英语人>词典>汉英 : 封建制度 的英文翻译,例句
封建制度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
feudalism  ·  feudality  ·  feudalities

feudal system
更多网络例句与封建制度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shocked the foundation of the feu dal rule in Europe.


In fact, commerce was always an important part of feudalism and the feudal economy.


With feudality's ending and the transition to democracy, the period from the late Qing to the early times of Minguo is a especially special phase in the Chinese modern history.


The Renaissance occurring during the Middle Ages (level 1) produced a huge drive enabling western European countries to cast off feudality and adopt capitalism (level 2); while China's market-oriented economic reform (level 4) entails amendment of constitution and acknowledgement and protection of private property rights (level 2), which is the example of lower institution exerting reverse influence on higher institution.


He tries to investigate the feudalization general characters and regional particularity in Europe by the comparative method, and explain further that the feudalization as a kind of society form has its catholicity and particularity.


But these three kinds of intellectual image respectively are: The first kind is the feudalism victim and the fall guy; The second kind is the feudalism vindicator and the follower; The third kind is the feudalism destroyer and the resister.


The end of Czars'censorship implies that the whole censorship system, or the fence around the feudal system in Europe had been completely overthrown.


Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding-a system of holding land in exchange for military service.


The landlord class, open-minded elements in the mid-19th century also began the so-called "barbarians technology in order to stop the barbarians," the Westernization Movement, but as part of a system, they can not recognize the system itself is the greatest sin, the Westernization Movement The results also an important leader Li as they like, just as the Qing temporary wall paper maker managed to maintain the situation, but intensified the European and American came crashing down before the end impunity for the fate of.


Justice of the division folded flag insulted, study its main reason for this is caused by the decadent feudal system, especially the Qing government long-term implementation of "closed door" policy, resulting in China's economic and military backwardness, broadswords and spears can not stand by importing foreign weapons combat, but also the advanced capitalist system over the backward, decadent feudal system, cast insult to the nation.


更多网络解释与封建制度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

feudal system:封建制度

西欧特定时期的那一段历史上出现的制度安排,被一些学者称为"封建制度"(feudal system)或"封建主义"(feudalism). 对这个制度及其相关概念的创造做出贡献的,主要是19世纪的一批德国学者,而为马克思主义者所沿用. Feudalism最初被译为中文"封建""封建社会",

feudalist:封建论者; 主张封建制度者 (名)

feudalism 封建制度 (名) | feudalist 封建论者; 主张封建制度者 (名) | feudalistic 封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形)


feudalistic /封建制度的/封建性的/ | feudality /封建制度/封建地/封地/ | feudalization /使成封建制度/封建化/


feudality /封建制度/封建地/封地/ | feudalization /使成封建制度/封建化/ | feudalize /使成封建制度/


fertilize 使受精,授粉,施肥 | feodal 封建的,封建制度的 | fiber 纤维,光纤


feudalist 封建论者 | feudalistic 封建制度的 | feudality 封建制度


feudalist /封建论者/ | feudalistic /封建制度的/封建性的/ | feudality /封建制度/封建地/封地/

feudalistic:封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形)

feudalist 封建论者; 主张封建制度者 (名) | feudalistic 封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形) | feudality 封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名)


feudalization 封建化 | feudalize 成封建制度 | feudally 封建地


feudalization /使成封建制度/封建化/ | feudalize /使成封建制度/ | feudally /如封建地/