英语人>词典>汉英 : 对角元素 的英文翻译,例句
对角元素 的英文翻译、例句


diagonal element
更多网络例句与对角元素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, the behavior of modal flexibility sensitivity to parameters of damage was investigated. It is demonstrated that the maximum value of the elements in the corresponding column of the flexibility change matrix can be adopted to detect damage.


A determinant in which all elements are zero except the elements of the principal diagonal and the elements immediately above and below this diagonal is called a continuant.


The dominant merit of the proposed decoupling PID controller was that the controller was developed in an absolutely transparent manner and the controller can realize significant decoupling among the nominal responses of system outputs. Moreover, every output can be tuned on line by the single adjustable parameter in the corresponding diagonal element of the controller.


The sum of the elements of the principal diagonal of a matrix.


Quasi diagonally dominant matrix with chain of non-zero elements ; Comparison matrix ; Principal minor


For this method, integeral was proceed by triangular Gaussian quadrature method in polygon domain, which can reduce computational time greatly. Neighbor nodes database was create which can reduce neighbor nodes searching time. Rock and soil cutting problem are two complicated problems, so a robust method is needed to treat essential boundary condition.


A new approach is proposed to estimate the radial velocity by extracting the phase information of the off-diagonal elements in the sample covariance matrix. The technique is verified experimentally by both simulated and real SAR data.


A scalar matrix in which all of the diagonal elements are unity.


It is also pointed out that an n-mode boson coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a "negative unitary" matrix which is an element of complex symplectic group SP(2n,c),and an n-mode fermion coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix which is an element of complex fermion group F(2n,c).


U(4) algebra is very suitable to describe triatomic molecules, for their Fermi interaction can be described by using nondiagonal matrix elements of Majorana operator.


更多网络解释与对角元素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diagonal dominancy:对角优势

diagonal continued fraction 对角连分数 | diagonal dominancy 对角优势 | diagonal element 对角元素

diagonal element:对角元素

diagonal cutting pliers 斜嘴钳 | diagonal element 对角元素 | diagonal engine 斜置式发动机

diagonal form:对角型

diagonal element 对角元素 | diagonal form 对角型 | diagonal map 对角映射

diary Matlab:指令窗文本内容记录

diag 矩阵对角元素提取、创建对角阵 | diary Matlab指令窗文本内容记录 | diff 数值差分、符号微分

diary Matlab:指令窗文本内容记载

diag 矩阵对角元素提取、创建对角阵 | diary Matlab指令窗文本内容记载 | diff 数值差分、符号微分

off duty:备用的

off-diagonal elements 非对角元素 | off-duty 备用的 | off-gas pump 抽气泵