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导致...的 的英文翻译、例句


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But demonstrations fueled by the economic crisis led the Latvian government to resign last month.


Pott's puffy tumor is defined as scalp swelling due to subperiosteal abscess resulting from osteomyelitis of the frontal bone secondary to bacterial sinusitis.


Trilby Lundberg, publisher of the Lundberg Survey, said the new record high comes from an upward trend fueled by higher crude oil prices globally, increased demand for gas caused by economic growth in the United States and increased refinery costs resulting from seasonal changes in refinery processes mandated by environmental rules.

Lundberg Survey分析师Trilby Lundberg称:汽油价格升高主要原因为全球原油价格升高导致燃料价格上扬;美国经济增长对汽油需求增加;环境因素引起精炼工艺季节性变化所导致的提炼成本上升。

This paper discusses the main reasons why jadeite jade culture was developed in a short time during the middle-late Qing dynasty. It concludes that three main reasons precipitate the rising of jadeite jade culture; the influence of folk customs of the Manchu ethnic group, the power structure of royal estate, and development of aulic culture; the change of social values influenced by Western culture and the commercial development of the Qing dynasty.


Essential hypertension caused by neurovascular compression of the left ventrolateral medulla was associated with malbalance of vasomotor center in the dorsal medulla. The possible pathogenesis was the following:① An irritation of the left RVLM by pulsatile compression of an ectatic vessel would increase activity of central sympathetic neuron.② Neurovascular compression at the REZ of the cranial nerves Ⅸ and Ⅹ decreased excitation of parasympathetic nerve.③ Decreased sensitivity of afferent inputs to neuron of nucleus tractus solitarii in the sensory area lead to hyperactivity of central sympathetic nervous system due to pulsatile compression of the left RVLM.④ Neurocompression of the left RVLM and REZ in the left cranial nerves Ⅸ and Ⅹ lead to an overactivity of central renin angiotensin system.


The fracture reasons of high strength PC steel wire are analyzed, it's considered that center segregation, central cavitation, poriness and inclusion are the metallurgical reasons which lead to the facture of PC steel wire and in the rolling process, differential coping quality, microcrack caused by surface defect, abnormal microstructure caused by burnt and improper cooling velocity, the ears on the head of the wire, overlapping of the wire rod itself are the main reasons which lead to the facture of PC steel wire. At the same time, inappropriate pickling, differential phosphorization quality, the bad heat treatment quality, the generation of crack in the improper drawing and transverse crack caused by abnormal laying of the drawing die are also the reasons of the cracking of PC wire.


Gradually the repertoire is augmented - twinges and spasms to the eyes, nose, lips, strange tics, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, obstructions in the throat, pressure on the bowel and bladder causing incontinence; tingling in the fingers, feet, pressures on the heart, on breathing, dizziness, eye problems leading to cataracts; running eyes, running nose; speeding up of heart beats and the raising of pressure in the heart and chest; breathing and chest complaints leading to bronchitis and deterioration of the lungs; agonizing migraines; being woken up at night, sometimes with terrifying jolts ; insomnia; intolerable levels of stress from the loss of one's privacy.


In inside and outside pool loss datum,there is notonly the difference threshold,but also the distinctions of internal and externalenvironment lead to the sample heterogeneity,which brings about the measurementdeviation.


The customer would incur extra costs of retuning the software ?C shipping and handling etc ?C so we decided to help him by avoiding the hassle of returning it, Ross said.


When the goods arrived at the destination it was found that there was a slight leakage caused by the defect in a few packages .however.the chinese company failed to take any measure to save the loss and preve nt the damage from expanding .as a result the leakage worsened after the warehousing of the goods and led to a selfignited fire .


更多网络解释与导致...的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additional work due to design error:设计错误导致的额外工作

(10) 业主或其代表引起的延误 Delay caused by the actions of the... | (11) 放样资料错误引起的额外工作. Additional work due to erroneous... | (12) 设计错误导致的额外工作. Additional work due to design error.

NEEDLE DAMAGE:(缝针导致的)面料损坏

neck drop pucker 门襟顶部起皱,[粤]筒顶起皱 | needle damage (缝针导致的)面料损坏 | needle hole 针洞,针孔


inducer 诱导器 | inducible 可诱导的,可导致的 | inducible protein 诱导蛋白

inducible:可诱导的; 可归纳的; 可导致的 (形)

inducer 劝诱者; 诱导物; 诱导者 (名) | inducible 可诱导的; 可归纳的; 可导致的 (形) | induct 引导, 引入, 使入门 (动)

Memory leaked leaving scope:离开作用域导致的内存泄漏

Memory leaked due to reassignment - 指针重赋值导致的内存泄漏 | Memory leaked leaving scope - 离开作用域导致的内存泄漏 | Returning pointer to local variable - 返回局部变量的指针

streptococcal:链状球菌的; 链球菌所导致的 (形)

strep 链锁状球菌 (名) | streptococcal 链状球菌的; 链球菌所导致的 (形) | streptococcic 链球菌的 (形)

a mistake that proceeded from carelessness:由于粗心导致的错误

a proposal originating in the Congress; 国会提出的建议; | a mistake that proceeded from carelessness; 由于粗心导致的错误; | rebellion rising in the provinces; 省里起的叛乱;

When one species proliferates beyond any other, ultimately:当一个种族的数量迅速激增的时候 最终导致的结果是

And for the first time, it is being caused... | When one species proliferates beyond any other, ultimately,|当一个种族的数量迅速激增的时候 最终导致的结果是 | it sort of knocks out its own life support ...

Crime Pursued by Vengeance:因复仇导致的罪

2. Deliverance 援救 | 3. Crime Pursued by Vengeance 因复仇导致的罪 | 4. Vengeance Taken for Kindred Upon Kindred 血亲间的复仇

Tired programmers:开发人员加班导致的效率低下和错误

6)Rushed work:项目长期经费不足或是存在各个方面的质量问题 | 7)Tired programmers:开发人员加班导致的效率低下和错误 | 8)Tired programmers:喝酒了,亲人离去,或是开发人员没有代码的交流等等