英语人>词典>汉英 : 实时的 的英文翻译,例句
实时的 的英文翻译、例句


Real-time · real-time
更多网络例句与实时的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the premise of guaranteeing the completely real-time charging system, the method solves the problem that the real-time charging system in the prior art can not lead to the actually balanced account as a result of the inaccurate account information and the inaccurate telephone list, further improves the operating efficiency of the operator, and reduces the operating costs.


System volume flux was gained by loop integral the momentum equation. The simulation program was complied under the real-time simulation support system, ASCA.


In a distributed real time database system, the only way to ensure transaction atomicity is to investigate and develop a real time atomic commit protocol.


The system can obtain the real-time image of the monitored scene. By image detection of the moving object, the wireless image transmission device can give off alarm signals when moving objects enter the scene. Then alarm signals and real-time image are transmitted through wireless receival station into the monitoring room for inspection.


In the paper, a small system of real-time video stylization is presented in which real-time video stylization is implemented in PC with the help of the powerful computation capability of GPU.


This database system was developed by VB+Access software package with tabulate in sheets to manage information.


The flow calculator transfers the flow rate, pressure, temperature analogue signal to digital, then calculates the real time flow in standard condition and cumulates the flow.

流量积算仪采集4~20mA 的流速、压力和温度信号,计算出实时的标准状况流量,然后对流量进行累积计算,通过液晶显示屏显示实时流量、累积流量、温度、压力以及历史流量。

Actors are always in real time and animators are never in real time.


This real-time system includes measurement and control of analogs, digitals, temperature, DC motor and stepping motor.


Based specialized, generalized and visualized basic geographical information, it collects many information, such as detected video, traffic control signal, traffic peccancy, policemen distributing, traffic target, stopping position and capacity, to general manage and analyze. The primary visualized decision information including traffic flux, bus speed, traffic density, accident of real-time cities main road, are provided to traffic manager so that they respond rapidly, and some of them could be transformed to traffic inducing screen through network.


更多网络解释与实时的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

real-time imaging:实时成像

把体内血流速度的空间分布用彩色编码实时的显示在屏幕上,直观的给出血流的位置和速度信息,通常称为彩色多普勒技术,这是超声多普勒技术的第三个阶段. 根据成像方法的不同,分为静态成像和动态成像或实时成像(real time imaging)两种.


检索过程是在人与机器的合作、协同下完成的,它们经常用实时的(real time)、交互的(interactive)的方式从计算机存贮的大量数据中自动分拣出用户所需要的信息.

portable real-time software:可移植的实时软件

portable real-time operating system 可移植的实时操作系统 | portable real-time software 可移植的实时软件 | portable resistance welder 移动式接触焊机

spot price:实时电价

基于以上原因,理论上电厂的电价、用户的电价均是随时间、地点而变化的,这就是说理想的电价应该是实时电价(Spot Price). 有关文献介绍了三种电价形式:实时电价、承诺电价(Price Quantity)和合同电价(Long Term Contract).

real time:实时

他指出,通讯有"实时"(real time)和"非实时"两种,像打电话交谈是双方都必须同时在场的实时通讯,简讯、电邮是非实时通讯. 手机功能日新月异,能兼容上述实时和非实时通讯,有了视像电话,固网电话也能实现实时和非实时通讯.

real time:实时的

ERP作为一个实时的(Real Time)系统角度来看,对于材料成本的核算以实时进的成本进行核算,其实并不是件难事,但是,对于成本费用的核算就比较麻烦了,要么花费大量的精力来核算这些成本费用;要么在一些行业根据无法及时核算成本费用.


real 真的 | real-life 实在的 | Real-time 实时的

real-time programming:实时的程序编制

石蜡乳液贮槽 storge tank for wax emulsion | 实时的程序编制 real-time programming | 试验热压机 hot press for testing


随着诊断实验室能提供1天内的PCR结果,生产者和兽医就能收到实时的(realtime)呈PRRSv阴性的精液,并将其安全地引进猪群. 设施养猪设施应该以猪群全进全出的方式(AIAO)进行管理,从而减少从大的感染的猪传播给小的阴性猪的可能性.


虚拟现实的三项指标:实时性(realtime)、沉浸性(immersion)和交互性(interactivity). 所谓实时性是指虚拟现实系统能按用户当前的视点位置和视线方向,实时地改变呈现在用户眼前的虚拟环境画面,并在用户耳边和手上实时产生符合当前情景的听视和触觉/力觉响应.