英语人>词典>汉英 : 完全清醒的 的英文翻译,例句
完全清醒的 的英文翻译、例句


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We still have some 'Englishness' left, keeping our minds open to the past and retaining some faith in our future, rejecting the logic-chopping rational for the widely if hazily reasonable, refusing to be cut off from instinct and intuition.


Cesarean section using local anesthesia, so operation is completely clear in a state of completion.


Michel Desmurget, a neuropsychologist at the University of Lyon in France, and his colleagues have found a way around the problem by designing an experiment that probes the neural circuits involved in volition in the brains of fully conscious people.

法国里昂大学的神经精神学家Michel Desmurget和他的同事们找到了解决问题的办法,他们设计了一个检测意识完全清醒的人大脑里面的神经通路的实验。

Use of sedative hypnotics may result in complex behaviors including somnambulism — driving or eating while not fully awake — with amnesia for the event.


The conventionary began to pant;the asthma of the agony which is mingled with the last breaths interrupted his voice;still, there was a perfect lucidity of soul in his eyes


Wolff could feel himself coming out of the fold's dizzying effects, and was on his feet even before Sarna had furnished him with an all-clear sign.


I was so dead asleep at first, being fatigu'd with Rowing, or Paddling, as it is call'd, the first Part of the Day, and with walking the latter Part, that I did not wake thoroughly, but dozing between sleeping and waking, thought I dream'd that some Body spoke to me: But as the Voice continu'd to repeat Robin Crusoe, Robin Crusoe, at last I began to wake more perfectly, and was at first dreadfully frighted, and started up in the utmost Consternation: But no sooner were my Eyes open, but I saw my Poll sitting on the Top of the Hedge; and immediately knew that it was he that spoke to me; for just in such bemoaning Language I had used to talk to him, and teach him; and he had learn'd it so perfectly, that he would sit upon my Finger, and lay his Bill close to my Face, and cry, Poor Robin Crusoe, Where are you?


I was so dead asleep at first, being fatigu'd with Rowing, or Paddling, as it is call'd, the first Part of the Day, and with walking the latter Part, that I did not wake thoroughly, but dozing between sleeping and waking, thought I dream'd that some Body spoke to me: But as the Voice continu'd to repeat Robin Crusoe, Robin Crusoe, at last I began to wake more perfectly, and was at first dreadfully frighted, and started up in the utmost Consternation: But no sooner were my Eyes open, but I saw my Poll sitting on the Top of the Hedge; and immediately knew that it was he that spoke to me; for just in such bemoaning Language I had used to talk to him, and teach him; and he had learn'd it so perfectly, that he would sit upon my Finger, and lay his Bill close to my Face, and cry, Poor Robin Crusoe, Where are you?


When he remains fully aware of his coming and going, his looking forward and his looking away, his bending and stretching, his wearing of his robe and carrying of his bowl, his eating and drinking, masticating and savoring, his defecating and urinating, his walking, standing, sitting, lying down, going to sleep or keeping awake, his speaking or being silent, then is he said to have clear comprehension.


I fear some vintners fail to remember that you should only ever make business decisions when you are stone-cold sober.


更多网络解释与完全清醒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wide Awake:完全清醒的

warn sb. of sth.提醒某人(有危险的或有不良后果的事);预先通知 | wide awake完全清醒的 | burn the midnight oil熬夜用功;开夜车

But You're Clear-Headed Now,Right? - Yes:但你现在是清醒的 对吧? -对]

I Made A Decision I Was In No Condition To Make. [我是一时糊... | - But You're Clear-Headed Now,Right? - Yes. [-但你现在是清醒的 对吧? -对] | Then You'll Understand Perfectly When I Say [那你就能完全理...

loony tunes:完全不清醒

take matters into your own hands 亲自出马 | loony tunes 完全不清醒 | cutting edge 最好的, 最尖端的


一瓶振奋药水让荣恩从昏迷中苏醒过来,紧接着趁他还没有完全清醒过来之后,一个夺魂咒(Imperio)控制了他的意识对着荣恩下了命令由他指挥再下一盘巫师棋. 为了保险起见,奥帕尔还补充了一个"昏昏倒地"(Stupefy)给了荣恩,确保不会再出什么差错.

warn sb of sth:提醒某人(有危险的或有不良后果的事);预先通知

wake up醒,醒来;唤醒 | warn sb. of sth.提醒某人(有危险的或有不良后果的事);预先通知 | wide awake完全清醒的

He was wide awake:他完全清醒了

The doors of universities are wide open to you . 大学的门向你们敞开着. | He was wide awake . 他完全清醒了. | widely 广泛地;大大地. 例如:

It seemed like a dream but I'm wide-awake:它看起来是毫不费力的,但使我完全清醒

Just how I feel 正好我感觉到 | It seemed like a dream but I'm wide-awake 它看起来是毫不费力的,但使我完全清醒 | And like the earth inside it made me shake 可能在这个地球里它使我颤动

be upstay up:熬夜,晚睡

wide awake完全清醒的 | be upstay up熬夜,晚睡 | burn the midnight oil熬夜用功;开夜车


widdershins 逆向地 | widdershins 左向转动地 | wide-awake 完全清醒的


千里眼(clairvoyance)和传心术"媒介"(mediums)而产生. 不!更大的危险在于,没有经过充分医学培训的人们,我们完全清醒以后,我们发现所有这些都是在半自动的(halfautowtically)状态下完