英语人>词典>汉英 : 完全形态 的英文翻译,例句
完全形态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与完全形态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tussah is complete it is abnormal insect, classics egg, larval, aurelian, imago wants in lifetime the growth phase that 4 configuration and physiology function differ completely.


If the communication system is very complex but there is no adaptive feature and the whole behavior pattern emerges in the course of a single-stage rigid development, any small biological deviation from the mean is likely to alter the receptive and productive capacities for patterns, thus rendering individuals that are not perfectly replicated incommunicado, and this difficulty in communication might bar them from interacting with the group.


They inhere in the figure, as the evident gestalt of her gestation.


The author proposes that converse thinking is sources of vacuity design and it is a new expression of innovation of visual art.


After analyzing various kinds of narrative forms ,1 think the narrative forms may be divided into two kinds : orectic narrative form and poetic narrative form .Although it can not paint the 90"s metropolis novels" panorama, but these two kinds of narrative form are the most important and representative in the 90s metropolis novel.


The morphology of polyembryonic rice IR36-Shuang could be differentiated into 2 types: uncomplete twin seedlings and complete twin seedlings.


The results are as follows: The location of seedling in the polyembryonic rice IR36-Shuang could be differentiated into 2 types: the uncomplete twin seedlings and the complete twin seedlings.


In transmuting the thought forms of polarity and replacing them with more of unity based thought form you can free yourself and your ancestry a little at a time and eventually more fully live your truth.


RESULTS Degra-dation of PCL was the slowest one.Mass-loss was not obvi-ous:molecular mass of pancreatic suspension lost by19.8%and no outstanding physical change was observed.PCL2/1loses mass by0.5%in24wk,and molecular mass loses by61.7%with etches on cuttings sections.PCLA1/2loses mass by40.4in24wk,molecular mass loses by6.6%,and cracks and holes were observed as the main physical charac-ter.PLA lost mass by79.2%in24wk,molecular mass lost by15.1%and this material was totally degraded.

结果 PCL在24wk内各种性质变化最慢:质量损失不明显,分子质量在胰腺悬液中下降19.8%,形态无明显变化;PCLA2/1在24wk时质量损失0.5%,分子质量下降61.7%,材料断面出现蚀刻形态;PCLA1/2在24wk质量损失40.4%,分子质量下降6.6%,形态出现空洞、碎裂;PLA在24wk质量损失79.2%,分子质量下降15.1%,形态完全降解。

When the flowing mass reaches the drain at the foot of the bank it spreads out flatter into strands, the separate streams losing their semi-cylindrical form and gradually becoming more flat and broad,running together as they are more moist, till they form an almost flat sand, still variously and beautifully shaded, but in which you can trace the original forms of vegetation; till at length, in the water itself, they are converted into banks, like those formed off the mouths of rivers, and the forms of vegetation are lost in the ripple marks on the bottom.


更多网络解释与完全形态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我完全扩展开来,超越了有限的形态,甚至超越了任何对形状或面目的觉察,仅仅是"在"( Be),但身体还坐在那里. 在这爱和喜悦的无限存在状态中,我静坐了一些时间. 我发现自己"在". 我的形态在传统上被称为"原人"(Purusha,

gerund:动名词 (名)

gerrymander 为党利重划选区 (动) | gerund 动名词 (名) | Gestalt 完全形态; 完形 (名)


Gestalt 完全形态 | gestaltist 心理学拥护者 | Gestapo 盖世太保


gestalt /完全形态/完形/形态/ | gestapo /盖世太保/纳粹秘密警察/ | gestate /怀孕/创案/


holomorphic /正则/ | holomorphism /全对称形态/全面形/ | holomorphosis /完全再生/






2.完全变态(holometabola)虫体自卵孵出后,经幼虫、蛹发育为成虫(图5-2B). 幼虫与成虫不仅形态完全不同,没有外生的翅芽,生活方式及生活环境也多不一致,而且中间一定要经过一个不食不动的蛹期,体内进行剧烈的改造,最后才羽化为成虫.


Gestalt 格式塔,完全形态 | reductionistic 还原论者 | holistic 整体的


该分子能将胆色素原合酶(porphobilinogen synthase PBGS)限制在不活跃状态,PBGS是一种所有细胞都要用到的酶,其功能形态是由8个完全相同组分构成的"八聚体"(octamer),PBGS对所有生命形式都很重要,它使细胞能利用能量. 而PBGS另一种形态则是"六聚体"(hexamer).