英语人>词典>汉英 : 宣讲 的英文翻译,例句
宣讲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
preach  ·  preached  ·  preaches

explain and publicize · read and explain
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Some Adventist evangelists no longer preach on the mark of the beast for fear of upsetting their listeners.


Nationalism and resistance in Algeria as a prelude to the Algerian War of Independence .


Remember there was ever the instruction to those peoples that were to hold to that that would bring for the spiritual forces, rather than the abuses of the abilities - as those with familiar spirits, as those that spoke to or partook of the divinations of those that had passed from the earth's plane, or those that partook of the animal magnetism - that came from the universal consciousness of animal matter as passed into its experience, in its interchange through those periods of integration and disintegration - and the spirit forces possessing those that would lay themselves open to such conditions, for these are as real as physical bodies if the attunements of the entity are such that it may vision them!


Several nights a week, after Mr Jones was asleep, they held secret meetings in the barn and expounded the principles of Animalism to the others.


The one given by Paul on the Areopagus in Athens (chap. 17) may have been intended by Luke as a model for the preaching of the gospel to the Gentile world.


John the Baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.


The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.2 As it is written in Isaiah the prophet,"Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; 3 the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight —" 4 John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.


To preach means not to make capital out of people's felt frailties (the brainwasher's trick) but to measure their lives by the holy law of God.


When men preach contrary to truth, they should no longer be retained as spokesmen for that truth.


For the Blessed One, O Lord, spoke these words to me:'I shall not come to my final passing away, Evil One, until my bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples — wise, well disciplined, apt and learned, preservers of the Dhamma, living according to the Dhamma, abiding by the appropriate conduct, and having learned the Master's word, are able to expound it, preach it, proclaim it, establish it, reveal it, explain it in detail, and make it clear; until, when adverse opinions arise, they shall be able to refute them thoroughly and well, and to preach this convincing and liberating Dhamma.


更多网络解释与宣讲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bible-reader | 读>者 | Bible-thumping | 宣讲福音 | Biblelist | 信奉圣经者 圣经学者


但他给儒家学者宣讲(preach)佛义时却总是用儒家的>、>等经典来阐述佛理,而不用佛经来讲述. 他的这种做法受到儒家学者的责备和刁难. 牟融心平气和地回答:"我知道你们都熟悉儒家经典, 而佛经对你们来说是陌生的,

preach vt.1:宣讲(教义),布(道) 2.竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教

prawn n.对虾,明虾 | preach vt.1.宣讲(教义),布(道) 2.竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教 | precarious a.1.不安全的,充满危险的 2.不牢靠的,不稳固的

preach vt.1:宣讲,布道 2.竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教

clarity n.清楚,明晰 | preach vt. 1.宣讲,布道 2.竭力鼓吹,宣传 vi.布道,说教 | preacher n.1.传道士,牧师 2.说教者,鼓吹者[联想词]

preachy:宣讲 讲大道理

recruit 征募 召集 | preachy 宣讲 讲大道理 | marginal 微不足道的 不重要的 少量的

No, solemnize the secretive syllables:不,隆重而秘密宣讲吧

An unhappy people in a happy world. 不幸的人儿在幸福的世界. | No, solemnize the secretive syllables. 不,隆重而秘密宣讲吧. | Read to the congregation, for to-day 对着集会,就在今天

speak out about:宣讲

speak one's mind 说出心里想说的话 | speak out about 宣讲...... | specialize in 专门经营

He preached against violence:他宣讲反对暴力的道理

preach vt. 讲道,传道,宣扬 | He preached against violence.他宣讲反对暴力的道理. | Sometimes the sector came up and preached sermon.有时候教区牧师来讲道.

Can you practice what you preach:你能实现你宣讲的福音吗

Children hurt and you hear them cryin' 孩子们受了伤在哭泣. | Can you practice what you preach 你能实现你宣讲的福音吗? | And would you turn the other cheek 你会打不还手,骂不还口吗?

Can you 10)practice what you preach:你能实现你宣讲的福音吗

Children hurt and you hear them cryin' 孩子们受了伤在哭泣. | Can you 10)practice what you preach 你能实现你宣讲的福音吗? | And would you 11)turn the other cheek 你会打不还手,骂不还口吗?