英语人>词典>汉英 : 安可 的英文翻译,例句
安可 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
encore  ·  encored  ·  encores  ·  encoring

更多网络例句与安可相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you are overweight, you are already at risk for heart disease and other health problems, and Atkins could increase those risks.


We asked them to play an encore.


My children can't give me the feedback that i need, LOL.


NYA can promote the differention from NSC to neuron, and survival.


It indicated that NYA can enhance absorption of brain edema and hemotoma, alleviate degenerationand necrosis in brain, and quicken the repair.


Yi-ting, the first time I saw the performance at the National Concert Hall, for this kind of environment gave me the impression that serious, temperament, elegance, to be honest I am really not used to the kind of place, can not cry encore, we can not stand up As the music swing, to me is a very awkward place, but that all should read the stereotype-ting, and then after the live performance completely disappeared.


Anchr Professional Development and UEL will provide reference letters for students if needed.


Yayya,,,i hav go...so happy to meet yan there...she n her sis r onli malay fans there i think....emm....she is really a super fans...em..i also...nic is really so handsome...macho..n really beri leng cai..this is the 1st time i saw him in reall person since 13 years old i started to crazy bout him.....he hav done the best to perform to us..but i really dun understand y the fans dun shout endcore when he gone oledi...coz i think if we shout endcore many many times i think he will sing more songs to us,....i really crazy that day....n really veri happy


Patients' age of hepatogenic ulceration was 10 years older than patients with simple peptic ulcer, hepatogenic ulcer was mostly gastric and with high incidence of hemorrhage.


First, by the allocation of irrigation water directly into the ditch outlet Xiaqi, achieve no water loss, greatly improve the utilization of water; are two irrigation systems, replace the pipe with water furrow, not square, and the right to re-use, reducing the irrigation investment; Three is the use of the gate with the outlet opening to adjust a constant and accurate control of flow into the trench plot, for different soil and different groove specifications Xiaqi can greatly improve irrigation uniformity; four gates are porous pipe irrigation system for the flow tubes, and the blind to cross the flow tube as compared to the wall can reduce the work under stress, and reduce the damage to the opportunity to prolong the service life of thin-walled tube; are five gates to facilitate the installation of irrigation systems, pipes, and, upon request, to fight孔安outlet assembly to ensure the accuracy of positioning with the outlet.


更多网络解释与安可相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alms! Alms:乞婦向安東尼透露了喬安娜可憐的境遇

6. Green Finch And Linnett Bird 水手安東尼對史威尼陶德的女兒喬安娜一見鍾情 | 7. Alms! Alms! 乞婦向安東尼透露了喬安娜可憐的境遇 | 8. Johanna 安東尼一心要救出被法官軟禁的喬安娜


Angostura | (调味用的)安古斯图拉树皮 | angostura | 安古斯图腊树皮(可制成滋补药,兴奋药) | angrily | 愤怒地

Annabel:安娜貝爾 可愛的

Anna 安娜 充滿恩惠、仁慈 | Annabel 安娜貝爾 可愛的 | Annie 安妮 充滿恩惠、仁慈


蒂亚(Tia)可妮(Courtney)> 安丽丝(Annelise)和爱莉嘉 (Erika)> 露露/露茜娜(Ro/Rosella) 露丝安娜(Luciana)> 丽安娜(Liana)爱丽莎(Alexa)一直为千万女孩渴望拥有的芭比娃娃重现银幕,

Encore Intro:安可曲(前言)

24. MAKING TRACKS FINALE 鋪軌(結局) | 25. Encore Intro 安可曲(前言) BONUS TRACKS | 26. MOTHER'S NAME IS TAIWAN 母親的名叫台灣 (BONUS TRACKS)


光荣的<<安琪莉可>>(Angelique)系列是与<<遥远>>系列齐名的作品,可谓是女性向游戏的先驱,最早在FC平台上诞生的<<安琪莉可>>是女性向游戏的开山始祖. 今天光荣公司公布了女性向游戏<<安琪莉可>>的PS2平台新作<<新安琪莉可>>(Neo Angelique),

This refrigerator defrosts itself:这台冰箱可自动除霜

Tom and Ann blamed themselves for the accident.汤姆和安为了这起意外事故责... | This refrigerator defrosts itself.这台冰箱可自动除霜. | Tom and Ann blamed each other.汤姆和安互相责备. (汤姆责备安,安责备...

encores till eleven:安可"到十一点

no time to call you today 今天是没时间打电话给你了 | encores till eleven"安可"到十一点 | then chinese foods ,然后吃了些中国菜

Encores till eleven then Chinese foods:安可"到十一点,然后吃了些中国菜

No time to call you today 今天是没时间打电话给你了 | Encores till eleven then Chinese foods \\"安可\\"到十一点,然后吃了些中国菜 | Back to the hotel again 再度回到旅馆

By pursing their brows could copy her beauty:效颦安可希

持谢邻家子 And none of the girls in her neighbours' houses | 效颦安可希 By pursing their brows could copy her beauty. | 北山白云里 On a northern peak among white clouds