英语人>词典>汉英 : 导致破灭的 的英文翻译,例句
导致破灭的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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These difficulties leaded to the defeat of the ideal of searching definite knowledge of logical atomism.


The concern outspreads by two dimensions: the first starts off from individual existence and explores the rationality of it; the second is based on the provincen point, rethinking and questioning collective utopia. The specific representations are: the reflection on political utopia in historical memory through the material plight of the weak, the oppugnation of economic utopia by the delineation of the tragic fates under cultural puzzledom; the paradox of strength and absurdity caused by the loss of normality and rationality through the creation of the strong characters, which is also the contradiction between the modern call of "strength" and the criticism on the loss of morality; the meaning of existence for the intellectuals, the embarrassment they encounter in reality and the disillusion of collective utopia by the description of different life styles for the intellectuals.


Number one is the overinflation of land value, which finally went bust and cost a lot of people investment money.


One is co-operation with China, which automatically contributes to the rise of East Asia as a whole. The other is thwarting China's development, which would ultimately ruin the rise of East Asia.


Network and then the technology bubble burst led to the mainstream economies, the economic recession, the GDP for two consecutive years is barely more than 8%.


Under the IMF over the past 30-40 years in 21 industrialized countries of the housing market and the stock market boom and decline study, housing price bubble burst more than the damage caused by the stock market bubble, to a large double, because the real estate industry funds to banks have serious dependence, both the real estate bubble burst would result in tremendous blow to the consumer, but also easily lead to the collapse of the banking system capital chain and trigger a serious financial crisis.


The 1-4 defeat at Milan, who were bottom of the table at the time - Cagliari, still on nil points, unfortunately seem not to count, or rather to be down already - must have planted some seeds of doubt about Lazio's ability to stand up to the better sides, but while most observers noted that the Biancazzurri were perhaps too timid against Milan, when right-flank livewire Pasquale Foggia was only introduced in the second half, Rossi himself timidly pointed out his side were too adventurous, especially once the hosts had scored their second goal.

在米兰的那场1-4,让当时的副班长Cagliari的期望破灭了,当然,他们现在还是一分未得。这场失败多少产生了一些对于Lazio是否成为更有竞争力的球队的疑问。虽然大多数观察员认为蓝鹰对糜烂太过谨慎,尤其是右边锋Pasquale Foggia下半时才登场,Rossi自己却认为正是这步在主队进了第二个球后的冒险导致了最后的大比分失利。

更多网络解释与导致破灭的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"百万富翁"(millionaire)这个词汇,就是在他操纵的股市飞涨的时代被创造出来的. 但是,最终这样的泡沫无法维持. 当泡沫破灭时,法国的金融体制也跟着被摧毁. 法国王室的财政破产,成为导致法国大革命的直接原因.