英语人>词典>汉英 : 宿怨 的英文翻译,例句
宿怨 的英文翻译、例句


old scores · old grudge
更多网络例句与宿怨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Who set this ancient quarrel new abroach?

蒙太古 这一场宿怨是谁又重新煽风点火?

If David had carried out his violent plans on the household of Nabal, innocent people would have been killed and a blood feud would have begun among the clans of his own tribe of Judah, thus weakening his support, which mainly came from that tribe.


There is no way ill feelings over history and other problems can be erased at once.


It's time to play the feud!


Because of a family feud she could not marry him.


Has found herself in the middle of yet another celebrity feud...


The proofs were certainly not convincing, since they rested upon a few words written by an escaped galley-slave on his death-bed, and who might have been actuated by hatred or revenge in accusing his companion


The proofs were certainly not convincing, since they rested upon a few words written by an escaped galley-slave on his death-bed, and who might have been actuate d by hatred or revenge in accusing his companion


As a result of his sometimes highhanded treatment while acting as MacArthur's chief of staff, Almond had created considerable animosity between himself and Walker.


And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house , In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.


更多网络解释与宿怨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


作者认为,"图像"(image)与"词语"(word)是相对的一组概念,二者具有明显的对立和排斥的意向冲动,这一对立和排斥也早已衍化为一份历史性的宿怨. 因此,近年来图像崇拜文化实践和图像破坏的理论在历史上其实是一种很常见的现象.

keep the score:(在比赛中)记分

19. Death pays all scores. 一死百了. | 20. keep the score (在比赛中)记分 | 21. pay old scores 报宿怨;雪旧仇

pay old scores:报宿怨;雪旧仇

19. Death pays all scores. 一死百了. | 20. keep the score (在比赛中)记分 | 21. pay old scores 报宿怨;雪旧仇


大致内容就是讲吸血鬼族(Vampire)和狼人族(Lycan)的宿怨争斗,第一部就是让两族混血儿Michael出场,以及他和女主角,美丽的女吸血鬼Selene相识. 之所以觉得第二部比第一部更好一些,就是因为第二部里详细地说明了吸血鬼和狼人宿怨的根源,

Scorned lovers:戏谑的人们

Old grudges|多年的宿怨 | Scorned lovers|戏谑的人们 | Sometimes I wonder why we all don't move on|有时候我困惑|为什么我们都停在原地

Old grudges:多年的宿怨

Sometimes I wonder how we ever got here|有时候我困惑|我是如何来到这里 | Old grudges|多年的宿怨 | Scorned lovers|戏谑的人们