.


According to a new pamphlet from the Relationships Foundation - a Cambridge-based thinktank whose work has begun to draw the attention of Labour and Tory politicians alike - the value of good relationships of all kinds can be aggregated into some very large numbers.


更多网络解释与小册子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


该产品还配备"水印打印"功能和"小册子(Booklet)打印"功能,前者可以在纸上打印水印字. 小册子打印是指为了订装成册,将一张纸按正反面打印,打印以后只须对折装订便可以制作小册子的功能.

Brochure Matte:小册子纸,无光泽

Brochure Glossy 小册子纸,有光泽 | Brochure Matte 小册子纸,无光泽 | 0 oooooooo 颜色最浅

Brochure Matte:无光泽,小册子

Brochure Glossy 有光泽,小册子 | Brochure Matte 无光泽,小册子 | Iron-On 衬衫转印纸

Brochure Glossy:小册子纸,有光泽

Iron-on 烫印纸(选成此纸型会造成复印成反向的现象) | Brochure Glossy 小册子纸,有光泽 | Brochure Matte 小册子纸,无光泽

Brochure Glossy:有光泽,小册子

Premium InkJet 高级喷墨纸 | Brochure Glossy 有光泽,小册子 | Brochure Matte 无光泽,小册子

information leaflet:信息小册子

brochure 广告小册子,宣传信息单 | information leaflet 信息小册子 | public transport 公共交通


pamphlet 小册子 | pamphleteer 小册子作者 | pan am 泛美航空公司


pamphleteer 小册子作者 | pamphleteer 写小册子 | pampiniform 蔓状的


pamphlet /小册子/时事论文小册子/ | pamphleteer /小册子作者/檄文执笔者/写小册子/评论时事/ | pampiniform /蔓状的/

plaquette f:小板,小牌;小册子

brochure n.f. 小册子;装订;织花 | plaquette f. 小板,小牌;小册子 | bulletin n.m. 公报,简报;学习成绩报告单;文据,证书,收据,证明单据