英语人>词典>汉英 : 对比率 的英文翻译,例句
对比率 的英文翻译、例句


contrast ratio
更多网络例句与对比率相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The article analyzed the Franz Schubert's Piano Sonata, Op.120 all-around with the elements of multidimensional structures, such as the pitch, rhythm, and textures. It discussed the effect of change and ratio to the drive and structure of the music through the three aspects of combination: the synchronous change and symmetry ratio of the element rhythm, the asynchronies change and the asymmetry ratio of the element rhythm, and the synchronous with asynchronies changes, and compared them with the Heinrich Schenker system.


The base-material has a contrast ratio of 0.20-0.40, a Stormer viscosity of 90-100KU, when the incident angle is 85 Deg, the lustrousness is 5-10 Deg.


Apparently, the PRS-700's built-in sidelight added an extra "light" layer or gap that made the screen less responsive, hurt the contrast ratio, and created some glare issues.


This article has described the technology of application of sierozem powder and preparation of ethylene-ethyl acetate copolymeremulsion,including selection of raw materials,formulation and preparation procedure .


The contrast ratio of the basic material is between 0.90 and 0.96, the Stormer viscosity is between 90 and 100KU, and the gloss is between 5 and 10 when the incident angle is 85 DEG.


The countrywide rate for uninvestigated Chinese companies that did not qualify for the Section A rate was 78.45 percent, while the rate for uninvestigated Malaysian firms was0.75 percent.


Notwithstanding the special circumstances of China's WTO accession, which give WTO members license to deviate from the ADA in certain respects, the DOC's current separate rates practice contravenes the ADA's express prohibition of assigning rates based on adverse facts available to uninvestigated companies.


Should the vessel be discharge at a rate less than the average ,the buyer shall pay to the seller demurrage at the rate of u,s %15,000,00 per running day and a prorata shere for any portion of such running day should the vessel be pay to the buyer speed of dispatch at the rate of u,s $14,000,00 per running day.

万一,船在少于平均的比率是放电,买主将以 u 的比率对卖方超过停泊日期支付,s%15,000,00 每一给如此流动的日子的任何部分的流动日子和 prorata shere 应该以 u 的比率,船是对特派的买主航速的薪资,每一流动的日子 s$14,000,00。

May 6, 2009 Although LCD has been clearly outselling plasmas TVs in recent times, plasma still maintains a number of advantages over LCD, most notably in contrast ratio.


The G10 Series is also Full HD and features panels Panasonic calls NeoPDPs, which combine improvements in materials and processes, discharge gas and cell design, and circuit and drive technology, to provide twice the luminous efficiency and improved energy efficiency. The G10 Series also incorporates a 600HZ Sub Field Drive, 2,000,000 :1 dynamic contrast ratio and design improvements, such as an AR Filter and swivel stand.


更多网络解释与对比率相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ratio of bad debt to credit sale:呆账赊账比率

Ratio of accumulated depreciation to cost of fixes assets 累积折旧对固定资产成本比率 | Ratio of bad debt to credit sale 呆账赊账比率 | Ratio of capital investment 资本投资比率

Gearing Ratio:杠杆比率

权证属于杠杆投资的一种,具有较高的杠杆比率(Gearing Ratio). 以认购权证为例,一方面,如果投资人对正股的后市走势判断正确,则权证的投资回报率往往会远高于正股的投资回报率. 这尤其是因为购买权证时往往只需缴付较低的权利金,

net worth ratio:净值比率

net underwriting commitment 包销承担净值 | net worth ratio 净值比率 | netting 单价配对[期权];净额结算;对销

Ratio of net operating profits to net sales:营业净利对销货净额比率

Ratio of net income to total assets 净收益对资产总额比率 | Ratio of net operating profits to net sales 营业净利对销货净额比率 | Ratio of net sales to net worth 销货净额对(资本)净值比率

Ratio of quick assets to current liabilities:速动资产对流动负债比率

Ratio of net sales to receivables 销货净额对应收款项比率 | Ratio of quick assets to current liabilities 速动资产对流动负债比率 | Ratio of surpluses to net worth 盈馀对(资本)净值比率

Ratio of quick assets to current liability:速动资产对流动负债比率

Ratio of profit to shareholder's equity or to sales 利润对股东... | Ratio of quick assets to current liability 速动资产对流动负债比率 | Ratio of selling and administrative expenses to net sales 推销及管...

Clr thresh:颜色阈值:该选项控制抗锯齿对颜色变化的最小阈值,值越小抗锯齿效果越好

Max rate 最大比率:定义多少个样本使用一个像素.... | Clr thresh 颜色阈值:该选项控制抗锯齿对颜色变化的最小阈值,值越小抗锯齿效果越好. | Object outline 物体的轮廓线:控制是否对物体轮廓线的精度进行强制超级采...

contrast ratio change:对比率的变化

contrast range || 对比度范围, 反差范围 | contrast ratio change || 对比率的变化 | contrast reduction factor || 对比度降低因数

GF- grounders to flies ratio:地滾球对高飞球之比率

G games 出賽次数 | GF grounders to flies ratio 地滾球对高飞球之比率 | GDP times ground into double play 击出双杀球的次数

Loans to Rel. Party:对利害关系人授信金额

,"0215 ","授信比率-其他 ","% of Total Loans-Oth" | ,"0216 ","对利害关系人授信金额","Loans to Rel. Party " | ,"0217 ","利害关系人授信比率 ","% of Total L