英语人>词典>汉英 : 安全地 的英文翻译,例句
安全地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
safely  ·  securely  ·  surely

in security · with safety · without accident
更多网络例句与安全地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both push the limits of human survival at extreme depths: one using sophisticated technology and the other just a single breath. World-class divers Dave Apperley, Pete Mesley and Tim Cashman form a team to explore the wreck of RMS Niagara, a luxury liner sunk by a German mine in 1940. For over 60 years it has remained submerged in nearly 400 feet (120 metres) of water off the northern tip of New Zealand.


As the final step of the execution of the equipment purchase contract, acceptance check is very important for proper operation of the equipment.


These citadels host four easily accessible defensive cannons set on the ramparts, capable of unleashing hot fury onto oncoming attackers. Additional explosives sit safely stowed in the base of the keep along the back wall. At least, they're safe as long as they don't fall into enemy hands.


The friends and members of family could not convince afeared invalid and let them belive that many of animal are innocuity, many tourist are fly safely and million people ride elevator safely everyday.


Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition,and delusion, and appearance, that alluvion which covers the globe,through Paris and London, through New York and Boston and Concord,through Church and State, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin,having a point d'appui, below freshet and frost and fire, a place where you might found a wall or a state, or set a lamp-post safely,or perhaps a gauge, not a Nilometer, but a Realometer, that future ages might know how deep a freshet of shams and appearances had gathered from time to time.

让我们定下心来工作,并用我们的脚跋涉在那些污泥似的意见、偏见、传统、谬见与表面中间,这蒙蔽全地球的淤土啊,让我们越过巴黎、伦敦、纽约、波士顿、康科德,教会与国家,诗歌,哲学与宗教,直到我们达到一个坚硬的底层,在那里的岩盘上,我们称之为现实,然后说,这就是了,不错的了,然后你可以在这个point d'appui 之上,在洪水、冰霜和火焰下面,开始在这地方建立一道城墙或一个国土,也许能安全地立起一个灯柱,或一个测量仪器,不是尼罗河水测量器了,而是测量现实的仪器,让未来的时代能知道,谎骗与虚有其表曾洪水似的积了又积,积得多么深哪。

She and her antislavery friends give you warm clothing for the hard Canadian climate and make sure you're taken safely to Lake Erie.


Anthony. She and her antislavery friends give youwarm clothing for the hard Canadian climate and make sure you'retaken safely to Lake Erie.


Since an armistice is now in force, I have also been instructed to offer you and your race safe passage away from this world.


All the friends and family members have no ways to persuade the scared patients, make them to believe most animals are harmless, sumless travellers fly safely everyday and millions of people take the elevator safely several times in one day.


In general, the scope ground is connected to safety earth, while the ground of circuit under test shall be floating with respect to safety earth.


更多网络解释与安全地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

that burned harmlessly in our atmosphere:安全地在大气层燃烧了一个小时

into a million of pieces of ice and rock|将其化为无数的点点冰块和岩石, | that burned harmlessly in our atmosphere|安全地在大气层燃烧了一个小时, | and lit up the sky for an hour.|映红了天边.

in safety:安全地

run short of ... 快要把...用光;缺乏... | in safety 安全地 | for the sake of ... 为了...起见

in safety ;safely:安全地

安全灯 jack lamp ;jacklamp ;safe light ;safelight | 安全地 in safety ;safely | 安全地带 refuge

We hid her in safety:我们把她安全地藏好

The little girl is what's left of her goodness.|她用仅存的善良 幻化出那个小女孩 | We hid her in safety...|我们把她安全地藏好 | ...in the world outside this hell.|放到这炼狱以外的世界里

They crossed the road in safety:他们安全地穿过了公路

safety fuse 保险丝 | They crossed the road in safety. 他们安全地穿过了公路. | → save 节约,储蓄

in security:安全地

in security for 作担保 | in security 安全地 | in series 连续地


insecure 不可靠的 | insecurely 不安全地 | insecurity 不安全


insecure /不安全的/ | insecurely /不安全地/有危险地/ | insecurity /不安全/不安全感/


effortlessly 不费力地 | precariously 不安全地 | seriously 严肃地,认真地


safekeeping 保护 | safely 安全地 | safety belt 安全带