英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...唠叨 的英文翻译,例句
对...唠叨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与对...唠叨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Instead of writing, I had been able to babble to you.


I get on the water-wagon an' save my money for two years - save an' then - But Martin turned away, leaving him to tell it to the barkeeper, until that worthy was called away to furnish drinks to two farmers who, coming in, accepted Martin's invitation.


Grandma came home, my grandmother took out a lot of good things to entertain my Xike, and then nag opened, there seems to be a basketful of the words said to me.


Don't blab this to anyone!


We were wrong. Today, Capote sits at the dinner at Coco Pazzo, and he says he's ungettable. He doesn't want a relationship. Doesn't even want to try. Isn't interested in the romantic commitment. Doesn't want to hear about the neurosis in somebody else's head.

我们都错了,今天,Capote在Coco Pazzo吃晚饭的时候说,他是不可能被俘获的男人,他不想恋爱,甚至连尝试一次都不愿意,对罗曼司压根儿提不起半点兴趣,不想听到除自己以外的任何人神经质的唠唠叨叨。

Alarming details were hawked about, fatal news was disseminated,-- that they were masters of the Bank;--that there were six hundred of them in the Cloister of Saint-Merry alone, entrenched and embattled in the church; that the line was not to be depended on; that Armand Carrel had been to see Marshal Clausel and that the Marshal had said:"Get a regiment first"; that Lafayette was ill, but that he had said to them, nevertheless: I am with you.


If his taste for clandestine operations doesn't prevail with Catherine, she will talk to me about it.


Many boys don't know that girl will only be long-winded to the one she likes.


Based on Brown and Levinson's Face-saving Theory, this article discusses the speech act of nagging. The nagger often threatens the hearer's positive and negative face, which annoys the hearer and retards the progress of communication. The author, in this paper, points out that taking right remedial measure is important for maintaining the harmonious relationship between parents and children, teachers and students ets.

摘 要]运用语用学中的面子保全理论对唠叨言语进行分析,指出唠叨言语之所以令人反感是因为它常常直接威胁到听者的消极面子和积极面子,并举例说明日常生活中适当运用礼貌补救策略,维护听者的面子需求,尊重对方,对构建和谐的家庭关系、师生关系等具有重要意义。

In fact, many boys do not know, girls only like boys Lao Lao of their own verbosity will only person who likes playing his own temper.


更多网络解释与对...唠叨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be to blame for (doing) something:是...的责任

blame something on someone把...归咎于 | be to blame for (doing) something是...的责任 | b. scold一般指长辈对小辈,上级对下级的比较严厉的训斥,有唠叨的意思.

Don't blab this to anyone:(别对什么人都唠叨这事. )

Don't be a blabber mouth! *"没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说". | Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事. ) | Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去.

Don't blab this to anyone:别对什么都唠叨这事

1184. 别跟我过不去好不好! Don't give me a hard time! | 1185. 别对什么都唠叨这事 Don't blab this to anyone! | 1186. 不要给我任何理由 Don't give me any excuses.

pick at:吃一点点,无食欲地吃

in person 亲自,本人 | pick at 吃一点点,无食欲地吃 | pick on 找...岔子,对...唠叨指责;挑选,选中

pick on someone:找...的岔, 对...唠叨指责; 挑选; 选中

pick on 找...的岔, 对...唠叨指责; 挑选; 选中 | pick on someone 找...的岔, 对...唠叨指责; 挑选; 选中 | pick one's teeth 剔牙

snap at:对... ...唠叨,滥骂

se t a good example for 为... ...树立好榜样 | snap at 对... ...唠叨,滥骂... ... | split up 分裂,解散,分担

I nagged Jurek for weeks and weeks:我对裘瑞克唠叨了好几个礼拜

but I didn't call to discuss my future career.|但我打电话来 不... | I nagged Jurek for weeks and weeks.|我对裘瑞克唠叨了好几个礼拜 | At last he gave in and said, "All right, come with me tomorrow."|最后...

and also uses a word like "prattles:而且还用了"唠唠叨叨"这个词

in, uh, answering machines...|嗯,对这答录机... | and also uses a word like "prattles."|而且还用了"唠唠叨叨"这个词 | So the only thing I can think of is that, uh, you really just...|所以我唯一所想的就是...

You know, now, I'm one of those idiots who just prattles on:你知道吗,现在我就是一个傻子 只是唠唠叨叨地

my weird bread fetish on everyone and...|对面包的奇... | You know, now, I'm one of those idiots who just prattles on...|你知道吗,现在我就是一个傻子 只是唠唠叨叨地... | in, uh, answering machines...|嗯,对...

Stop whining:不要唠叨了

Hub, I don't know why you have to drive. It's my car.|哈默,我不知道为什么你要开车, 这... | Stop whining.|不要唠叨了 | If we find the kid, he's gonna get a piece of my mind.|找不找的到那个小孩 对我来说一...