英语人>词典>汉英 : 对角型 的英文翻译,例句
对角型 的英文翻译、例句


diagonal form
更多网络例句与对角型相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pupose of the research is to develops public key encryption and digital signature shemes based on matrix canonical decomposition problem, or matrix diagonalization problem over Z/n, the ring of integers with modulo-n addition and multiplication in particular, where n is an RSA modulus.


The characters of no-load member in closed complex structure and the reason of high-rigid of diagonal partition wall have been studied.


At last, in Chapter 7, the author establishes the theory on global exact boundary controllability for first order quasilinear hyperbolic system of diagonal form and applies it to one-dimensional isentropic flow system.


In this paper we present an estimate for bounds of module of eigenvalues of the iteration matrix M^(-1)N for a kind of Baily-Crabtree diagonally dominant matrix M.


A scalable parallel algorithm of block tridiagonal systems for solving the initial boundary value problem of 3D-parabolic equation with the Dirichlet boundary condition is discussed.


Summary: The concept of matrix and its determinant computing, matrix determinant, matrix sub-block with the elementary transformation, invertible matrix, rank of matrix; vector and its computation, the linear relationship between vector, vector group of rank; linear equations of the nature and structure of linear equations; matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector, similar to matrix and matrix diagonalization conditions, the standard quadratic form with the normal forms, quadratic and symmetric matrix There are qualitative.


The characteristic vector of the real symmetric matrix should be found out, which is orthogonalized and normalized to a standard orthogonal base and is used as row vector to construct the transformation matrix P, so the P~(-1)AP can be made into diagonal matrix.

实对称矩阵A经相似变换P-1AP可化为对角矩阵,在x =Py 下,不一定能化A的二次型为标准型;应寻求对称矩阵A的特征向量,将其正交化并单位化作为标准正交基,作为列向量构造变换矩阵P,可使P-1AP=Λ为对角阵,在x =Py 下,要将二次型化为标准型,且二次项系数即为对角阵Λ主对角线上元素。

It is also pointed out that an n-mode boson coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a "negative unitary" matrix which is an element of complex symplectic group SP(2n,c),and an n-mode fermion coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix which is an element of complex fermion group F(2n,c).


The reduced quasi-block tridiagonal matrix simultaneous correction algorithm based on LU decomposition is developed for interlinked distillation columns, which can successfully solve non-tridiagonal matrix caused by connecting stream or recycle stream of the column system.


Based on the decomposition theorem for vector space with module structure and rational canonical form of matrix, a kind of new block diagonal controllably canonical forms are inferred when the time invariant linear multivariable system is completely controllable, which the system matrix is similar to a block diagonal and has an analogy with its rational canonical form. Compare with current controllability canonical forms, this kind is easier to analyse the system constructional characteristic. The process of proof gives an effective solution method.


更多网络解释与对角型相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diagonal form:对角型

diagonal element 对角元素 | diagonal form 对角型 | diagonal map 对角映射

diagonal map:对角映射

diagonal form 对角型 | diagonal map 对角映射 | diagonal matrix 对角阵

generalized diagonally dominant matrix:广义对角占优矩阵

市场支配地位:dominant position | 广义对角占优矩阵:generalized diagonally dominant matrix | 显性营养不良型大疱性表皮松解症:dominant

sprit rig:斜对角帆型

斜墙 sprit | 斜对角帆型 sprit rig | 斜墙帆 sprit sail

sprit sail:斜墙帆

斜对角帆型 sprit rig | 斜墙帆 sprit sail | 桁 sproader

Finger round cut:指圆剪 利用手指弯曲将头发整型

Finger grips 指套 剪刀的环套 | Finger round cut 指圆剪 利用手指弯曲将头发整型 | Forty five degree angle 四十五度角 对角,九十度的对方