英语人>词典>汉英 : 安山岩 的英文翻译,例句
安山岩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is summarized and analyzed the strength characteristic of andesite and the principium of destroying rock of roller bit,take andesite for example.


By the experimental study about the effect of a circulate loading on the deformation and the Young's model of Sanjome andesite at the distinct strain rate in a low stress state, the viscoelasticity of Sanjome andesite in a low stress state is researched by means of the effect of the circulate loading on the deformation of rocks.


The research results indicate that the volcanic rocks in the studied abea are composed of two different kinds of association: Tholeiitic series and calc-alkaline series (basalt, andenite, dacite and rhyolite ).


The lava includes sub-alkali and alkali series. The former includes picrite-basalt, basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhylite etc; the latter includes tephrite, trachybasalt, basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, trachyte and pantellerite etc.


The Mesozoic volcanic rocks are mainly located in Huoshiling Formation and Yingcheng Formation. The former consists of basaltic andesite, trachyandesite and dacite, the latter is composed of basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite and rhyolite. The cathodoluminesence images and high Th/U ratios of the zircons suggest their magmatic origin.


Le Dracula is the main group for the ash, glaucum, purplish red basalt and andesite, fine-grained tuff, crystal-tuff debris, ash-tuff, tuffaceous siltstone, tuffaceous silty mudstone uneven beds, rocks folder jasper , Ansan porphyrite and long-sandstone and siltstone.


The Mg-rich volcanic rock is also found in the Baitashan Formation of Middle Devonian series of the Saerbulake area, whixh is a typical boninite formed in the forearc setting.


Rock types include basalt,trachybasalt, alkaline basalt, andesite and andesibasalt, which belong to alkalinity-weak alkalinity rock series, and give priority to neutrality-basic volcanicrock, that indicate the tectonic setting of continental rift.


The volcanic rocks are dominated by basalts, diabases, andesite-basalts and with minor dacites and rhyolites, which are fallen into sub-alkaline series.


The Permian volcanic rocks from Jianshui area tectonically intruded into southwest part of Shizong-Mile fault belt. It is mainly comprised of basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites and a little picrites.


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也可B 区 、0 1区、02区、03区和R区- 这些区岩石的基本名称分别为玄武岩(basalt)假若Sio,>48%),玄武安山岩(basaltica ndesite)、安山岩(andesite) 、英安岩(dacite)和流纹岩(rhyolito ) ,还可用图T 区- 本区包括两个基本名称,

andesite line:安山岩线

安山岩 andesite | 安山岩线 andesite line | 安山斑岩 andesite-porphyry

pyroxene andesite:辉石安山岩

辉石安山岩 augite andesite | 辉石安山岩 pyroxene andesite | 辉石粗面岩 pyroxene trachyte

pyroxene andesite:二辉安山岩

230 THOLEIITIC ANDESITE 拉斑玄武安山岩 | 240 2 PYROXENE ANDESITE 二辉安山岩 | 735 BONINITE 玻(质)古(铜)安山岩、无人岩

hornblende andesite:角闪安山岩

角珊瑚目 Antipatharia | 角闪安山岩 hornblende andesite | 角闪安山岩 hungarite

andesitic texture:安山岩组织,安山岩理,安山结构

"安山玄武岩","andesitic basalt" | "安山岩组织,安山岩理,安山结构","andesitic texture" | "似安山岩","andesitoid"


角闪安山岩 hornblende andesite | 角闪安山岩 hungarite | 角闪斑岩 hornblende porphyry


1670 BASALTIC ICELANDITE 低铝玄武安山岩、铁玄武安山岩 | 1700 INNINMORITE 钙长安山玢岩、钙长辉斑安山岩 | 1810 KERATOPHYRE 角斑岩


钠长苏安岩 santorinite | 玻苏安山岩 sanukite | 玻辉安山岩 sanukitoid


粗面安山岩(Trachyandesite)成分与二长岩相当的、介于粗面岩和安山岩之间的喷出岩. 粗面安山岩呈白、灰、浅黄或红色,常为斑状及粗面结构,气孔块状构造. 斑晶主要由斜长石(中长石、更长石)和暗色矿物组成. 在一般情况下,斜长石斑晶有钾长石镶边,