英语人>词典>汉英 : 完全煮熟的 的英文翻译,例句
完全煮熟的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与完全煮熟的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One Russian website KP makes an experience " mobile phone cook the egg", through the call of phone to cook the egg, first choose one egg in the chinaware, then put two phones on both sides of the egg, then begin to communicate, in the first 15 minutes, the egg seems no apparent change, when 25 minutes later, subtle change is coming, the eggshell become hot, 40 minutes later, the surface of egg become more harder, when the experimenter knock out the egg by hand, finding the egg white is solid, but the vitellus is liquid-solid, 65 minutes later, all the experiment is over, the experimenter find the egg is fully cooked.


The best way to ensure juicy, flavorful, perfectly cooked meat is to use an instant read thermometer.


The results showed that most of the microbes could be inactivated for the ultra high pressure treatment, the accumulation of total volatile basic nitrogen was restrained, and the change of pH value was delayed. The shelf life of white shrimp was prolonged with the enhancement of high pressure. High pressure treatment could make fresh shrimp with boiled flavor in some degree. Trements of 400 Mpa and 600 MPa aggravated blackening. However, melanotic reaction was not observed during the whole storage of shrimp treated by 700 MPa. High pressure could change the metabolizing of ATP and its metabolites, but did not impact the metabolic pathway of AMP decomposition.

结果表明:超高压处理可以有效地杀灭南美白对虾中绝大多数微生物,抑制贮藏过程中挥发性盐基氮的积累,延缓pH值的变化,从而延长南美白对虾的货架期,且处理压力越高延长效果越显著;超高压处理会给鲜虾带来不同程度上的煮熟虾的风味;400 MPa和600 MPa处理使虾在冷藏过程的黑变提前,而700 MPa处理可以完全抑制南美白对虾黑变现象的发生;超高压能够改变腺苷三磷酸及其代谢产物的代谢情况,但不影响腺苷酸的代谢途径。

Officials say more of these infections in United States have been cuased by eating undercook ground beef than by any other food.


Make sure any frozen meat is fully defrosted before you cook it, and check everything's piping hot and cooked through before you serve it.


Livestock not only wastes one third of the world's grain but we also waste a large amount of energy during the process of cooking grain and vegetables . The process of boiling rice is necessary but frying vegetables is excessive when we can just as easily make salads. If it lacks salt then put it in water and drink it together.


更多网络解释与完全煮熟的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

vanilla essence:香草香精

煮一锅牛奶加入香草棍(vanilla pod)或者香草香精(vanilla essence)直到牛奶煮开,并且香草的香味出来!开小火!然后,把打好的蛋黄和糖的混合体慢慢的加入牛奶之中(此时牛奶温度不能过高,不然鸡蛋就熟了)并不断的搅动,等鸡蛋与牛奶完全混合到一起的时候,

inchoate:未形成的, 早期的, 不完全的

well-done 做得好的, 完全煮熟的 好!做得好! | inchoate 未形成的, 早期的, 不完全的 | OIWC Oil-Insulated Water-Cooled Img 油绝缘水冷式(变压器)