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实例的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与实例的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, the knowledge induced from experience, sample knowledge, model quantified knowledge are integrated organically in the field of ship design. The compound knowledge model is raised. A standardized modal system of compound knowledge in intelligent 3D-layout design of ship compartments is set up, by using object-oriented classify-decomposed relation and mixed knowledge expression of frames, regulars and methods. The intelligent support system of intelligent 3D optimal layout design of ship compartments is established based on compound knowledge base and inference engine.


A Foundation Model - the Graded Component Object Model of Product Family is offered on the analysis of knowledge characteristics of PFM. Then, the component object, the Conjunctional Hiberarchy Model of Product and the relationships among component objects are defined respectively. Whereafter, the rapid generating mechanism of the instances of component objects and product is introduced. Based on the theory of GCOM, an Enhanced Model - the Skeleton Model of Product Family is offered.


In Macromedia Flash, when you work with a component, you work with the instance of the component and manipulate its properties and methods.

在Macromedia Flash中,当你使用组件的时候,你是和组件的实例打交道,包括操作flash组件实例的属性和方法。

According to the feature of case design method, first characteristic parametric curve laws about case is studied, and by classifying parametric curves the solving accuracy is improved.


No problems arise if instanceWhat happens if the argument is an instance? No problems arise if instanceis an instance of the given exception class. However, if instance is not anis an instance of the given exception class. However, if instance is not an


The case-based reasoning system mainly use object-oriented method, case expression is based on the exploitation a property of the case , use value vicinity to calculate the similarity coefficients, exert two learning way to modify the case, dividedly save the case parameter and the case model.


This is achieved by provide cases of typical and untypical cases to expert, and record the process of the expert's analysis and design through the scenario structure.


The process features and shape features of the electronic part are classified and defined, and then the feature model library is built, which enables rapid input of the part information. The rules and methods of stamping process design are summarized to build the stamping process library, so that the stamping process can be designed rapidly and intelligently. Furtherly, the process design rules and methods in process station layout of multi-station progressive die as well as the methods of decompounding and compounding process and the expression method of the process station layout are concluded and summarized, and then the rule library and case library of process station layout are built. Designing the process station layout rapidly is carried out based on rules and cases. At last the rapid design function of process station layout is validated through simulating the rapid designing layout system of multi-station progressive die on Pro/E 3D platform.


Instead, after a workflow instance has reached a point at which it is waiting for user input, Windows SharePoint Services unloads that workflow instance from memory and persists its data.

相反,工作流实例后,已到了如此地步,它是用户输入,Windows SharePoint Services的等待卸载工作流实例的内存和持续的数据。

A_type' is to be when the program instantiates a particular instance of a_class, a_var will be of that type.


更多网络解释与实例的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


5.1 走样(Aliasing)问题如图5.8(a)所示,为三辆完全一样的汽车;如图5.8(b)所示,为实例模型的数据结构. 其中,g6,g5,g7 为同一个汽车实例的三份实例对象. 其中的"[T]"标记表明g5与g7是经过对汽车实例进行移动(Translate)而得来的.


若在流程监视器中可以看到此实例,请确定此流程实例的状态为执行中 (RUNNING). 若此流程实例已经结束 (COMPLETED) 或是被终止 (TERMINATED),此流程的工作是不会出现在签核者的待办事项中的.


在SQL Server中这种机制通过实例这个概念来实现,SQL Server可以作为一个命名的(named) 或是 默认(default) 的实例来运行,默认实例的名字和运行它的Windows服务器的名字一样,显然一个系统的默认实例只可能存在一个,


所以我们可以像其他静态方法一样直接调用它(invoke it directly):然而,扩展方法的一个独特(unique)的特点是我们还可以使用实例的语法(using instance syntax)来调用它:扩展方法是基于扩展方法的活动范围内(in scope)在编译时(compile-time)决定的(resolved).


Tcl 类封装(encapsulates)的是 OTcl 解释器真正的实例,并提供与解释器访问及通信的方法. 本节描述的方法和编写 C++代码的程序员相关,该类提供了以下操作方法:3.3.1 获取Tcl类实例的指针(reference)通过Tcl实例,一共有四种不同的方法来调用一个OTcl命令.

multiple instances:多实例

IS-IS功能包括:多级别(multiple levels),多实例(multiple instances)(支持实例间的重新分配),负载均衡和认证. 对于路由表规模和对等节点的任意组合,路由协议都可提供极快的会聚时间.


实例(Instancing)属性决定自己的类对于使用ActiveX组件的应用程序来说是否可见. 若可见,则在任何时候可运行不止一个的实例.


Resumed先前挂起的工作流实例已继续运行. | Persisted已保留工作流实例. | Unloaded已从内存中卸载了工作流实例.


Suspended工作流实例已挂起. | Resumed先前挂起的工作流实例已继续运行. | Persisted已保留工作流实例.

role of platitudes in:通常见解的作用

reductive vs. non-reductive,还原性的对非还原性的 | role of platitudes in,通常见解的作用 | role of paradigms in,实例的作用