英语人>词典>汉英 : 审问 的英文翻译,例句
审问 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
interrogate  ·  interrogation  ·  question  ·  questions  ·  try  ·  interrogated  ·  crossquestioning  ·  interrogates  ·  questioned  ·  tries

cross-question · cross-questioned · cross-questions
更多网络例句与审问相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The battel for presidential nomination is even more unpredictable of the stage ,former Akansa governor Mick continue to surge in Aiwaa and other early contest state south,states ,Kakabi's rise maybe come after of former New York city mayor Juli Ania ,July Anian contiune to lead among most republican's most national polls ,but traill behind the early primary states 's of Aianwa , July Anian continue to enphasize on the tough pose to terrorist ,involed to take hardline to against the prospect of the Iran to developing a nuclear weapon capabilty , he was interviewed in a press programm ,the generary thied voting Aiawa will begins a conpressed monthes of talkes and primary , ewhen more than 20states will vote for the presidential presisi in both parties the nominatee for the both parties will be confirm to the the party conventions later in a years


The cognisance of crimes was considered a natural attribute of the legislature, and the mind of the citizen never ceased to be carried back from the Quaestiones, to the Comitia which had deputed them to put into exercise some of its own inalienable functions.


Like the Quaestiones, the Courts of Queen''s Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer were all theoretical emanations from a higher authority, and each entertained a special class of cases supposed to be committed to it by the fountain of its jurisdiction; but then the Roman Quaestiones were many more than three in number, and it was infinitely less easy to discriminate the acts which fell under the cognisance of each Quaestio, than to distinguish between the provinces of the three Courts in Westminster Hall.

正和"审问处"一样,后座法院(Court of Queen''s Bench)、民事高等法院和理财法院在理论上都是从一个较高的权威分出来的机关,并且每一个机关都分别主管一类特种案件,这类案件被假定是由其管辖权的泉源委托给它的;不过当时罗马"审问处"在数量上远不止三个,如要把分属于每一个"审问处"审判权的各种行为加以区别,远不及把韦斯敏斯德三种法院的范围加以划分那样便当。

It seems, however that from an early period the Comitia had occasionally delegated its criminal jurisdiction to a Quaestio or Commission, which bore much the same relation to the Assembly as a Committee of the House of Commons bears to the House itself, except that the Roman Commissioners or Quaestores did not merely report to the Comitia, but exercised all powers which that body was itself in the habit of exercising, even to the passing sentence on the Accused.


She or he is interrogated by the District Attorney and then counter-interrogated by his or her own criminal lawyer.


At a court the judge is interrogating a forager but gets into difficulty because the forager is a foreigner who doesn't speak English.

k 法庭上法官正审问一个抢劫犯,由于该犯是一个不会说英语的外国人,审问很困难。

Of, relating to, or having the function of an inquisitor.


At a court the judge is interrogating a mugg but gets into difficulty because the mugg is a foreigner who doesn't speak English.


At a court the judge is interrogating a mugg but gets into difficultybecause the mugg is a foreigner who doesn't speak English.


But what happens once you're considered objectively successful, with a great salary and a job that energizes you?


更多网络解释与审问相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adjourn 休庭 | cross-examine 联合审问 | barf 呕吐


cross-purpose /相反的目的/不一致的目的/不一致问答戏/ | cross-question /盘问/讯问/审问/ | cross-refer /前后参照/

cross-question:盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问

cross-purposes | at cross purposes 目的相反;话不投机;有成见 | cross-question | 盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问 | cross-reactive | 可交叉反应的

23.He endured hours of grueling questioning:23.他忍受了数小时的 疲劳审问

[03:22.33]22.Cat got your tongue? ;22.怎... | [03:25.25]23.He endured hours of grueling questioning. ;23.他忍受了数小时的 疲劳审问. | [03:29.29]24.I didn't do it. I swear! 25.I have nothing to do with ...

inquisitional proceedings:审问式诉讼

审判员 judge | 审问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings | 胜诉方 winning party


inquisitorial 询问者的 | inquisitorial 严格审问的 | inquisitorial 好询问的

inquisitorial system:审问式的诉讼制度(大陆法系),,大陆法系

inquiry, mediation, conciliation and good offices;调查、调停、和解和斡旋;; | inquisitorial system;审问式的诉讼制度(大陆法系);;大陆法系 | inra-unit transactions;单位内交易;;


他把代表团(delegation)听成审问(interrogation). 什么?国际作家审问?他耳朵警惕地支起来. 不,不是审问,我连忙摆手,叫来我们的秘书长萨尔蒙. 可他只会法文,三个人越说越糊涂,闹不清到底是谁审问谁. 幸好来接我们的法国驻以色列总领事馆的代表及时出现,


prejudge /预先判断/未充分审问就判决/仓促决定/ | prejudgement /在审问前判决/ | prejudgment /在审问前判决/


prejudgement /在审问前判决/ | prejudgment /在审问前判决/ | prejudication /预断裁决/判例/预审/