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学术生涯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And yet what John Hope Franklin collected, over a lifetime of scholarship, were scraps of horror. Five dollars for the cost of a branding iron. A deed of sale, in Virginia in 1829, for a male slave "of a yellow colour" who "is not in the habit of running away".


I remember better, because, despite the abrupt caesura in my academic career that occurred in 1959, I have gone on teaching the humanities almost continually to students of all kinds and ages.


The Common Law Tradition is the congelation of Llewellyn's learning career.


Numerous prefaces (e.g., for Empson), which are further complemented by book reviews from those celebrated scholars both abroad and at home.


What caused him enter upon an academic career?


The Master's Programme in Economics and Institutions at the Philipps-University of Marburg provides students with a comprehensive training for a career as a professional economist in government or business and a solid basis for an academic career.


The third chapter first deals with Schlesinger\'s political career and his reflection of the role of intellectuals in society and the relation between academic and politics, which promoted Schlesinger to be realistic in academic research, and then study Schlesinger\'s main works in later stage of his career on this basis.


What those works deal with is all major issue modern American pay great attention to. His study of American diplomatic history responded to the rise of international standing of US after World War II. The Imperial President responded to the dispute of presidency after Watergate. The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society made known Schlesingers position in the dispute of Multiculturalism, which became increasingly intense in 1990s.


He had a rich and varied non-academic life as a government official and adviser, journalist, speculator, academic administrator, and member of the Cambridge Apostles and the Bloomsbury group.


The current dissertation has made a comprehensive study of Skinnerian Model with methodology of academic history by recounting Skinners academic career, sorting out Skinnerian Model system, analyzing social and academic backgrounds, and discussing its academic impact from the debates it has aroused in the academic circle and its practice.


更多网络解释与学术生涯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




职业研究和开发中心(CORD)设计了一些同时满足授学术教育和生涯与技术教育学生需求的课程. 教师能够调整该课程的内容以满足不同学校的实际需求;该课程还允许教师增加学术内容. 1991-1992学年,有82.4%的综合学校提供职业课程,


作为个人学术生涯的起站,中大的教研环境提升了我的视野,也让我交了许多良师益友,优美的校园更为我们一家提供了"全息的"(holographic)生活环境. 一九八九年许多港人选择"一走了之",我们也卷入了移民潮!一九九零年秋,昆士兰大学新闻学系聘我为教授,


斯特兰奇教授学术生涯的一个特点也许要用"忽视"( neglect)来概括. 她一直在发现这些"忽视". 除了发现了国际政治学和国际经济学的相互忽视外,她不断地指出其它大的、长期的"忽视". 例如,


1819年时,他进入了剑桥大学三一学院,成为一个减费生(Sizar),这是说他可以付较少的学费却必须担任雇员来补偿其减免的学费. 在剑桥,他开始了显赫光明的学术生涯,并且似乎很快就成为他那个年代公认的领导人物之一. 1822年,

Wabash College:瓦巴什学院

自从1970年起在加州州立大学(海沃德)瓦巴什学院(Wabash College)任教以来,其中1992到1994年在卡莱顿学院(Carleton College),以学生为中心的创新性美国史和非洲裔美国人的历史教学就一直是他学术生涯的重心.

cap and gown:学术生涯

客满 capacity audiences | 学术生涯 cap and gown | 在胡闹和恶作剧中带头 lead in pranks and capers