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存取时间 的英文翻译、例句


access time
更多网络例句与存取时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Access speed of disk is the key to database performance.


Which is only a 28 percent slowdown in memory access time.


Even within a hierarchy level such as DRAM, the specific row, column, bank, rank, channel, or interleave organization of the components make the access time variable, although not to the extent that rotating storage media or a tape is variable.


The resulting system 1 maintains or improves CPU utilization rates as CPU speeds increase, 2 provides large level 1 caches while maintaining cache access times of one CPU clock cycle, and 3 provides high CPU utilization rates for those processing applications where locality of memory references is poor (e.g., networking applications).


Compared with primary storage,the storage capacity of a DASD is larger and the cost per bit stored is lower.although the access time of a DASD may be only a few milliseconds,primary storage,primary storage speed is thousands of timer faster.different DASDs provide different levels of cost and performance.


Proposed methodology for estimating the ratio of on-chip computation time to off-chip access time can be applied on defacement platforms. On our experiment platform, average error of estimations is less than 8%.


Access Time: is the average time to read a random sector on the disk, analogous to latency response time.


Media capable of storing programs and data so that the time needed to access specific elem ts is quick and independent both of their location , and of the location of the last data element accessed.

能够 存储程序和数据的介质,存取某些指定单元所需的时间很短,并且既与它们的位置无关,也与前一个存取的数据单元的位置无关。

We refer to an accurate DVFS algorithm which calculates proper frequency of a program according to the ratio of on-chip computation time to off-chip access time.


Cache memory is static RAM with a very fast access time.


更多网络解释与存取时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

access time:存取时间

一般以平均搜寻时间(Average> 存取时间(Access Time)磁头从硬盘搜寻数据,盘片旋转等待,至数据存取所需的时间. 硬盘存取数据的时间=搜寻时间+等待时间. > 内部传输率:硬盘内部的传输,是指硬盘盘片读写的数据传送至硬盘的超高速缓冲区(CacheBuffer)的速率,

access time:存取时间,取数时间

Access Coupler 出入偶合器 | access time 存取时间,取数时间 | access width 存取位数

ACST access time:存取时间

Across frequency 交叉频率,分频频率 | ACST access time 存取时间 | Active 主动的,有源的,有效的,运行的

ACST access time:存取时间 Active 主动的,有源的,有效的,运行的

Across frequency 交叉频率,分频频率 | ACST access time 存取时间 Active 主动的,有源的,有效的,运行的 | Active crossover 主动分频,电子分频,有源分频

average access time:平均存取时间

如同典型的日立硬碟机,平均存取时间(average access time)落点值范围相当小. 但是这款DeskStar Monster硬碟机在资料传输测试的结果,比较其他厂商,例如三星(Samsung)和希捷还落后很多.

average access time:随机存取时间 平均存取时间

Availability Analysis Tool 可利用率分析工具 | Average Access Time 随机存取时间 平均存取时间 | Address Arithmetic Units 地址运算单元

mean access time:平均存取时间

mean absolute error 平均绝对误差 | mean access time 平均存取时间 | mean aerodynamic chord 气动平均叶弦

Address Access Time:位址存取时间

"位址存取控制器","address access control" | "位址存取时间","address access time" | "位址存取型式","address access type"

access time, RAM:随机存取内存存取时间

access time, memory 记忆存取时间 | access time, RAM 随机存取内存存取时间 | access time, tape 磁带存取时间

ACCT ACCessTime:存取时间,访问时间

37 ACE AutomaticCircuitExchange 自动线路交换机 | 15 ACCT ACCessTime 存取时间,访问时间 | 16 ACCT AutomaticControlCenterofTransform 自动转换控制中心