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寻道 的英文翻译、例句


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As described in the front, and now head positioning with precision the extent of continuous improvement, seeking ways and hard disk formatting commands are also great changes have taken place.


Compared with the previous, and now the physical hard disk have been some changes in the structure of a direct impact on the realization of the hard drive changes in the way instruction, the most important thing is to seek changes in the way the hard disk formatting result in changes in instruction.


Rotational latency is the additional time waiting forthe disk to rotate the desired sector to the disk head.

磁盘访问时间 1 寻道时间 Ts 这是指把磁臂移动到指定磁道上所经历的时间。

In this paper. a novel magnetic head crab track pluck detection way is given by the analysis of etched servo graph for 4000 TPI etched surface servo. It improve the maximum seek track speed of magnetic head greatly, So that magnetic head can seek track at high speak for high track density.


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To improve the efficiency of disk scheduling, this paper proposed an optimization algorithm of disk scheduling based on the Average Seek Time.


Zero once the damaged track will be the primary boot hard drive and the partition table information will be seriously damaged, resulting in the hard disk can not boot. 0 tracks damaged judge: System self-test pass, but the boot partition C disc lost or directory is missing, there are laws of the hard disk "... creak ... creak" seek the sound of running SCANDISK scanning C disk, in the first cluster a red "B", or can not find Fdisk the hard disk, DM died in the 0 track, the track such a situation that is zero damage!


Any topic you want to talk to seeker who speak and read Chinese language.


Failure is often manifested in the phenomenon of nonpower, hard disk not detected, the disc does not turn heads, such as do not seek.


The interval between the end of a disk seek and the time at which the starting block address specified in the I/O request passes the disk head.


更多网络解释与寻道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ASL AverageServiceLife:平均使用寿命

AST AverageSeekTime 平均寻道时间 | ASL AverageServiceLife 平均使用寿命 | ATBS AverageTimeBetweenMaintenance 平均维修间隔时间

AST AverageSeekTime:平均寻道时间

ASO AverageSampleNumber 平均取样数 | AST AverageSeekTime 平均寻道时间 | ASL AverageServiceLife 平均使用寿命


下面是关于光盘(Disc)的,依次为光盘类型(Type,分为音乐光盘和数据光盘)和光盘容量长度(Length);右边方框内,上方为寻道时间(Seek times),分别为:随机(Random)、1/3和全部(Full).

disk formatting:磁盘格式化

disk farm 大容量磁盘 | disk formatting 磁盘格式化 | disk head seek 磁盘磁头寻道

disk head seek:磁盘磁头寻道

disk formatting 磁盘格式化 | disk head seek 磁盘磁头寻道 | disk interleaving 磁盘交叉因子

keep faith:卫道者

06 Searchin' For Love 寻爱 | 07 Keep Faith 卫道者 | 08 Vast Fields Of The Mind 思想无界

seek time:寻道时间

目前台式机中硬盘的外形差不了多少,而要判断一个硬盘的性能的好坏只能从其技术指标来判断,其中重要的几个技术指标如下: 寻道时间(Seek time) 指硬盘磁头移动到数据所在磁道而所用的时间,单位为毫秒(ms).

Average seek time:平均寻道时间

" 平均寻道时间(Average seek time)︰指硬盘在盘面上移动读写头至指定磁道寻找相应目标数据所用的时间,它描述硬盘读取数据的能力,单位为毫秒. 当单碟片容量增大时,磁头的寻道动作和移动距离减少,从而使平均寻道时间减少,加快硬盘速度.

Seek Time Performance:寻道性能

07 Seek Error Rate 寻道出错率 | 08 Seek Time Performance 寻道性能 | 09 Power-On Time Count 加电累计时间

AST: Average Seek time:平均寻道时间

ASPI: Advanced SCSI Program Interface, 高级SCSI编程接口 | AST: Average Seek time,平均寻道时间 | ATA: AT Attachment,AT扩展型