英语人>词典>汉英 : 封函 的英文翻译,例句
封函 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I see it's an official admission from the register of the university.


"The Holy Father, who was fully informed of the proposals reached in the course of the meeting, has benevolently decided to address a Letter to Catholics in China."


This provoked a great outcry among the local burgesses; and a senator of the Empire, a former member of the Council of the Five Hundred which favored the 18 Brumaire, and who was provided with a magnificent senatorial office in the vicinity of the town of D----, wrote to M.


And a senator of the Empire, a former member of the Council of the Five Hundred which favored the 18 Brumaire, and who was provided with a magnificent senatorial office in the vicinity of the town of D----, wrote to M.''.'Bigot'.


In a letter sent to its investors on Wednesday, Citadel said it lost 16 percent in September alone.


In writing English letters the attention should be paid to the following aspects as the order of the units of address, the style of envelop writing , the style of date writing , the difference in use of salutation and complimentary close, the style of the complete elements.


You don't know me and I'm not exactly a fan of yours. So, don't throw this letter away as fan mail.


Measured and recorded Records shaft / rod diameter, pore size and depth of the stuffing, and then water seal ring, stuffing box at the bottom to the top of the record the distance.


Stuffing mainly by the packing, seal ring, filling cylinders, packing gland, water-sealed tube.


By analyzing the causes of the failure of bearing sealing in a certain device of screw conveyer ,the structure of packing box was improved and the combined packing was selected,and the nonleakage of the bearing sealing was attained.


更多网络解释与封函相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thomas Carlyle:托马斯.卡莱尔

作家托马斯 卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)的讲演. "控制钢铁的国家就能立月,英内阁成员、印度事务大臣汉密尔顿(Hamilton)在他的一封急函中提Schwartz)的一篇报告,报告说在接近那格浦尔的恰达(Chanda)县附近蕴果然铁的蕴藏量丰富. 炼钢必须要有质量好的煤.

John Milton Hay:海约翰

1899年3月,"门户开放"政策正式出台前半年,美国国务卿海.约翰(JOHN MILTON HAY)给一位在纽约的编辑PAUL DANA写了一封密函. 根据后来披露的密函有以下内容:"......我们当然反对肢解那个帝国(指中国),而且我们也不认为美国的公众舆论将会支持这个政府(指美国政府)加

oil gland:油封填料函

oil gear 液压传动装置 | oil gland 油封填料函 | oil gravity tank 重力油柜

oil sealing gland:油封填料函

oil sealed pump 油封泵 | oil sealing gland 油封填料函 | oil seepage 润滑油渗漏


packhorse /驮马/ | packhouse /仓库/ | packing /包装/填垫材料/封函/行李/

glandless pump:无填料函泵

gland 压盖 | glandless pump 无填料函泵 | glands 气封

gland glandless pump:无填料函泵

gland flange 填料函凸缘 | gland glandless pump 无填料函泵 | gland leak-off condenser 汽封冷凝器

gland steam condenser:填函蒸汽凝结器

"填函封环","gland sealing ring" | "填函蒸汽凝结器","gland steam condenser" | "填函蒸汽加热器","gland steam heater"

gland leak-off steam condenser:汽封冷凝器

gland leak-off condenser 汽封冷凝器 | gland leak-off steam condenser 汽封冷凝器 | gland leakage 填料函漏泄

6.Someone gave my boss a poison-pen letter. 7.He's just slinging mud:6.有人写了一封黑函给我 的老板. 7.他只是在中伤人

[20:22.35]4.Don't try to drag me t... | [20:28.81]6.Someone gave my boss a poison-pen letter. 7.He's just slinging mud. ;6.有人写了一封黑函给我 的老板. 7.他只是在中伤人. | [20:35.88]8.You want me to lo...