英语人>词典>汉英 : 完成交易 的英文翻译,例句
完成交易 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与完成交易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The viewpoint thinks, collect tax to fictitious belongings, be regarded as all the time before imply " gray region " fictitious belongings individual trades under the counter by normalization, be in time and again before this National People's Congress by " submit a written statement to a higher authority " give to fictitious belongings legislation approbatory asks hopeful gets coming true.


You do some research and find that the average time for users to complete a transaction is 3 minutes.


The research about the theory of market micromechanism is to discover the process in which the price for exchanging is formed and to guide the bargainer to exchange at the price both can accept as soon as possible.


Last year nearly $3 trillion in grain futures was traded on the Chicago Board of Trade, the world's largest such market.

去年,有达3 万亿美元的谷物期货在世界上最大的农产品期货市场芝加哥交易所(现在是全球最大的衍生品交易所的一部分)完成交易

When the customer is ready to negotiate and close a deal, you need to pay close attention .


It takes in average 7 to 8 calls in order to close a deal with a new customer and only two to three in the case of an existing customer.


With Dein implacably opposed to the transfer, there is increasing tension about how best to proceed, with a split between those eager to do business as quickly as possible and those who are determined to hold out for the highest price.


It has no specific transaction, only by telephone or telegraph to complete the transaction.


VW's shares have gyrated wildly since the deal was announced on August 13th, as investors tried to work out who would buy what, when and at what price.


Now (and this is where it gets complicated), if Rashard re-signs with Seattle for a contract with an 07-08 starting salary of 20% more than his last year's salary ($9.35 million salary in 06-07), he becomes a base year compensation player in a trade.


更多网络解释与完成交易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

close a deal :达成一项协议; 完成一项交易

call it a deal [俚]就这样决定; 一言为定 | close a deal 达成一项协议; 完成一项交易 | Good deal! [美俚]好极了! 好办法!

close a deal :完成交易,生意成交

throw out 抛弃,扔掉,驱除 | close a deal 完成交易,生意成交 | speed up (使......)加快速度


在股份收购协议签署了差不多一年之后,CCAC与奥瑞金于2005年11月8日完成(close)合并,第二天即从OTCBB转到纳斯达克挂牌交易,并改名为Origin Agritech,其普通股、权证和股份单位(UNIT)的交易代码分别是SEED、SEEDW和SEEDU.

closing cost:借贷交易完成费

Building Permit 建筑许可证 | Closing Cost 借贷交易完成费 | Closing Date 交吉日期

Conducting the process leading to closing methodically:有效完成併購交易之程序

(4) Negotiating a comprehensive yet not overbearing defin... | (5) Conducting the process leading to closing methodically 有效完成併購交易之程序 | (6) Handling post-acquisition integration in a less tr...

package deal:一揽子交易

议价发包主要有"设计加建造"(Design&buil d)、"交钥匙"、"一揽子交易"(Package deal)及其派生的几种形式. 选择性与公开竞争招标的主要区别是,按选择性招标,在业主咨询顾问完成合同文件设计后,业主选择几家信誉较好的施工公司报价,


"供应"(Supple)与"采购"(Purchase)是一个硬币的两面,这枚硬币就是交易(Trade). 供应商与采购商以"价格谈判"为核心的竞争关系,以价格与交货条件为利益点进行博弈;双方作为交易主体具有不同性质的利益所在,以不尽相同的行为来共同配合完成交易;

Trading Post:交易站

在纽约证券交易所,交易站(Trading Post)是特定的某种或某几种股票的交易中心,专家经纪人是这些交易站的主持人,所有的股票交易均是在专家经纪人的组织、协助或参与下完成的.

deferring stamp duty payments due on home purchases until the completion of transactions:容许楼宇买卖印花税延至完成物业交易后才征收

容许楼宇买卖印花税延至完成物业交易后才征收 deferring stamp duty payments due on home purchases until the completion of transactions | 公然违抗 defiance | 公然违抗的、挑衅的 defiant

Bid Bond:投标保证金

通常得标者须依照规定缴纳投标保证金(bid bond)或提出银行保证(bank guarantee),并填妥投标单据后才算完成投标的程序. 采用此方式虽在自由竞争下可得较适当的价格,但往往其投标者的信用不佳,而产生品质不良或不能如期完成交易等问题.