英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...进行交易 的英文翻译,例句
对...进行交易 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
truck  ·  trucks  ·  trucked

更多网络例句与对...进行交易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the following chapter the regulations of affiliated transaction in some developed countries and regions are introduced. In this part the requirement and standard for information disclosure in American law and Hong kong Stock Exchange are analyzed.


Through calculating marginal effect coefficient to the relative transaction cost of the economic development level and system transition process , we can decompound the regional difference on this two factors, and divide four kinds of forming mechanism of regional disparity of transaction cost.


It makes empirical description of the insider trading in the follows : the effect of insider trading on the stock price , the abnormal return or disgorgement of insider traders , the impact of insider trading on the information asymmetry in trading .


Chapter two uses game theoretic model of bargain between the two property-trading parties to analyze the pricing mechanism of enterprises property rights and gives some policy suggestions to enhance monitoring and governing the process of property trading and avoid rent-seeking behaviors in the process.


On the basis of investigating and analyzing the present situation and effect of profitrigging of listed companies in related transactions in China, the type of company, transactioncontent, transaction motive and the hazard are analyzed in detail. Through the analysis of thelaw about the related transaction at present, the deficiencies of the related laws of relatedtransaction, such as lower policy effectiveness, inauthoritativeness, unconfined capability,limited adjusting range, are pointed and it couldn't control the unfair related transaction.


Further, the paper integrates the substantive law with the procedural law, and discusses the fundamental theory of the action and the judicial practice. Presuming that the related party transaction action possessed the litigable nature, the paper elaborates the foundation for the party's litigious right, and analyses the corresponding form of action and the court's discretionary right.


Further, the paper integrates the substantive law with the procedural law,and discusses the fundamental theory of the action and the judicial practice. Presuming that the related party transactionaction possessed the litigable nature, the paper elaborates the foundation for the party's litigious right, and analyses the corresponding form of action and the court's discretionary right.


However, because of the lagging of the law itself, the traditional law has not been carried on supplementally and revising to this new-type trade way of the trade of the network yet, which causes a lot of


However, because of the lagging of the law itself, the traditional law has not been carried on supplementally and revising to this newtype trade way of the trade of the network yet, which causes a lot of legal questions derived unable to carry on standardizing and adjust with the c


In the course of giving full scope to its functions, we must resolve such problems as ensuring the regularity of floor transactions of state-owned enterprises' property rights, clearly positioning property-right exchange, and dovetailing floor transaction and other modes of transaction of state-owned property rights.


更多网络解释与对...进行交易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

clearing house:票据交换所

乔治.索罗斯:很简单,建立一个票据交换所(clearing house)或交易所(exchange),然后强制所有人在此登记注册及进行交易,这样就可以了解对家是谁,你也知道交易的机制,如果对家违约,还有相应的监管制度,消除对家造成的风险.



contract curve:契约曲线

竞争均衡定义假定厂商允许市场力量决定价格,他们根据市场价格进行交易;而对埃奇沃思 著名的"契约曲线"(contract curve)进行概括的博弈论概念的核心,则认为这个核心由在此之上没有联盟可以有所进步的所有分配组成,它忽视了价格机制,


即在大陪审团对重罪案件作出起诉(Indictment)决定后,检察官不再与辩方进行交易. 这种做法并不是禁止交易,而更多类似于第一种限制性规定. 1992年布诺克斯县的检察官率先采用了此种方式. 3、用要求被告人放弃获得陪审团审判的权利或者暂缓答辩(SlowPlea)的方式代替辩诉交易.


2、韩国银行储备管理部主要负责确定投资基准回报、进行风险管理、资产组合(portfolio)管理、账目以及具体业务操作(performanceattribution). 国际部主要负责对外汇交易中的供给和需求进行监测、进入外汇市场干预、观测外汇储备并对公众进行报告.


沙受益于国际油价攀升,石油出口收入丰厚,经济保持较快增长. 除了禁止与以色列进行交易外,沙特阿拉伯在资本项下不论是对本国居民还是对非本国居民都没有外汇限制. 沙特阿拉伯实际上实施的是将其货币"里亚尔"( Riyal)盯住美元的政策.


首要利益相关者与次要利益相关者的区别在于:一是前者与企业相互依存并发生"交易"(Transactions),而后者则否;二是两者之间往有矛盾和利益冲突. 克拉克森认为,企业社会责任就是企业对首要利益相关者的责任,但直接进行评价是不可行的,


"推出市场"(marketed) 指在香港或在就本款而言,"进行交易"(dealt with) 指出售、出租、要约出售或要约出(a) "处理"(treatment) 作品指对作品进行任何增加、删(2) "侵犯权利物品"(infringing article) 指某而在本条中,


以应对交易错误导致衍生产品市场交易中 断的风险. 此前,国际上一些监管机构已经对信贷 衍生产品行业执业不严谨深表担忧. 该行业已成 为一个规模为17万亿美元的产业,但主要通过 "场外交易"(OTC)进行.

